The Hearthstone Fire Festival is back and rebranded as the Fire Fest-EVIL thanks to the League of Evil’s efforts. The three week event starts on July 10 at 10:00 AM PT with new tavern brawls, community card reveals, and legendary quests. You can catch the entire announcement after the highlights we’ve included below!
New Tavern Brawls
There are three new Tavern Brawls on the way which will utilize some of our favorite PVE content during the first few weeks.
- Blackrock Crash Week 1 (July 10 – 17): Play as different members of the League of E.V.I.L. and battle against Blackrock bosses in this party-sized solo adventure! Beat all 8 bosses to earn the Ragnaros card back, and earn Saviors of Uldum card packs the first time you defeat 4 of them. There are also timed rewards!
- Blackrock Crash Week 2 (July 17 – 24): Fight the Blackrock bosses with a new Arch-Villainous playable Hero! Earn Saviors of Uldum card packs for defeating 4 bosses, and defeat all 8 to earn a Golden Rafaam’s Scheme card.
- The Burndown (July 24-31): A brand-new player vs. player Tavern Brawl where only the best decks remain at the top. Players queue up and receive a random deck, if a player loses they will use the deck that defeated them in the next match. Earn 1 Saviors of Uldum card pack the first time you win a brawl.
Community Card Reveals
As the community defeats bosses during the first two weeks, it can unlock additional card reveals!
- 6,250,000 Bosses Defeated: Card Reveal 1
- 12,500,000 Bosses Defeated: Card Reveal 2
- 18,750,000 Bosses Defeated: Card Reveal 3
- 25,000,000 Bosses Defeated: Legendary Card Reveal
There are also seven new Legendary Quests during the first week of the event!
Event Trailer
Anyone attempting to navigate a rocket-propelled capital city full of megalomaniacal super-villains across a continent rife with mountains, monsters, and magic can expect to encounter a few minor hiccups. Crashing the entire floating city into Blackrock Mountain during Ragnaros’ Fire Festival wasn’t planned, but when life hands them lava, the League of E.V.I.L. gets creative.
Move over Ragnaros, it’s time for the… FIRE FEST-E.V.I.L.!
Join the Festivities
The fiery festivities will last a total of three weeks, starting at 10:00 AM PT on July 10 and ending at 9:00 AM PT on July 31. During this time, you’ll be able to participate in the following evil activities:
New Tavern Brawls
Blackrock Crash Week 1: July 10 – 17:
- It’s a party-sized solo adventure! Play as different members of the League of E.V.I.L. and battle against Blackrock bosses to get Dalaran back on track to Uldum. The league is prepared to reward you handsomely for your efforts, of course: you can earn Saviors of Uldum card packs to be opened once our new expansion is live!
- Rewards:
- Earn 1 Saviors of Uldum Card Pack the first time you defeat 4 bosses
- Beat all 8 bosses to earn the Ragnaros Card Back
- All completed runs will be timed with rewards based on how quickly you make it to the top of the mountain. How fast can you best the bosses of Blackrock Mountain?
- Beat all 8 bosses in under 1 hour to earn a Golden Bronze Herald card
- Beat all 8 bosses in under 40 minutes to earn a Golden Recurring Villain card
Blackrock Crash Week 2: July 17 – 24:
- The Blackrock Crash is still going, but now it’s time to call in the heavy-hitters. This week you’ll fight the Blackrock bosses with a new Arch-Villainous playable Hero!
- Rewards:
- Earn 1 Saviors of Uldum Card Pack the first time you defeat 4 bosses
- Beat all 8 bosses using Arch-Villain Rafaam to earn a Golden Rafaam’s Scheme card
The Burndown: July 24-31:
- A brand-new player vs. player Tavern Brawl where only the best decks remain at the top of the mountain. Queue up to receive a random deck. Then, if you lose, you’ll use the deck that defeated you in your next match. Which decks will survive The Burndown?
- Rewards:
- Earn 1 Saviors of Uldum card pack the first time you win a match
Community Challenge
For the first two weeks of the Fire Fest-E.V.I.L. the power to reveal upcoming Saviors of Uldum cards is in your capable hands. Work together to progress towards defeating 25 MILLION bosses in the Blackrock Tavern Brawls and unearth new cards along the way.
- 25%: Card Reveal 1
- 50%: Card Reveal 2
- 75%: Card Reveal 3
- 100%: Legendary Card Reveal
Fireside Gatherings Tavern Brawls
Big Bad Rag Raid: July 10 – 31:
- Fireside players unite! Team up at a Fireside Gathering near you, play as your favorite member of the League of E.V.I.L., and battle against Ragnaros himself! It’s going to take the entire league to bring Ragnaros from 15,000 health down to zero, so bring your friends!
- Every time Ragnaros is defeated at a Fireside Gathering, it’ll count as 500 defeats towards the community challenge!
- Find a Fireside Gathering near you by visiting
Legendary Quests
A new Legendary Fire Fest-E.V.I.L. quest* will be unlocked each day for the first 7 days of the event in addition to your normal daily quests. These new quests will reward you with either a card pack from one of the current standard sets, or a hefty sum of Gold!
These quests will only be granted up to the conclusion of the event on July 31.
* Legendary quests will replace an existing normal quest if your quest log is full, so we recommend that you have a spot open when this event goes live.
The League of E.V.I.L. needs you to get their plan back in motion, so get to it, lackey… Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it!
[…] Brawl is a part of Fire Fest-EVIL […]
Do you guys still get legendary quests ? Or it was just for the first 7 days ? “quest* will be unlocked each day for the first 7 days of the event in addition to your normal daily quests.”
But it also says “These quests will only be granted up to the conclusion of the event on July 31.” I don`t understand. Can someone clarify this for me ?
[…] News: The Hearthstone Fire Fest-EVIL Returns July 10 – Community Card Reveals […]
Finished the brawl in 21 minutes with hagatha, rafams, curse and the boom bots. Beat Rag on turn 6 with this deck
I went 20:37 with Lazul C’thun with Robe of Gaudiness. Easy as pie but you need some luck to get the good treasures.
Is there a boss counter to know the community progress?
The bosses in the solo adventure are insanely easy. I defeated the 8 bosses in less than 30 minutes with bomb warrior.
Do I have to defeat the 8 bosses in 1 hour / 40 minutes total or is this timer started / reseted at the beginning of each new run?
No idea honestly, I didn’t read anything official on that matter. We’ll probably know more once the Brawl starts (so very soon).Edit: We actually had official answer! It’s based on real-world time and starts after the first mulligan. Source:
Personally, I do like the idea that there are rewards for playing through the brawls quickly, but the rewards aren’t so need-to-have that you feel discouraged if you fail to meet the requirements. Well, unless Dragon/Handbuff Paladin becomes meta in the new set…
Sounds very cool. Here’s my thoughts:
Blackrock Crash Week 1: Sounds like Dungeon Run. Dungeon Run was actually fairly challenging, whereas the more recent Dalaran Heist was much easier. I expect this will be more like the latter, so it shouldn’t be too hard to finish in 40 mins for a veteran player. “Play as different members of the League of E.V.I.L.” sounds like you can play as King Togwaggle, Madame Lazul, Hagatha and Dr. Boom.
Blackrock Crash Week 2: Sounds underwhelming. Same as week 1, but instead of having 4 characters and decks to choose from (if I’m right), you play through the same content as Rafaam.
Community Challenge: Meh. Sounds like they’re testing the waters for whether future Community Challenges can drive engagement. Cards will be revealed soon enough regardless.
Fireside Gatherings: Fireside Gatherings are a good place for potential new players to get into the game, so Blizzard really wants to promote them. Teaming up against a boss means you’ll do better if you have a large gathering that lasts a long time, which translates into a lot of total play time.
Legendary Quests: Better clear your quest log! If you pay attention, we can get 3 Saviors of Uldum packs, and up to 7 older packs. This seems designed to feel good because we get to open lots of packs, while still only giving us a few Saviors of Uldum card packs so we’ll be hungry to buy many more with both gold and real money.
Closing thoughts: The cadence of content updates has been positively blistering compared to the past. New expansion early April; figuring out the post-rotation metagame takes a while. Single player content comes out throughout May. Then we get a nerf patch for Rogue and Elysiana. Then there’s the Rise of the Mechs event early June IIRC, with card buffs and Snip-Snap. Then there’s a Hall of Fame rotation plus new cards being added to the basic and classic sets to replace hall of famed cards. And now there’s a 3-week long event which lasts until we’re 1 week away from the next expansion release. Reminds me of League of Legends, which strives to keep the game fresh by delivering balance and content updates once every 2 weeks.
Looks like I was right. Togwaggle, Lazul, Hagatha and Boom are playable, and finishing in under 40 mins isn’t hard; finished in 26 mins and change as Dr. Boom, though having 3 copies of the Hand of Rafaam treasure probably helped.
Also, i love the idea that whoever is driving Dalaran (Dr, Doom?) is so bad at it, that in its way to Uldum (south of Kalimdor) from… The Broken Isles? or Northrend? not sure… he managed to crash the city against a Volcano in the central part of the Eastern Kingdoms, literally on the other side of the world.
I’d like to see you try to drive a city better.
Very well rounded event, the brawls sound fun, a lot of rewards, and a cummulative reason to run the brawl more than once (Other than just for fun). Looking foward to it.
Nice! Perfect while we receive SoUldum