Today’s Hearthstone 8th Birthday – The Game Was Released On March 11, 2014

Today is Hearthstone’s birthday. The game has launched on March 11, 2014. Technically it was “out” a couple of months earlier when it entered open beta, but March 11 is when it has officially released on PC.

8 years later, the game looks completely different. If you want to have a taste of how it was back in the day, you can always try the Classic format. Those were definitely simpler times, with less tempo, card draw being much more premium and not that many crazy combos around. On the other hand, many of the cards back then would be considered completely overpowered right now – such as Innervate restoring 2 mana (Lightning Bloom cries in the corner), 2 mana Blade Flurry also hitting face, or 4 mana Leeroy Jenkins.

Happy birthday, Hearthstone! How long have you been playing the game?


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Sonriks6
    March 14, 2022 at 7:32 AM

    I expect a HUGE comeback in 2022, Standard needs a revamp, maybe Microsoft acquisition can help (or not) but the game needs to attract new players and increase the player base (not only in BG). Mercenaries, Duels, Classic all that stuff is cool but ruins the main game experience: Standard. Devs shoudl focus more on the traditional HS game.
    In other hand economy of the game… HS is omega-expensive and can ruin the completionist collectors. An “all-access” subscription could be a good idea, pay to access any deck, any card a month, let’s say for 10$/month, that’s much less that pay for packs, tavern pass, cosmetics, etc… the downside: you don’t own a collection of digital cards (who cares about it)…

  2. MJT3ll3r
    March 12, 2022 at 6:44 AM

    I started playing around the undertaker nerf. My friends picked up magic again and i felt the same nostalgia but didnt wanna pour half a year worth of wages into a game. Played casually ftp till i hit rank six once and started preordering with kobolds and catacombs.
    Hit legend first in march 2018 and most months since then. Since second rewards track i don’t prorder expansions anymore and just get tavernpasses as the 20 euro’s get me enough exp to get all the cards i need to play anything i want and the gold for the minisets.
    It has been seven years of game fun without breaking my wallet. It’s the only (pc or mobile) game I play anyway.

  3. Junehearth
    March 12, 2022 at 1:02 AM

    I started playing right before un’goro released. Throughout the years, I always felt the same: if only I would not have to play against few annoying cards, it would be so much more fun. Hope to get some ban mechanisms in near future. Eight years, great milestone!

  4. H0lysatan
    March 11, 2022 at 7:08 PM

    To think they would be so generous with Birthday event and rewards us with Gold, Packs or Dusts.
    But no, this is Hearthstone we’re talking about. An over-expensive card game with stingy company behind their back.

  5. Poeish
    March 11, 2022 at 1:18 PM

    I haven’t been there for the full 8 years, but this has to be the longest I’ve stuck with a game. And despite being the sweat swamp that it is, I don’t foresee stopping anytime soon.