The Witchwood is the first new set of the Year of the Raven. Our expansion guide will feature card spoiler list, gameboard art, card backs, general artwork, and more! I’ll be updating this guide immediately following the release of any new information.
Be sure to bookmark this page to keep up-to-date! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Join our Discord for immediate updates!
Quick Information
- Release Date: April 12th, 2018 (Official)
- New Cards: 135 cards
- New Keyword – Echo: Echo cards can be casted multiple times during the same turn (think Unstable Evolution).
- New Keyword – Rush: Rush minions have Charge, but can only attack minions on the turn they’re summoned (think Charged Devilsaur).
- New Keyword – Start of Game: If you add a Start of Game card to your deck and meet its requirements, their effects will work right from the first turn! (think Prince Malchezaar, but this time with a requirement)
- New Deck Building Restriction – Even/Odd Cards: Some of the new cards have powerful effects, but require you to put only even (0, 2, 4 etc.) or odd (1, 3, 5 etc.) cost cards into your deck.
- Monster Hunt: New version of Dungeon Run with 4 unique heroes.
- Pre-order contains 70 card packs instead of 50 card packs for the same price ($49.99)!
- Logging in after the expansion goes live will give you 3 card packs and a random class Legendary.
The Witchwood is the eighth full set expansion in Hearthstone. It will mark the debut of the Year of the Raven, and if history is any indicator it will bring significant change to the game due to the removal of three sets from standard: Whispers of the Old Gods, One Night in Karazhan, and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.
This expansion also marks the first time we will ever not have an adventure set as part of standard. We will have the most cards available to us at any one time by the end of the year.
The Witchwood Visual Card Guide & Spoilers List
There will be 135 new cards in The Witchwood expansion. Below you will find cards sorted by class and a visual look at what is still left to reveal.
Card Database
Stonekeep’s Card Reviews
- Part 1 – Initial Reveal: Phantom Militia, Pumpkin Peasant, Militia Commander, Genn Greymane, Azalina Soulthief, & Baku the Mooneater
- Part 2 – Black Cat, Gloom Stag, Murkspark Eel, & Glitter Moth
- Part 3 – Warpath, Face Collector
- Part 4 – Houndmaster Shaw, Glinda Crowskin, Hagatha the Witch, Lord Godfrey and More!
- Part 5 – Scaleworm, Vex Crow, Coffin Crasher, Darius Crowley, Emeriss, and More!
- Part 6 – Blackhowl Gunspire, Lady in White, Cursed Castaway, and More!
- Part 7 – Chameleos, Witching Hour, Deadly Arsenal, Duskfaller Avian, Wing Blast, and More!
- Part 8 – Rat Trap, Dire Frenzy, Dollmaster Dorian, Voodoo Doll, Splintergraft and More!
- Part 9 – Mistwraith, Pick Pocket, Silver Sword, Bellringer Sentry and The Glass Knight!
- Part 10 – Worgen Abomination, Town Crier, Totem Cruncher, Countess Ashmore, Book of Specters, and More!
- Part 11 – Tess Greymane, Blink Fox, Archmage Arugal, Paragon of Light, and More!
- Part 12 (Final) – Shudderwock, Prince Liam, Earthen Might, Divine Hymn, and More!
Articles & Guides
- Monster Hunt Guide – Heroes & Bosses List, Equipment List
- Echo and Rush Keyword Guide
- Genn Greymane – Can Even-Cost Decks Be Viable?
- Baku the Mooneater – The New Justicar Trueheart!
- Infliction Warlock – A New Archetype on the Rise?
Most Recently Revealed Cards from The Witchwood
Hagatha’s Hero Power
New Witchwood Card Animations Video
Monster Hunt Single-Player Mode
Instead of a Dungeon Run it’s time to go on a Monster Hunt! You also won’t be bringing your standard class heroes, this time you will get your choice of 4 unique heroes: Cannoneer, Houndmaster, Time-Tinker, and Tracker. These heroes have unique hero powers that can be upgraded via cards you gain by defeating monsters!
Check out our Monster Hunt Guide which will feature a list of Heroes, Bosses, & Equipment List!
Monster Hunt Heroes
Card Backs

So when’s the expansion coming out??
tommorow (april 12)
You have Night Prowler twice on the list.
Fixed, thanks.
This set is pretty awful. #Dustwood
Yeah sure just kill rogue…