There’s a new bundle available, and this time it targets Wild players – or players who want to get into the format, but don’t have big enough collection.
For $34.99 you can now get 56 Packs, which means that you will pay only $0.625 per pack – making it roughly half of the usual price. The bundle is available until July 1. You can get it here!
The bundle contains the following:
- 8x Goblins vs Gnomes Pack
- 8x The Grand Tournament Pack
- 8x Whispers of the Old Gods Pack
- 8x Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Pack
- 8x Journey to Un’Goro Pack
- 8x Knights of the Frozen Throne Pack
- 8x Kobolds & Catacombs Pack
The bundle works best for players who haven’t opened packs from those expansions yet. There’s always a guaranteed Legendary in the first 10 packs when you open packs from set you haven’t before. It means that there’s a very high chance that you will get at least one Legendary per expansion. Of course – 8 packs per expansion will not give you everything you need from Wild format, but it will be a great start. You should be able to open some staple Commons and Rares, and maybe even snatch a few cool Epics / Legends. If you want to get into Wild and have some money to spare, it’s an amazing offer.
If you’re a Standard player, the bundle could still give you lots of spare Dust, but whether it’s worth spending $35 to get some Dust is up to you.
Now correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the “guaranteed legendary within first 10 packs” only apply to sets starting from The Frozen Throne forward? That’s what kept me from buying older sets during year of the Mammoth, I just crafted whatever I needed.
That applies to all sets you’ve never opened a pack for. So for example if you opened one GvG pack back in current content you don’t qualify for the 10 pack guarantee, but on the flip side skipping Grand Tourny completely and getting 10 now will still qualify you for the Lego.
No, it also applied retroactively to all previous sets! It was tested by many players, I also bought up to 10 packs from each expansion that was in Standard at the time and got Legends
I don’t see this in the mobile shop.
In-game you mean? That’s because you can’t buy Wild packs in game. It’s available here:
Strange that they don’t want to advertise this in game unlike the standard bundles.
IIRC, they didn’t want to put Wild packs in the shop, because people might buy them by mistake thinking that they can be played in Standard. I guess that they did the same with Wild bundle.
I enjoyed Wild a few months ago but it’s really become a dumpster since the release of Snip-Snap. Still, this is worth it for the dust alone let alone so I’ll get it nonetheless.
How exactly has it become a “dumpster” since Snip Snap?
I started playing Between Frozen Throne and K&C and I would really like to get into Wild. I paid for 2 of the adventures and I have a functional Tempo Mage and a functional Odd Rogue, but even though I have most cards from Year of the Mammoth and Year of the Raven, there’s still so many legendaries and cards I don’t have in Wild, so I can’t really get into the format fully. I think it is a disservice that we now have to hard-craft stuff like the Charge Murloc or Ragnaros when the first one was given for free after getting all Murlocs in the Classic set and the second one could be opened from packs. I think Wild packs should cost 75% of the full-price at least, if not 50%, and it’s ridiculous that they cost as much as Standard packs. Still waiting for them to lower the price on the packs to get into the format. And no, this Bundle I won’t buy, because although I want packs for GvG, TGT, WotG and Gadgetzan, I don’t want packs for Year of the Mammoth, I already have most of those cards.
I never really understood why they canceled that ‘Murloc Promo’ – even if Old Murk-Eye is only playable in Wild.
i find wild more fun to play than standard,in standard even the low ranks like 20 its all tier 1 meta decks bomb warrior etc,in wild up to rank 10 people mainly play fun decks so its easier to climb the ladder,i am currently rank 9 in wild, you run in to big priest and tier 1 decks at rank 10 and above usually.i will definitely be buying this its great value and it will boost my wild collection,plus i’m a bit sad i love opening lots of packs
Nice! But … Blizzard doesn’t want my money …
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I guess I’ll try again later, then (already used different payment method).
Very puzzling decision. Judging from HSReplay data, Ranked Wild is the least popular competitive Hearthstone format, being played at less than half the rate as Arena, and less than 1/10th the rate of Ranked Standard. It’s pretty clearly an afterthought; there are no balance patches for Wild, little to no competitive scene and it serves as the dumping ground for badly designed cards like Genn and Baku.
I highly doubt this bundle will sell well. If they’d offered a cosmetic item like a Toki hero skin, at least you’d get some completionists going for it.
And this why no one plays it, when people complain about how bad it is. Some people actually enjoy the format for being a lot more diverse than standard. When stuff like this comes around it’s really nice, because we can actually have a chance at getting the cards we want in packs instead of having to try to collect the dust.
I haven’t spent a single cent on Hearthstone and was lucky enough to get/craft enough cards for functional Wild decks, so I can’t say I share a similar sense of excitement for Blizzard’s Wild support.
Is it a nice gesture from Blizzard? Possibly, if you’re open to spending money on virtual cards. But then you run into the same issue in Standard: few cards in any expansion being inherently useful. And you don’t get a choice of what sets you want to focus on either, so… have fun unwrapping all the Inspire synergy and C’Thun support you never wanted. And for critical cards that came from adventures such as Barnes, you’d still have to spend dust on those.
It’s arguable that buying packs would provide you with a new source of dust anyway, and it’s a good thing Blizzard has made these packs cheaper than usual, but it still feels like a huge gamble with questionable payoff even in the context of a virtual CCG.
As for whether Wild is a lot more diverse than Standard, your mileage may vary. If I see another Priest on the Wild ladder, odds are it’s going to be a mirror match to see who can topdeck Barnes first.
How is this puzzling? Wild pack sales are most likely down so they release a discounted bundle (and a SERIOUS discount at that) so they can earn some extra money.
If you hate Wild then don’t buy/play Wild. Wow. Easy.