This week’s Tavern Brawl is “Cloneball”!
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Official Description for Cloneball
The legends of Azeroth are playing Cloneball! Your team is random legends, each cloned four times! Go get ’em champ!
Cloneball Chalkboard
General Information
- You get one card pack from the latest expansion for winning your first game this week.
- It’s the twelfth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it was on November 22, 2023.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- The Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a random decks Brawl.
- Your deck is full of random Legendary cards – 4 copies of each (you can roll the same Legendary more than once, resulting in 8, 12 etc. copies of it – although more than 8 is very rare).
- At the start of your first turn, you get an Offensive Play spell in your hand (reducing the cost of the next Legendary you play and all of its copies by 3). Then you get another copy of the spell on Turn 3 and Turn 5.
- Use them wisely – it’s often worth to wait a bit and discount some big Legendary instead of playing a smaller one right away. It’s also wise to hit the one you have multiple copies of in your hand already. Offensive play also stacks, which means that you can use two copies to e.g. discount an 8 mana Legendary to 2 mana.
too random for my taste, but I never had so many hits with Murloc Holmes (third card is always the legend), and also third turn double Thaddius (first with coin, second with discount by the first) felt nice
Best RNG to get Barista, ended up with a full hand and full board of 0 cost Barista on Turn 4.
Came here to say I did the same thing. Got this stupid brawl out of the way real fast on my first game.
Why is this awaiting moderation?
I miss the tavern brawl when u teamed up with ur opponent 2 beat Nefarian
I went with Hunter this time around and got Knuckles and Fjola Lightbane with Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale … which is a pretty lulzy combo
my rng here sucks. I really don’t understand how my opponents get pretty unbalance cards like taurisan, barnes or others.
Hi Evident, I was wondering when the next legendary disenchantment guide might be? Trying to decide which legendaries I should dust to have some saved for when the meta settles down after the latest update. Thanks!
This tavern brawl has everything I’ve come to expect: extreme randomness, OP cards that can guarantee instant victory, and certainty about whether I have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning based entirely on the opening hand.
Just played this and got Lorewalker Cho, Nat Pagle, Zerus, and Barnes. I also got Alakir at least.
I got cho x3. Since I was second, I filled his hand with coins and won by default. If he tried to empty his hand, he just helped me by giving me coins, and then I just refilled his hand.
Best I’ve got so far: Patches + King Mukla + Lorewalker Cho = turn 2 surrender.
So I guess class legendary are.bound to class? Paladin all day?
I believe you’re right, but from what I experienced you usually get a lot of Neutral Legendaries.
Or Warlock since it uses the Wild card list – early Mal’ganis pretty much wraps things up.
3 cost Aviana into dumping your whole hand is nice too.
Of note, you can get malchezar and fatten your deck with 20 more cards!
This brawl is Tera-bad. Lots of turn one concedes when one player realizes thier deck is unplayable or the other player just drops double ragnaros… I appreciate what they were trying to do here, but let’s cross this one off the list of repeats.
How do I request muluka’s banana brawl? That one was bananas!
The card that reduces the card cost by 3, isn’t effected by Loatheb.
You get 5 of each legendary, not 4. One original + 4 “clones” = 5. Source: Y’shaarj X 5 being a thing
I might be wrong, actually. If I am, it means you can roll multiple sets of the same legendary. Seems relevant either way. I checked my screenshot again and there was 4 Y’shaarj on my board and 2 in my hand hence my hesitance. Here’s the screenshot.
Not sure if there is a glitch or if it is possible to get 4 copies of two of the same legendary (e.g. 4 copies + 4 more copies) but I just had 6 copies of Gruul in the same deck.
Weird, it must be a bug of some sort.
I think it’s an intended feature, as I just got a 7 rend blackhands, and it seems unlikely that Blizzard would not see a bug like this. There is about a 20% chance of getting two sets of the same legendary, and I assume that Blizzard tested this brawl and would have noticed a bug of that scale.
how did you come up with 20%?