We’re now over a month into the Ashes of Outland expansion. After the initial crazy ride, things have slowed down significantly. We haven’t heard any news since the nerf patch from ~3 weeks ago. Let’s hope that we’ll get
The meta has more or less settled. Tempo Demon Hunter is still, by far, the most popular deck on the ladder – with 15-30% popularity (depending on the rank), it’s definitely THE deck to beat. At the same time, Tempo Warrior established itself as one of the best decks in the meta, maybe even the #1 deck because of its solid Demon Hunter matchup. What’s interesting, however, is that the deck hasn’t really reached lower ranks yet. It’s the 2nd most popular deck list in Legend (with ~15% popularity between different versions), but with only 1-2% popularity throughout Bronze, Silver and Gold. It might be because it’s not the easiest deck to play, or maybe players still haven’t realized that it’s working well against Demon Hunter, and still try to counter Illidan with builds like Resurrect Priest (which isn’t very successful).
One other trend I’ve been observing over the last week or so is that aggressive Hunter builds are becoming more popular too. Face & Dragon builds are much more common than they were last week (especially in Paladin and Diamond), and Highlander is also not uncommon. But those are mostly minor shifts – 1-2% popularity here and there. The overall power levels remain roughly similar.
Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!
Did anyone know anything about the Outland Adventure? It’s been a month since the release of the expansion
I’ve been getting the same question a lot lately, but I’m afraid that we haven’t heard anything about it yet. Galakrond’s Awakening came out ~1.5 months after Descent of Dragons, so line, we should get it some time next week. If not, I’m pretty sure that it should come out early next month, they definitely won’t want to delay it too much.
Either way, I expect to see some news about it soon. They probably won’t just release it out of nowhere