This week’s Tavern Brawl is “Top 3!”!
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Official Description for Top 3
Let’s mix it up a bit, shall we? Pick three cards and we’ll make you a deck with ten copies of each card.
Top 3 Chalkboard
General Information
- Earn a Year of the Phoenix card pack for your first win in this Brawl.
- This is the fourth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on August 26, 2020.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a build your own deck Brawl.
- You pick 3 cards – your entire deck is filled with copies of them.
- It lets you pick a certain strategy and perform it very consistently. With only three cards, you can guarantee some synergies, or that you will have some specific combo piece all the time. You can also build a very efficient Aggro deck.
Top 3 Deck List Ideas
Keep in mind that the Brawl has just launched, so those are deck lists from last time. We haven’t checked things like ban list yet and new cards have been released, so other decks might be better. We’ll add them soon.
A bit late to the party… Here’s one from me that does not always work but is extremely satisfying to win with:
Shield Block
Mogu Cultist
For Pogo Rogue, I like either Zola or Brann better than Novice (assuming you have them). And for Combo Priest, I was running Power World: Shield instead of Divine Spirit–it is less HP, but you get a draw plus you can play it a turn earlier. …But yeah, this Brawl is pretty garbage.
Holy Wrath Paladin better combo is prismatic lens instead of time out.
Snip snap is clearly over powered in this
It’s damn difficult not to win at round three with it.
Weirdo Shaman 4-2
Murloc Tidecaller
Underbelly Angler
Is it ‘normal’ that I can’t edit my deck? All I can do is click ‘beenden’ – idk what it’s called in english; ‘stop’ maybe!? It’s right under the hero portrait where the deck list is shown.
I’m afraid I’ll lose rewards if I click and ‘delete’ my deck from the other brawl (was at 7:0 by the time it was disabled).
I think it’s “retire” in English – and honestly I don’t know… this week’s Brawl has been a dumpster fire.
I would probably just retire it to be honest, you SHOULD get the rewards… but this is Hearthstone we’re talking about so anything might happen
I tried, it’s not working.
If I click I get asked if I’m sure to end the run and if I click on OK, nothing happens.
Jeez. Blizzard should work more meticulously.
Exactly the same here. I cant retire from my 5-0 run so i cant start a new brawl.
Maybe its because the new brawl of “top03” is already in and at the same time i have a “four card deck”
I am not amused Blizz!
I can’t even enter the brawl..
Hearthstone crawling with bugs this month
3rd time login and voila. now I can enter brawl. smh
Update: It’s the second time we see this Brawl. Comments below this one are old, but can often still be relevant!
I guess its a bit late but druid of the saber, innervate, mark of Y’shaarj os great, don’t necessarilly need to charge all the time, super fast to cycle and urst damage!
While half the field is mech or mill or wyrm mage, the rest are people with interesting ideas trying them out.
I think my favorite, and while I’m super late for the brawl as it’s over in afew hours, was a warrior deck.
Shield Block
Protect the King
Could beat anything but mill. (Sadly)
You beat mech and mana wyrm every time.
These are original decks I made when the tavern brawl first came out, seems like a lot of people like them since they’re taking credit.
Mage: Arcane Intellect + Forgotten Torch + Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Warlock: Sacrificial Pact + Voidwalker + Renounce Darkness
Druid: Innervate + Raven Idol + Yogg-Saron
To be fair, these decks are pretty commonly made. I don’t think you’re the one to be credited for these combinations since they’re easy to think of, especially the druid one.
I’m 25-5 so far with my Mage. The cards are Sorcerers apprentice, forgotten torch, and arcane intellect. Once you get 3 apprentices on the board its game over for your opponent.
Rogue: Sinister strike, Eviscerate, Shiv
Warrior disciple of cthune, cthune and doomsayer.
I’m 5-0. It plays like freeze mage. The game plan is doomsayer on 2, disciple turns 3-6, doomsayer 7-9, cthune every turn thereafter until they die.
Druid: cthun, disciple, innervate
Not a competitive one but a fun one: druid innervate, raven idol, yogg saron
I used mind blast, light of the naaru, and priest of the feast for the highest win rate in priest. It even got a good win rate against mech decks and mill.
An interesting thing I saw played was a 1/1 wind fury, cold blood, and conceal. If they got lucky, they would take me out turn three.
I added your Priest list, thanks!
My pleasure!
Inner Fire
Shield Bearer
and Divine Spirit is good 2
For a good all-around Priest: Mind Vision, Divine Spirit and Faerie Dragon
RNG Paladin:
Nerub’ar Weblord, Holy Wrath, Molten Giant
Nobody runs removal.
Dragonhawk, Cold Blood, Conceal is a turn 3 or 4 win unless you get something weird with taunts.
Works incredibly well vs mill druid
Strong shaman deck:
Murloc Tinyfin/Murloc Tidehunter/Anyfin can Happen
OMFG guys, I’ve just had the most epic game of hearthstone in my life. I’ve used Yogg druid (Innervate, Wild Growth, Yogg-saron) and was playing vs Taunt shammy (Tinkertown tech, Sludge belcher, N’zoth) the match went into my fatigue but the rng decided to mass dispell his taunts and buff all my minions while also drawing cards thus almost killing me, jesus I wish recorded that :C
If it works out, alarm o bot, blood of the ancient one, and any 10/10 card. It’s a blast
or a high taunt instead of like faceless behemoth or something
Druid – Innervate, Barnes, Prince Malchezaar is hilariously fun
Innervate mechwaper gorillabot A-3 is 100 % win
Shaman: Evolve / Healing Wave / Neuribian Prophet
Can outlast mill and stall decks, whilst also attacking hard with huge evolved minions.
It’s funny how no one submitted this: Ice block + Medivh’s Valet + Avian Watcher
You should really add this deck to the list:
1 – Cold Blood
1 – Journey Below
2 – Nerub’ar Weblord
I am now 12-0 since I put this together. Everyone is running some type of accelerated/control Battlecry deck. One Weblord sets them back, and once you drop the second and third Weblord, they are just completely shut down. I have shut out most of my games where they just concede because they can no longer play their kill condition. The Journey Below card will net you all sorts of Deathrattle bombs, and Cold Blood makes the deck very aggressive, so even if the Weblord’s only put a minor setback on their deck, it is enough to quickly burst them down with combo’ed Cold Bloods.
Added to the list, thanks!
half of the decks are mill druid and another 30% mech agro. Easy game with:
– bolster
– protect the king
, prince malchezar Destroyer of milldruid
It’s really bad against mill druid if they keep on naturalizing you.
I don’t know why this was titled “beat the meta” in the post. it’s not overly good against Ice block/ wyrm Mage, Mill druid, or mech hunter i.e. The meta. it has a better match up than most against mech hunter but it runs into all the same problems every other deck has against mage and mill druid.
Druid – innervate, deathlord, sylvannas
its really fun. 3 of 3 win
warrior-rage-alexstraza chosen-fearie drago
Arcane missiles, Mirror Image, Flamewalker/Mana Wyrm
Training Dummy, upgrade, Bolster Warrior
Shaman : Grimscale Oracle, Murloc Tinyfin , Everyfin is Awesome.
It did … awesome !! I won against Mill Druid , Ice mage, Spam Spell Mage, Overload/Windfury shaman, Mech hunter,…
even better everyfin, grimscale, murloc tidecaller
I had a priest quest and thought your list seemed pretty weak so I came up with a fun one for fast wins.
Shieldbearer – Divine Spirit – Inner fire
Mulligan for 1 shieldbearer and many divine spirits. Throw down sheildbearer and keep doubling it’s hp. (Don’t be afraid to use spare inner fires to make it into temporary 8/8 or 16/16. You don’t always need a 32/32)
Tunnel Trogg, Dust Devil, Lightning Bolt = Unmatched
Matched with murloc shaman
SO FUN HAHA: 25 Face Damage With One Card!!!
PALADIN: Holy Wrath / Molten Giant / Holy Light
Hahah thank u<3
Makes me sad that Malchezaar only triggers to fill your deck to 60 cards
I play warrior with prince, ichor, and revenge and concede till i play only fatigue druids just to make them mad.
I’m playing as Shaman with: Lightning Bolt, Tunnel Trogg and Flametongue Totem (it is better with Totem Golem, but I don’t have it). Winning almost every time, just lossing to mill druid
Innervate, Barnes, Ragnaros
Try , Innervate , Barnes, Deathwing Dragenlord. Much more fun :)))
I use as Hunter: Hunter’s Mark + On the hunt + Timber Wolf.
I got a good rate of success with a pretty simple Druid deck: Innervate + Mark of Y’Shaarj + Power of the Wild
Didn’t face the millers though.
I did barnes, innervate and rag. Ran into a mill and completely destroyed him
Power of the Wild is versatile, but expensive when you need beasts early. Innervate + Mark of Y’Shaarj works well with Enchanted Raven – plain 2/2 for 1 mana.
for anduin best combination, aint lost a game yet : inner fire, divine spirit and lightwell
Mage: Ice Block, Arcane Intellect and Fireball.
Thank you for my effortless free pack.
you will lose hard to mill druid,
ice+ice+ice is alot stronger.
mulligan; maximum ice bock against everything but druid, against druid take as many icelances as u can to abuse the mill effects.
Very good counter for Mill Druid and lets you to do your daily with druid aswell :
—- (1) Innervate
—- (2) Druid of the saber (stack as many stealthed ones as you can and then buff them with Mark or if your opponent destroy your cats – use charge option with buff or without)
—– (3) Mark of Y’shaarj (i hope i dont need to explain here how do it gonna work with your Druids – just buff them – get another Druid/mark/innervate and repeat)
Good luck! – example fight against Mill Druid.
Paladin : Doomsayer + Tirion Fordring + Cairne Bloodhoof
Mage : Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Arcane intellect + Forgotten torch
Innervate, Raven Idol, Fendral
Similar to the warlock discard but I replace fist of jaraxous with silverware golem. I have had good success. Little less random
I found that Mechwarper + Iron Sensei + Gorillabot A-3 was a better combo for me
Mana tide totem, primal fusion, flametongue totem
Can also replace flame tongue with Totem golem.
atm, i’m using druid: innervate + barnes + ragnaros. Really funny and… i’m just winning! xD
Murdoch tiny fin plus Murdoch tide caller plus every fin is awesome. 2 different win conditions. Shuts down innervate Murlock naturalize Druid. Went 18/21 with it. Can’t do anything against innervate big minion especially Yasharaaj though unless you get a lucky taunt totem.
Warlock: Malchezaar’s Imp + Silverware Golem + Soulfire
If you avoid playing too many imps against Mill Druid, you will beat everything.