Tombs of Terror – the new PvE content for Saviors of Uldum – will come out September 17! (Or at least its first two chapters.) League of E.V.I.L. unleashed plagues to destroy the world, and only you can stop them! It will follow a similar model to Rise of Shadows’ Dalaran Heist, with a few twists.
In general, the expansion is still the same, old Dungeon Run model, which gets upgraded each time. This time they’ve taken the basic outline of Dalaran Heist and changed / added a few things. For example, Tavern encounters will still be there (you will be able to modify your deck throughout the run), but this time we’ll have four “unique” class combinations instead of just one of the nine regular classes (which is closer to Witchwood’s Monster Hunt), and we’ll also get to pick one Signature Treasure at the start of each run (on top of picking your Starting deck and Hero Power).
Announcement Video
Cinematic Trailer
Chapters & Release Dates
We’ll have four Chapters and a Finale – first Chapter (and possibly a Finale too given the pricing – read more below) will be available to everyone, but players will have to pay for the three middle Chapters. While new chapters are also released weekly, this time it will be in the span of three weeks:
- September 17 – Chapter 1 & 2
- September 24 – Chapter 3
- October 1 – Chapter 4 & Finale
Each of the chapters will follow the usual routine of random bosses, but they will now end with a unique encounter – one of the four Plague Lords. We don’t know how the Finale will look like yet, it’s a secret!
Playable Characters & Classes
Players will assume control of League of Explorers, and this time around each of them will have a dual class:
- Reno Jackson – Mage, Rogue
- Elise Starseeker – Druid, Priest
- Brann Bronzebeard – Hunter, Warrior
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton – Paladin, Shaman
You will be able to build decks with cards from both classes. Each of the Explorers will also have unique Hero Powers you can choose from (like the ones we could unlock in Dalaran Heist).
Signature Treasures
On top of choosing your starting deck and Hero Power, players will also pick a “Signature Treasure”. Each Hero will have a different collection of treasures you can pick from. It will be a card that starts in your deck (just like the powerful treasures you pick after beating bosses). Players will start with one and will be able to unlock more as they play (but they can still only pick one at the time). For example, Reno Jackson starts with his hat, but eventually gets access to the Gatling Wand:
Plague Lords
Plague Lords are powerful bosses that start with an enormous amount of health and change “phases” (get a new Hero Power etc.) as you damage them. Luckily, the damage you deal to them sticks through the runs – you don’t need to kill them in one go, if you lose and get back to them – they will stay at the health you left them with!
There will be four Plague Lords in total, one at the end of each chapter. We don’t know whether the last boss of “Finale” will also be a Plague Lord or not.
Pricing & Pre-Order
Players will earn three Saviors of Uldum packs for finishing each chapter (including Finale), and a Golden Classic Pack for finishing all of them, for 16 packs in total. First Chapter will be free for everyone. Additionally, there will be a new way to save some money if you want only the adventure.
- Pre-purchase it for $19.99. Pre-purchase includes an extra random Saviors of Uldum Legendary and a new Card Back.
- Buy it for $14.99 after the release. You will no longer get SoU Legendary or Card Back, but you will pay less. It might be a good option if you don’t care about cosmetics and don’t need a random Uldum Legendary (or don’t value it at $5).
- Buy individual chapters for $6.99 or 700 Gold after release. If you want to play let’s say only one extra chapter, you can get it for $6.99, but it’s not really worth if even if you plan to buy two ($14 for 2 vs $15 for 3). As for the Gold price, it’s a standard 700 per chapter, so nothing surprising here. Price for individual chapters strongly suggests that Finale will also be free, so only Chapters 2, 3 and 4 will be paid, but it wasn’t officially announced yet (in fact, we don’t know anything about Finale yet).
Here’s the card back you get for pre-ordering Tombs of Terror:
Two more card backs should be available after the adventure is fully released – one for completing it on a regular difficulty and another one for doing it in Heroic. Here’s how they look like:

to start of the previous adventure was not that great. The cloak was useless as it was expected. The good news are my control warrior is still a thing :D. At least its not as long as the previous one with 6 chapters. And the 5×700 g was much more than what this expansion will bring. I am still expecting some great rewards for completing the 3 expansions although i doubt that will be the case.
An upgrade to the cloak could come in handy. After all no one plays those decks anymore and they are all outdated now since the archetypes got cards that made them better in this set. And we still don;t know what the golden fish will yeld us. But in the end if the rewards stay as low as they are now maybe the casual should skip the adventures for shure. Whitch is like 80% of the player base. But that is just my math i am shure blizzard keeps a better track of their games. But if the ranking system is proving a usefull tool and the legend players are the top 1% and the rank 5 up are the top 10% than i may be even generous to say a big portion of the player base are casuals. Again not actual number but i hope you al lget the point.
Adventures were not as fun as they used to. I am comparing the last one to expansions like brd or naxx. Where the adventures gave us valuable cards even though the legendary cards were not as powerfull as the already existing ones. With exeptions like loatheb and thorason respectively from voth expansions. But in no situation was maexna worthy of being a legendary. And while brann was usefull he is deffinately worthless now with lesser value than spirit of the shark.
So adventures did not bring the top meta cards in your collection, but they had impact on the meta and gave birth to many new archetypes. And the select few brought plagues to the ladder but that is a diferent topic Barns.
The new card power levels certainly made expansions much easyer. And boses in previous adventures played with unique decks as addition to their unique hero powers. They weren’t just tweaked existing hero classes with the same cards you have and few standart extra OP cards. And they were challanging since you had to play around their trump cards. Rather than just beat them with your own treasures.
So to top it off not only am i not having as much fun but i don’t even get rewards. I am not even shure if whizband and zeke deserve to be legendary anymore. If you have been playing the game for a whole year they are useless to you anyway. Lets wish ouwself the ability to dust BOTH of them for the next years balance changes.
Despite the fact that the adventures are bad i am still getting them all just becauseof curiousity. Not as exited for the next year though.
While it is good to get another free pack from a “quest”, I somehow questions which part is so called “legendary” from a quest which only give 1 pack.
Why not just give the SoU free pack along with the Classic Pack from winning Tavern Brawl.
1 free pack for a “legendary” quest doesn’t sound so legendary.
comparing it to legendary quest from Fire Festival, where they give you 400 gold and 6 packs from 1 legendary quest.
It’s just an opinion tho.
Shame on you Blizzard.
Blizzard: Each player will get a Legendary Quest this week.
Me: what’s the rewards?
Blizzard: 1 free pack.
Me: why call it “Legendary”?
Blizzard: But then we will give u another Legendary Quest next week for 2 free pack.
Me: yeah, but why call it “Legendary”?
“Legendary Quest” is just a name for the those unique, one-time / event Quests
All of them are called Legendary Quests, no matter what they give.
For a very long time, those Quests didn’t have a proper name, so I guess that they just wanted to call them something… and Legendary sounds good I guess?
The concept of the Plague lords puts up a little red flag for me… an inevitable loss is not something that hearthstone players have enjoyed in the past (Rumble Run is the perpetrator of this). Other than that the adventure looks pretty promising.
I think that even that the loss seems inevitable, there will be (rng) runs that will kill it on first try. And if not then there can be a race who gets most of it’s hp down on first run. And probably we will see some videos of those in future..
To be honest, I hope that they will be killable on the first run if you have good enough deck and play well enough. It would be bad if it would always take you at least 2-3 runs to get them. But if they are killable on the first, BUT if you don’t manage to do it (like if you’re not playing that well or picking the bad buckets) you still can repeat it and try again. I know that a lot of people had trouble getting past the final bosses in previous iterations of Dungeon Run, so this is a nice middle-ground IMO. It makes things harder for people who are good, but it also makes things winnable (even if after 3-4 tries) for people who aren’t. Even if you just get 50 damage per run, you will STILL be able to beat all the content if you try long enough, which is kind of nice for something that you have to pay for (especially since you get pack rewards only after you finish each chapter).
If you pre-purchase, will you get the random legendary immediately?
I did!
Should have kept the prices the same. Doubt any ordinary Joe will go for the prepurchase 21$.
So, 3 chapters for 2100 gold and a free Finale?
I guess the Final won’t be a chapter, because 4 heroes means 4 wings, and I assume it would act like Witchwood where 4 heroes gank together and defeat 1 final boss (or something. I don’t know).
No rewards info for completing chapters?
I forgot to mention the 1st chapter is free. So total 4 chapter + finale = 2100 gold (yes gold, I’m not loaded with cash)
again my bad.
Players will earn three Saviors of Uldum packs for finishing each chapter (including Finale), and a Golden Classic Pack for finishing all of them, for 16 packs in total.
So, finishing the finale nets you 3 SoU packs, and Golden Classic packs. Sweet
I think you mean 17 packs, 16 + 1 Golden pack.
Dont get me wrong it looks like fun and I want to buy the adventure, but 12 packs for 2100 Gold or wait for the second release and buy 21 packs. Since I cant afford the money on this game I have no option but to wait. Maybe in the future they might make it more worth our while like a legendary per adventure. Hard to keep up with this game if you dont have the money to spend.
Not sure where you got 17 from. It’s 15 + 1, for 16 in total.
3 packs from each chapter + 1 golden. 3 * 5 + 1 = 16.
You are right, a miscalculation.
2100 gold is fortunately affordable see. Since I create a calculations table myself.
Just like you, I don’t have money to spend on games.
so for an average of 60-70 gold per day (Including 10 gold for playing to complete the quest), you can roughly save up 2000 gold in a month (more or less).
I myself racked up about 3000 gold every month, on average 100/day from getting those 10 golds.
So. just hold yourself for a month not doing Arena or Shopping.
and on another side note, if we’re talking new Exp later on December,
2100 gold every month multiply by 3 is roughly equal to 60 pack.
enough to start your deck with 1 or 2 variants.
Grrr… $5 for a random legendary; that’s a tough choice. Especially with this set. Per the guide Stonekeep just wrote, there are ~10 out of the 23 that are really nice. On the other hand, there are many (Octosari, Supreme Archaeology, Raid the Sky Temple, Colossus, Anka, Reno, etc) that are borderline unplayable. And all of them except Siamat, Amet, and arguably Zephrys really need to you tailor your deck around them to shine. Really tough call.
and a cardback
Anka is kind of playable in a miracle package
Wait, Reno is “borderline unplayable?”
I wrote that based on the premise that Highlander Mage–and mage in general for that matter–is no longer competitive on ladder post nerf. Looking at the stats just now, its actually not as bad as I presumed (53% overall winrate with favorable matchups against quest and weak against aggro and tempo), so feel free to take that with a grain of salt.
I can definitively say though that I personally would feel very bad if that was the legendary that I paid $5 for because I would need to also craft a lot of other epics and legendaries to make a viable mage highlander deck, which simply is not worth it for a deck that is barely above the 50-50 water mark.
Worse part is when they nerf a card the whole deck is ruined not only that card. Like lunar was nerfed that kind of ruined the whole mage deck. Sure I can disenchant my Lunar dust but what about the other cards I created.
Maybe if it was golden it would be worth. This way you can always disenchant it.
I know Reno Mage is still super viable in Wild. Don’t know if you play Wild though
Octosari is great, I don’t end up playing him in every match I play with my Highlander deck, but when I do I am sure glad I have him.
I think we can see both two card backs for winning on Normal and Heroic difficulty according to this link:
Thanks for the link, you’re right! I’ll add them to this post shortly
Can’t you buy the adventure with gold this time? If not, that’ll be very disappointing from Blizzard. :/
You can! It will cost the usual 700g per chapter.
No useless Legendary that can’t be disenchanted for completing this adventure? Booo! Hisss!
Ehm, the useless legendary of the previously dalaran heist can’t be disenchanted :/
According to the Heartstone website, the adventure will be $14.99 upon release.
I’ll lose out on the legendary and card back for $5.
Thanks for pointing it out, I must have missed it!