This week’s Tavern Brawl is “Top 3!”!
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Official Description for Top 3
Let’s mix it up a bit, shall we? Pick three cards and we’ll make you a deck with ten copies of each card.
Top 3 Chalkboard
General Information
- Earn a Year of the Phoenix card pack for your first win in this Brawl.
- This is the fourth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on August 26, 2020.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a build your own deck Brawl.
- You pick 3 cards – your entire deck is filled with copies of them.
- It lets you pick a certain strategy and perform it very consistently. With only three cards, you can guarantee some synergies, or that you will have some specific combo piece all the time. You can also build a very efficient Aggro deck.
Top 3 Deck List Ideas
Keep in mind that the Brawl has just launched, so those are deck lists from last time. We haven’t checked things like ban list yet and new cards have been released, so other decks might be better. We’ll add them soon.
Research Project
Frost Nova
Varden Dawngrasp
Fun if you’re a bad person
You either win through making your opponent concede, chipping them down with Varden, or killing them through fatigue at the end of the game.
Research Project, Frost Bolt, Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
60-70% chance to win the game on T3. Failing that, another maybe 10-15% chance to win on T4/T5.
Or you lose. Hard.
Here’s an interesting control deck I came up with:
Revolve – to give you a chance vs Patches druid and Pogo rogue
Lightning Storm – to actually clear boards
Sludge Slurper – gives you a way to (eventually) win games and generate resources
Aldor Attendant, Libram of Wisdom, Hand of A’dal. Go face. Win. Even did ok vs devolving missiles (but still lost that particular game)
Incanter’s Flow
Refreshing Spring Water
Free wins. Every. Time.
Until u get a board full of buffed patches at mana 1 :))
The Flik Skyshiv, counterfeit coin, secret passage deck will likely show up again if buff patches is too frequent
That or the plague of flames patches Shadow council warlock deck
Lost to Frost Bolt, Research Project, Sorcerer’s Apprentice. That deck also wins against Y’Sharrj, Lightning Bloom, Ancestor’s Call and vs. Paladin decks.
every deck I’ve seen is that
Lightning Bloom
Scrapyard Colossus
Winner EVERY time? Of course not. One of the most fun games? Of course. It’s muckmorpher after all.
I tried with Big Bad Archmage but not as good.
1. Timberwolf
2. Wolpertinger
3. Kill command
Got one Shaman deck too its really fun to play:
1- Lightning Bloom (0)
2- Trick Totem (2)
3- Totemic Reflection (3)
Secret Passage,
Counterfeit Coin,
So long Embiggen Patches, etc.
one of the winners of current brawl
btw if u want counter snip-snap mech warlock plays good vs this and mill druid
Jade Idol
Jade Blossom
Branching Paths/ Fungal Fortunes
Game 1: Innervate + Coldlight Oracle Druid
Game 2: Lightning Bloom + Snowfury Giant Shaman
Game 3: Incanter’s Flow + Research Project Mage
It almost seems like mana ramp / reducing cards to 0 mana makes the game super unfun.
It`s exact the opposite
Turn 1 26/26 Van Cleef and 24/24 Van Cleef
Have the screenshot to prove it.
Really? Well I have a turn 1 30/30 and a 28/28 edwins. Have a screenshot to prove it as well.
Really? Well I have a turn 1 32/32 and a 30/30 edwins. And I didn’t care enough to take a screenshot to prove it as well.
Rogue:Coin+Passage+Flik =GoodNight Patches
Ohh this one is so good against all the one minion based decks in this brawl!
Bye bye Rogue Edwin and Pogos, Druid Embiggen Patches, Warrior Patches, Shaman Y’Shaarj and Snowfury Giant and so many more.
But Flik’s low stats do make you lose to the few spell decks. Still so much fun to just shatter the dreams of all the other decks :p
Infinite Fireheart : Instructor Fireheart, Dwarven Archaeologist, Lightning Bloom. it’s a very funny deck if you can pop of with it.
I don’t have Shirvallah, but Holy Wrath + Time Out + Molten Giant is pretty great.
If you can survive the opponent hitting you down to 10 life before you need to start using time out, then you get to cast all the giants for zero and win like that
I’ve been running
EVIL Totem
Thing from Below
And it works really well against aggro decks
Pirate warrior includes only neutral cards. Why would it be warrior exclusive? The hero power also seems the weaker we could pick in such a deck. I assume warlock or hunter should, although it might be irrelevant
I love these brawls with 2-4 cards, where I can play Hallucination & Tess (+ whatever else to fill the deck, Hench-Clan Burglar in this case), and just adapt to anything that isn’t stupidly broken.
Now I can play the New Brawl.
Chest is open. Didn’t get any rewards – neither for my first win in this Brawl, nor for my 7:0 in the 4 Card Brawl.
Very disappointed.
Didnt even get a chest.
Got nothing from brawl before and now i dont get any pack by winning a game. Cant even retire for a pack.
Meeeh at least you can farm gold…
I didn’t express myself very well.
The Chest within the Brawl is shown opened (as if I’d opened IT). But I didn’t open IT and didn’t get any rewards.
Two decks
Molten giant paladin
High priest thekal
Molten giant
Time out
Tech freeze mill weird mage
Sorcerers apprentice
Research project
Frost nova
The last one really demolishes snip snap and thekal
One more, even though it’s week is darkness
The darkness
Augmented elek
I think this brawl is here for one reason only. Farm gold.
Its fast, & its not complicated.
Go ahead, farm as much as you want before the expansion