Another week without any news Reddit has been working hard trying to summon “Year of the Phoenix announcement” (technically we don’t even know whether it will be called like that, but a small leak suggests that), but it’s not working so far. Maybe next week? Still waiting!
The meta, well, hasn’t changed much. Like I’ve said last week, we’re seeing a bunch more off-meta decks simply because the season is over and people no longer need to try hard to get a high Legend finish. The meta itself is, however, pretty stable. Dragon Hunter and Galakrond Rogue are two most popular decks – together they make up for ~25-30% of the meta depending on the rank. Then we have Galakrond Warrior, which is slightly less popular, but just as powerful as those two. Interesting thing we’re seeing is that more people are now trying Highlander Mage. The deck was already a popular tournament option for a while, but outside of a few exceptions, people didn’t have much luck with it on the ladder. While its win rate is not Tier 1 yet, its popularity has skyrocketed – right now it’s the 3rd most popular deck at the higher ranks (R4-Legend) – I honestly thought that would be Galakrond Warrior, but it turns out that Warrior is 4th. Another trend I’ve noticed is a shift from Embiggen Druid to Quest Druid. While Embiggen build was way more popular, right now their play rate balances out and I suspect that it might head towards the other Druid build soon. But like I’ve said, those are just small shifts, other than that the meta remains stable and I don’t expect any surprises until next expansion (but I would love to be proven wrong – it’s really interesting when a deck pops out at last minute and swipes the entire meta).
Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!
Sad to see Thrall not on the meta. Honestly, I still consider Thrall a threat with his unending Rush minions. (Losing twice with Galakrond Shaman this weekend, too many rushes). Not to mention Shudderwock still there if all else fails.
and Gul’dan starting to follow his footsteps. Can’t keep up with Mech Paladin, Aggro Dragon Hunter, and even a tad slow Treant Druid. Not enough Board Clear, and or Hero Power giving opponents easier lethal.
They always go overboard with the nerf bat.
I’d like to see more buffs in all honesty. Buff classic cards that have fallen victim to power-creep, instead of printing very similar new cards. Buff clearly under-performing cards from last expansion when the next expansion comes up. Etc.