This week’s Tavern Brawl is “Six-Shooter”! Discuss this Tavern Brawl on our Discord!
Official Description for Six-Shooter
Make a six-card deck and duel! don’t worry – when you’re out of cards you get a free reload!
Six-Shooter Chalkboard
General Information
- You get one Classic card pack for winning your first game in this week’s Brawl.
- It’s the second time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on September 26, 2018.
- Brawl’s format is Wild with some card banned.
- It’s a Constructed Brawl.
- Following cards are banned in this Brawl: Whizbang the Wonderful, Zayle, Shadow Cloak, Beneath the Grounds, Fal'dorei Strider, Iron Juggernaut.
- This Brawl is simple – you build a deck with 6 different cards in total. Once you run out of cards, you get the same 6 cards again (and again), but only during your turn. This way you can make some combos incredibly consistent, you can also play Highlander cards and get them back again and again for constant power spikes.
Six Shooter Deck Lists
SN1P-SN4P Warlock
Grave Horror Priest
Pogo Hopper Rogue
And here are some successful decks from the previous time we had this Brawl. They might be outdated, but most of them should still be effective!
biology project
claw(or barkskin)
gadgetzan auctioneer
*you will mill them after a while if your hand gets full of auctioneers just plaay them without spells for a while*
Had better luck with:
Jade Idol
Druid of the Swarm
Mark of Y’Shaarj
Ironbeak Owl
Jade Blossom
50 wins 0 loses
This brawl shall renamed as “Giants, Mill, and Ice Blocks”.
Колода для «Потасовки»
# Класс: Черк
# Формат: Вольный
# 1x (1) Кобольд-библиотекарь
# 1x (2) Осквернение
# 1x (3) Мехмастер Замыкалец
# 1x (4) Казакус
# 1x (4) Мистик Кезана
# 1x (6) Рено Джексон
Health when you need it, destroy when you need it, cards when you need them. My win rate is insane
Mistress of mixtures
plated Beetle
blightnozzle crawler
rotton applebaum
carnivorus cube
Roll the bones
Kingsbane rogue
-deadly poison
-leeching poison
-blade flurry
Myra’s Unstable element
= 100% win rate
Wouldn’t say it’s 100%, I’ve defeated it.
Been killing it by turn 2:
– Counterfeit Coin
– Preparation
– Myra’s Unstable Element
– Eviscerate
– Sinister Strike
– Arcane Giant
By end of turn 2 I have 3-4 Arcane Giants up and opponent concedes. Won 18 in a row until I came across another rogue with same strategy.
That combo breaks the game
This combo breaks the game. Lol
I’ve defeated that with every hero. Loatheb helps.
Recursive Denial (Shaman)
2 – Devolve – Wrecks buff and combo piles
4 – Saronite Chain Gang – Duplicated blockers, multiplies Shudderwock
4 – Omega Defender – Blocker and end-game megapump
5 – Loatheb – Wrecks spell churners, by turn 5, 50% chance of two in hand by turn 6 if needed
6 – Reno Jackson – Full heal, 66% chance of two in hand by turn 7 if needed
9 – Shudderwock – Repeat all the above, 17% chance of 3 in hand by turn 10 if needed
If you manage to cast both Loathebs by turn 8, you lock out any combos, secrets, and card draws requiring spells from turn 9 through 12 (because Shudderwock makes all their spells cost +10). This consistently wrecks everything but the turn 3 win rogue combos that I encounter, ESPECIALLY the discard zoo, frost mage, and combo priest decks at the top of the above list. After 40 games, I am tracking an 80% win rate.
I run a jade, taunt, poison, +2/+2 buff, card draw, extra mana & Loatheb that counters that deck pretty well.
Giant Rogue is broken in this brawl
Here’s the deck list:
counterfeit coin
glacial shard
myra’s Unstable element
Arcane giant
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Candleshot
# 1x (1) Hunter’s Mark
# 1x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 1x (4) Dispatch Kodo
# 1x (4) Flanking Strike
I am 26 wins 6 loss it hits them with 5 direct damage with battlecry. And a 5/7 Kodo. Can’t beat that.
Discard solarium is the only deck that beats it.
1x arcane artificer
1x arcane missiles
1x mana wyrm
1x frostbolt
1x primordial glyph
1x explosive runes
Atm I just hit 22 run win streak so I figured with my bad luck an I got that. Thought I’d share. You want mana term an frostbolt in starting hand if possible
0 Counterfeit Coin
0 Preparation
1 Cold Blood
2 Jade Shuriken
2 Jade Swarmer
5 Myra’s Unstable Element
Haven’t lost a game yet.
Fire Plume Harbinger
Murmuring Elemental
Elementary Reaction
Hot Spring Guardian
Grumble, worldshaker
Kalimos, primal lord
Hot Spring Guardian keeps you alive against aggro, reduce manacost of your boys, otk by turn 6-7. Currently at 15 wins
Simply play Buff Priest OTK turn 2
and draws more. Greethings and Win almost every game
2 mana Divine hymn as addition Play 1/3 + Radient draw all deck+ buff. Devine hymn is better than 0 mana heal on board cause heals your face
Shadow word: death
Reno Jackson
Been on a 100% winstreak with this deck so far, played around 10 games so far.
It’s some highlander control shadow priest:
– Blackwald Pixie (Garrison Commander would work too)
– Shadowform
– Kazakus (usually get 1 or 5 mana AoE)
– Holy Nova (or Excavated Evil)
– Raza the Chained
– Reno Jackson
Pogo Hoppers op
pogo hopper
lab recruiter
fan of knives
I am currently playing a Happy Birthday warlock deck.
Kobold Librarian
Nerubian Egg
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
Warlock deck seems broken:
1 x kobold librarian (1)
1 x Flame imp (1)
1 x voodoo doctor (1)
1 x prince keleseth (2)
1 x happy ghoul (3)
1 x Fungal Enchanter (3)
Just be careful using Prince, if the dech has 6 cards in it, he will not boost anything
For some real fun:
Biology Project
Rampant Growth
Astral Communion
Yogg Sauron
Ultimate Infestation
Coin turn = auto UI or Yogg turn 2. Let the RNG begin.
You could interchange the Rampant Growth for something else. But the 0 Mana Cards at to Yogg triggers and help you dig faster to new Yogg’s or UI’s.
tunnel trogg
volcanic burst
flametongue totem
mealstrom portal
feral spirit
A variant of zoo lock
1 x kobold librarian (1)
1 x soul infusion (1)
1 x soularium (1)
1 x voodoo doctor (1)
1 x prince keleseth (2)
1 x happy ghoul (3)
pretty simple deck open to different variations. Draw with soularium, buff minions with keleseth and spam the board with free ghouls after healing with doctor
I had fun with
Big Mini Priest
immortal fast draw mage (Just have the secret that makes you immun after leathal two draw cards and a few face spells of your choice)
This deck is hilarious. It tends to break the game. It will freeze, but we can emote to each other, weird. Stargazer doesn’t do that much, but its good bait for opponents actually trying to win. It’s so fun to dump like… 45 random spells into your deck then start drawing, all in the same turn.
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Mage
# Format: Wild
# 1x (2) Research Project
# 1x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 1x (3) Augmented Elekk
# 1x (3) Stargazer Luna
# 1x (5) Deck of Wonders
# 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
your deck sucks. i wanna break the game but i dont last 1 turn vs any aggro at all bc you cant play a minion until turn 3 (or 2 with coin) and by then the aggro opponent has like 2-5 minions (around 2 for hunter and around 5 for warlock depending on their cards of course).
Jade druid, easy 10/0 even against mages and buff priests. List:
Aya blackpaw
Jade behemoth
Jade blossom
Jade idol
Biology project
Turn 1 play idol to start jade chain. Turn 2 biology project into jade blossom. Turn 3 play behemoth against more aggresive decks and aya against slower decks. Turn 4 malfurion and go from there
This is THE most annoying brawl I have ever played, holy shit. Some decks literally just break the game in the worst possible way. I see why they have a 2 card limit in normal game modes….
Mech Warrior is really nice into aggro decks (especially tempo mage), 100% winrate from 10 games
Rocket boots was mostly a cycle card, can easily win without it or using novice engineer instead
Omega Assembly
Rocket Boots (draw/tempo)
Shield Block
Dyn-o-matic (key card)
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
100% win rate after a dozen games:
Tunnel trough
Jade claws
Ancestral knowledge
Lava shock
Elemental destruction
Snowfury giants
Trogg, claws and knowledge for early game Nd sustain. You generally always win on turn 7-8. You may get behind on life in the early turns, especially vs the tempo mages. But then elemental destruction, lava shock and free giants turn the game in your favor fast.
I went 5-0 to clear my ‘play 30 shaman cards’ quest and my ‘win 5 tavern brawls’ quest in under 30 minutes. It was actually extremely fun destroying people!
# 1x (1) Unite the Murlocs
# 1x (2) Primalfin Totem
# 1x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 1x (4) Call in the Finishers
# 1x (4) Old Murk-Eye
# 1x (7) Everyfin is Awesome
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Buff Priest:
Northshire Cleric
Divine Spirit
Inner Fire
Power Word: Shield
Radiant Elemental
Mass Dispel
Ice-Lock Mage:
Kabal Lackey
Arcane Intellect
Frost Nova
Ice Block
Try this. It’s fun!
Counterfeit Coin
Target Dummy
Edwin VanCleef
Myra’s Unstable Element
Hard to loose a game.
Try this. It’s fun!
*Counterfeit Coin
* Preparation
*Edwin VanCleef
*Myras Unstable Element
*Target Dummy
I was doing pretty well with something very old skool…
Tunnel Trogg
Ancestral Knowledge
Devolve (deals with buff Priests and Mage’s Mirror Image)
Jade Claws
Totem Golem
Feral Spirit
So correct me if I’m wrong, but without hard removal, Ice Block seems to have broken this tavern brawl.
Yes and no. Ice block can break the brawl if the game isn’t finished quickly. Also for some reason fatigue damage can still happen.
Malchezar’s Imp
Darkshire Librarian
Tiny Knight of Evil
Very high win rate 90+
Yeah, i already have 21 matches without any losing. (maybe one time was close but only when i have mirror match up. but all of those was wins)
hands down the best deck yet that can snowball matches with the correct starting hand (imp + tiny knight + soularium)
I am terrible at hearthstone, but this seems to work well. You can hold them off until storm bringer..
Witches Apprentice
Microtech Controller
Stonehill Defender
Call in the finishers
The Storm Bringer
seems mage deck is the winner now..
Reno Jackson
Blade of C’thun
Leeching Poison
Coldlight Oracle
eviscerate sap pogohopper myras ue shadowstep prep
Another lame one and done Tavern Brawl. The Hearthstone team needs to put more effort into the Brawls, as they have been lame lately. There have been some that were really good, just not lately.
bEHOLD thE tOOLS oF crEATion
Disco Lock
Malchezar’s Imp
Fist of Jarraxus
SIlverware Golem
Eternium Rover
Shield Slam
Drywhisker Armorer
Shield Block
Geosculptor Yip
Wild growth
Carnivorous cube
Dreampettal flourisy
Charged devilsaur
Easy wins
Edwin van cleef
snowflipper penguin
myras unstable element
Power word shield
Test subject
Inner fire
Divine shield
Radiant elemental
Vivid nightmare
Loads of fun
Power word shield
Test subject
Inner fire
Unidetified elixer*
Radiant elemental
Vivid nightmare
Loads of fun
Cold Blood
Pogo Hopper
Sonya Shadowdancer
Valeera the Hollow (Never gotten that far but nice for deaths shadow if it reaches that long)
Sacrificial Pact
Skull of the Man’ari
Bloodreaver Gul’dan
UNBEATABLE late game.
Damn, i’ve done the same thing, but
-Reno jackson
-Skull of the man’-ari
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Mage
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Mana Wyrm
# 1x (1) Mirror Image
# 1x (2) Frostbolt
# 1x (2) Sorcerer’s Apprentice
# 1x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 1x (4) Fireball
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
deadly poisen
leaching poisen
dmg buff
dmg buff
dmg buf ?
i meant 2 dmg buff since its reaches 7 lol
and u have to buff it and win with 3 att which is easy. dont let weopon go
Murloc Paladin seems pretty good…
Grimscale Oracle
Murloc Tidecaller
Vilefin Inquisitor (probs not necessary)
Rockpool Hunter
Murloc Warleader
Call to Arms