This week’s Tavern Brawl is ‘Servant of Yogg-Saron’ Tryouts!
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Official Description for Tavern Brawl ‘Servant of Yogg-Saron’ Tryouts
Help Yogg-Saron find a servant! Your deck is full of wannabes who cast a random spell at a random target when played.
Tavern Brawl ‘Servant of Yogg-Saron’ Tryouts Chalkboard
General Information
- You get one Standard Card Pack for winning your first game this week.
- This is the ninth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on August 16, 2023. It was also one of the Brawls featured in “A Cavalcade of Brawls”.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- The Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a random decks Brawl. Just pick a class and press play.
- Your deck is full of random minions. Every time you play one, it casts a random spell at a random target.
- The spell’s mana cost is NOT tied to the minion’s mana cost, which means that you want to mulligan for low-cost minions.
- It’s one of the most RNG Brawls ever – the game can often be decided on Turn 1 if you get some insane spell at random. So the idea is to just pray to Yogg and hope for the best.
funny how I wrote about the tavern brawl last week (Shiftcon West) that “it is definitely a brawl where rng is a dominant factor” …
… and now we get this
I’m now on game nubmer 8, trying to win a single one. This may be the worst brawl ever. It’s like loosing a game where you could have done nothing differently. It really sucks, and is no fun whatsoever. And I also think the brawl design is pretty lazy.
This tavern brawl suck!
I played a game where the opponent had 2 random fireballs to my face on turns 2 and 5.
Turns out a turn 1 call of the wild = Insta concede XD
One of the most RNG based brawl ever played.
Got a 2nd turn 10/10 Stubborn Gastropod. Woo hoo!
Dud I need your wisdom, I got my pack from the victory and it had a golden legendary , profet velen should I disenchant him or not?
If it was a non-Golden version, I’d keep it if you play Priest. While it’s not in the current meta decks, it was played from time to time.
But Golden? It’s a free Legendary ticket :p
Why is he not played anymore ?
He was played in Combo Priest, but the deck is not viable without Thaurissan.
In Gadgetzan he was sometimes played in Dragon Priest with Mind Blast and Holy Smite – 14 dmg combo. That was because Dragon Priest had no burst against Reno decks, especially RenoLock. But Reno is also gone.
You probably might find some use for it in the Wild, but it was never a Tier 1 Legendary.
Ok, so I think im gonna craft sherazim, thank you for the help
I don’t think sherazim is a smart craft, it’s rotating soon and sees almost 0 play
Notice date on the comment. It was written in Un’Goro, nearly 2 years ago.
Disenchant. ASAP!
A look back on this, I hope you didn’t disenchant it and kept it for an expansion like KotFT
Here’s to my opponent getting vanish 3 times when I had lethal on board.
Often enough stuff happens that doesn’t feel that random at all. picking best target out of 7-8 targets or even getting the only spell in the game that gives him lethal that turn. Really starting to doubt the whole random part sometimes.
It is mostly hilarious!
Better do your plays before playing any card from your hand
God, I hate tarvern brawls like this. A bit of random in a tavern brawl is ok to me, but this is a bit too much. This requires 0 skill and all luck, wich personally for me makes it 0 fun.
Ofcourse there are always some matches, cards or situations that are rng related, wich is all fine. But when the match revolves all around completely rng and luck, it takes away the fun for me.
I win once to get my pack and that’s it. Hopefully next week will be a more fun tavern brawl.
Awful Indeed, I lost 7 games in a row with some t1 Call of the wild shenanagans, and the only game I won was also one sided and I crushed my opponent, completely pointless… Tossing a coin is funnier
Paladin has really bad cards in this
All Hail Random Stuff Randomly Happening!