Tavern Brawl – Into the Emerald Dream Pre-Release Brawl – 6 Wins Decks!

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This week’s Tavern Brawl is “Brawliseum Dreams”!

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Official Description for Brawliseum Dreams

Build a deck using valid cards from your collection, including cards from the upcoming expansion, and earn more new cards!

Brawliseum Dreams Chalkboard

General Information

  • This Brawl has a custom rewards structure. Learn more about it in a section below!
  • Every player gets one entry for free, but further entries cost 300 Gold / 400 Runestones ($4) / 2 Tavern Tickets.
  • It’s a cyclic Brawl we see before every expansion (assuming Blizzard decides to keep it around).
  • It’s a PvP Brawl.
  • The Brawl has a custom format. Play until 6 wins or 3 loses – the more you win, the better your rewards become.
  • It’s a build-your-own deck Brawl. You can use cards from the following expansions: Core Set, Event Set, Into the Emerald Dream, and The Great Dark Beyond.
  • Players will be able to open their Emerald Dream packs as soon as the Brawl begins. This includes Pre-Purchase packs, but also free ones you get from other sources (such as Twitch drops).
  • You can’t buy any extra Emerald Dream packs with Gold or craft individual cards from the expansion. You’re limited to the cards you open.
  • The Brawl has no MMR, matchmaking is based solely on your current score.

Rewards Structure


Unlike Heroic Tavern Brawl, Pre-Release Brawl has a much more friendly reward structure for an average player. Since the reward curve is way more flat, winning just a couple of games (or even going 0-3) is not going to hurt your wallet that much. On the other hand, there’s not THAT much to win – even going all the way to 6 wins nets you a single extra card pack (and a random Common + Rare card). Pro players can’t exactly “score big” like they can in Heroic Brawliseum, but we should still see plenty of them.

The average win rate of 3-3 will give you two Emerald Dream packs, one Great Dark Beyond pack, and one random ED Common card. Depending on your collection and the need for GDB card packs, it’s either a slight loss or a break-even point. However, even if you have no need for GDB card packs, getting a 2-1 split is not the end of the world.

One more thing to note is that the Brawl has no MMR. You’re matched based only on your score (for example, if you’re at 2-2, the game will try to match you with another 2-2 player). This kind of system is, of course, positive for the high-ranked players and negative for the low-ranked ones. It also means that there’s some extra luck involved during matchmaking – if you queue your first match at 0-0 you might meet a Bronze player or a top Legend player.

All of that said, given that every player gets one free entry AND that the latest event has two Tavern Tickets among the rewards, I still recommend people give it a try. And if you end up finding the Brawl fun, playing it a couple more times shouldn’t drain your budget even if you don’t end up scoring very well.

6 Wins Pre-Release Brawl Deck Lists

This Brawl is a bit unique given that you can’t exactly copy every deck 1 to 1. Players will have limited access to Emerald Dream cards, so everyone’s collection will look different, and you can’t craft cards to fill the gaps. You will often have to look for some card replacements.

Given that this Brawl only goes up to 6 wins, it might be a bit harder to judge the deck’s success when compared to Brawls that go up to 12 wins. But there’s not much we can do other than just sharing 6 wins builds – a clear pattern of strongest builds should emerge after a few days anyway.

I’ll keep adding new decks over the course of the Brawl. Those on top are the latest.

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  1. Superbiam
    March 22, 2025 at 12:27 PM

    I achieved 6-2 with Libram Paladin.
    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/1Ez7ve5

  2. Superbiam
    March 22, 2025 at 12:17 PM

    ### Brawl Deck
    # Class: Druid
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Pegasus
    # 2x (0) Innervate
    # 2x (1) Living Roots
    # 2x (1) Symbiosis
    # 2x (2) Bitterbloom Knight
    # 2x (2) Horn of Plenty
    # 2x (2) Mark of the Wild
    # 1x (2) Reforestation
    # 2x (2) Wrath
    # 2x (3) Dreambound Disciple
    # 2x (3) Photosynthesis
    # 2x (4) Flutterwing Guardian
    # 1x (4) Resplendent Dreamweaver
    # 1x (5) Hamuul Runetotem
    # 2x (5) Mind Control Tech
    # 2x (5) Ward of Earth
    # 1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot
    # 1x (8) Malorne the Waywatcher
    # 1x (9) Alexstrasza
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

    I achieved 6-0 with this deck.
    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/pqYBFlE

  3. PaulyD808
    March 20, 2025 at 2:21 AM

    Hello I just created my account recently I hit back to back 6 wins with a Starship Dark Gift Rogue yet when I tried to create the deck builder it didn’t allow me to use some of the exclusive cards in the tavern brawl wondering if there’s something I’m missing?

    • Stonekeep - Site Admin
      March 20, 2025 at 9:06 AM

      Hey! I already switched deck builder for let’s call it “Into the Emerald Dream” mode (so in Standard you can only use the cards that will be playable when expansion launches).

      This is done so people can theorycraft decks from the new expansion already.

      Sadly I can’t have two versions of deck builder at the same time and I thought that this is a better option.

      Feel free to leave the deck code or a screenshot here in the comments 🙂

      • PaulyD808
        March 20, 2025 at 10:41 AM

        Okay will do I love this site and thank you for all you do to update decks and the articles and insight I really appreciate it!

        Here’s the deck

        2x Backstab
        1x Preparation
        2x Shadow Step
        2x Nightmare Fuel
        2x Starship Schematic
        2x Creature Of Madness
        2x Fan Of Knives
        1x Sap
        2x Scrounging
        2x Web Of Deception
        2x Arkonite Defense Crystal
        2x Elven Minstrel
        1x Nightmare Lord Xavius
        1x Royal Librarian
        1x Mind Control Tech
        1x The Gravitational Displacer
        1x Bob The Bartender
        1x Flik Skyshiv
        1x The Exodar
        1x The Ceaseless Expanse

        The deck was super fun the dark gifts and web of deception were so overpowered especially early and bouncing the Exodar/Flik was how I finished a lot of games. The weakness is definitely Libra Paladin I made 2 runs using this exact list went 6-2 both times losing to Libram paladin all 4 times.