The League of Explorers Cards and Information – Hearthstone’s New Adventure!

Blizzard has announced their third adventure at BlizzCon: The League of Explorers! The adventure includes 4 playable wings, 45 cards, and a new keyword: Discover. The price for the full adventure is $19.99 USD. You can also purchase each wing separately for 700 Gold or $6.99 USD.

You can find Card Backs, Game Boards, Bosses, and a preview of one of the exciting new encounters below the card list.

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Release Date

The first wing opens November 12th, 2015!

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Quick Information

  • The full adventure (four wings and 45 cards) costs $19.99 USD.
  • If you own the first wing you can purchase the remaining three for $14.99 USD.
  • If you own the second wing you can purchase the remaining two for $9.99 USD.
  • Each wing costs 700 gold or $6.99 USD.
  • 45 cards in total!
  • New Keyword: Discover – this can be different depending on the card. Sir Finley Mrrgglton allows you to choose a new Basic Hero Power (three choices, randomly assigned), and Jeweled Scarab allows you to choose from three random 3 cost cards (not from your deck). The options can only be from your current class or neutral. So if it’s a spell card, it can only be from your class.

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Card List

Here are all 45 cards from The League of Explorers Adventure! Go here for a sortable gallery: The League of Explorers Sortable Gallery.


Hearthstone The League of Explorers Information

Join the League of Explorers and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Explore Azeroth’s most mysterious archaeological sites and discover ancient treasures! Travel alongside famous treasure hunter Brann Bronzebeard and his merry band of intrepid action-archeologists on a race to uncover the pieces of the Staff of Origination, a priceless, ancient artifact. But beware, for you are not the only one who’s hunting the artifact. Others have picked up the scent as well, so you’ll have to play your cards right to stay one step ahead of the competition and keep the Staff of Origination from falling into the wrong hands!

Dust off the old explorer’s hat, pack your cards, and let the adventure begin!

  • New Cards: The League of Explorers contains 4 wings packed with fiendish bosses, puzzling traps, and ancient mysteries for you to discover. When you overcome a boss or an encounter for the first time, you will earn brand-new cards for your collection!
  • Legendary: When you defeat all the challenges in a wing for the first time, you will be rewarded with that wing’s legendary card – for example, Elise Starseeker!
  • Class Challenges: The League of Explorers also includes nine all-new class challenges that task you with using a special pre-built deck to prove your skill. Succeed, and the new class cards are yours.
  • New Game Boards: Immerse yourself in the adventure with all-new playing fields!
  • Meet the League: Make friends with renowned explorer and fearless dwarven historian Brann Bronzebeard and the other members of the League of Explorers: dashing treasure hunter extraordinaire Reno Jackson, brilliant night elf scholar Elise Starseeker, and gentleman (gentle-fish?) murloc adventurer Sir Finley Mrrgglton!
  • New Keyword: The League of Explorers introduces a new keyword that lets you do some digging of your own: Discover! You’ll treasure the opportunity to dig up cards and select the one you need the most!
  • Heroic Mode: If you’re ready for a challenge, you can try taking on the Heroic Mode version of any mission that you’ve cleared. This extra-tough game mode is designed for players eager to test their puzzle-solving skills against incredibly powerful opponents. Bring your best deck and your sharp wits.


Hearthstone The League of Explorers Card Backs

Season 20 – Heroic League of Explorers

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Game Boards

Uldaman Game Board
Hall of Explorers Game Board

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Bosses








Hearthstone The League of Explorers Full Wing Preview

Hearthstone The League of Explorers Trailer

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  1. Montblanc
    November 10, 2015 at 10:10 PM

    It’s sad to see that Blizzard refuses to acknowledge that casual players can have fun with non-RNG cards. Oh well, some day they’ll understand what fun is. The real kicker, though, is that Blizzard will be so underwater by then due to designers like brode. RIP Bliyyerd.

  2. Jt
    November 7, 2015 at 3:58 PM

    Why isn’t there any pre-order or pre pay option for a card back or something?

  3. Thomas
    November 7, 2015 at 9:13 AM

    Don’t know who blizzard is trying to fool. None of these cards are playable!

  4. Phil
    November 7, 2015 at 8:11 AM

    blizz trying to bring back murloc decks

  5. TD
    November 7, 2015 at 12:12 AM

    This post is missing the Elise legendary card

  6. des1
    November 6, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    yeah blizzard thank you for more rng cards…. another expansion is not what the game needs..

    • Giancarlo Doardi
      November 7, 2015 at 7:16 AM


      this is why hearthstone will never be a serious card game like MagicTG.

    • thomas
      November 7, 2015 at 7:29 AM

      It’s not an expansion pack, it’s a new adventure. And it’s better than an expansion.