This week’s Tavern Brawl is “All-Star Squad”!
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Official Description for All-Star Squad
Spiders and Portals have had their chance, now you choose! Pick one card for your deck, and you will get 22 copies of it plus 8 random class cards!
All-Star Squad Chalkboard
General Information
- You get one Standard pack for winning your first game this week.
- This is the ninth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on April 19, 2023.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- The Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a “Constructed” Brawl. You pick a class and make a deck with a single card only.
- Your deck is filled with 22 copies of the card you’ve chosen AND 8 random class cards.
- The goal is to pick a card that’s most consistently going to win you the game. Given that you get so many copies of it, you’re nearly guaranteed to get multiple copies of it during your first few turns.
- The best card choices are: a very aggressive card (to rush your opponent down), a card that synergizes with more copies of each other or a versatile card that’s usable in the early game, but has late game scaling too.
Tavern Brawl All-Star Squad Card Choices
Here are some ideas from previous Brawls. Some of them are more fun/meme and others are actual viable competitors. Let us know what worked for you in the comments and we’ll add it to the post!
- Any Class – Patches the Pirate – Self-explanatory, every time you drop Patches you summon a full board of them.
- Any Class – Elwynn Boar – You can usually trigger their effect by Turn 4-5 (assuming your opponent plays minions you can trade into) and then kill your opponent over the next 2 turns.
- Any Class – Murloc Tidecaller – Aggressive snowball strategy.
- Any Class – Mogu Cultist – If you survive until Turn 7, you’re all but guaranteed to summon Highkeeper Ra.
- Any Class – Annoying Fan – Solid Neutral minion strategy counter, you just target anything they play with it and they have to either destroy it with Hero Power or spells – otherwise their minions can’t attack and you grind them with 1 damage attacks.
- Hunter – Doomsayer – Counters some minion strategies + you slowly grind your opponent down with Hero Power.
- Mage – Frost Nova – Counters minion strategies + you rely on whatever extra cards you get + Hero Power to win.
- Mage – Varden Dawngrasp – Basically a better version of Frost Nova start, it counters most of the minion strategies. Sadly it’s a Legendary.
- Mage – Lightshow – It starts slowly, but really ramps up after a few uses.
- Mage/Paladin/Rogue – Ice Block/Time Out!/Cloak of Shadows – If you want to annoy your opponent and force them to concede.
- Paladin – Feast and Famine – Burn strategy, it’s also worth saving them until Turn 4 so you can benefit from Lifesteal.
- Priest – Mind Blast – Classic burn strategy, although keep in mind that you might lose to some fast minion tactics.
- Priest – Astral Automaton – Very good minion strategy, while it snowballs slower than Pogo, all of the copies already on the board also get buffed.
- Rogue – Flik Skyshiv – If your opponent went for a minion and you survived until Turn 6, you can just delete all the copies from his board, hand and deck.
- Rogue – Pogo-Hopper – One of the best strategies, snowballs very well.
- Shaman – Earth Shock – Pogo counter, but you rely on other cards to carry you. Useless if you don’t face Pogos.
- Warrior – Upgrade! – Starts slowly, but after a few turns you swing with a huge weapon.
What about doomsayer Hunter?
Grimscale Chum Palidan
Crackling Razormaw is one of the most funny ones
Ice block is my personal favorite, even if it doesnt always win its always cancer to play against
<3 True
It’s like Christmas again, and by Christmas I mean December 2016, and by December 2016 I mean non-stop blaring of I’M IN CHAAAAAARGE!!!
Coldlight Oracle with Druid to roll a Jade Idol was pretty fun
Just Parches and enjoy
Firetrap hunter vs all minion decks.
Mindblast is cancerous
Rouge Buccaneer is absolutely hilarious and crushes:
Always turn 2 hero power. With coin you go: Coin 2 buccaneers –> Hero Power.
Tidecaller Decks- Just trade. Do the count and use your hero power to come out on top. Card advantage is everything.
Mindblast priest- They die faster than you. Key is to play all your Buccaneers before hero power for le max buffs
Congratz on your winrate, bros!
I just registered to say: Warlock’s Curse of Rafam. You only need to start dropping 2 of them, it will prevent any play from your opponent *and* damage them. Moreover, the curses will stack over turns – almost as fast as a fatigue.
It’s not 100% win rate, it’s 90% opponent ragequit on 2nd turn and 10% opponent “I’ll just roll with it”. It’s too damn easy.
Selfless hero
Power of the wild won a mind blast priest.
Elven Archer in Warlock is pretty good
Mind blast is unbelievably cancerous
Selfless hero works great
I have some fun with Shaman and Thing from Below. Just spam your hero power and by turn 4-5 you can start bringing him out.
Bad against Mind Blast but seeing a full board of Things from Below is very satisfying.
Lasting till turn 4 or 5 is a different story with patches decks.
Rogue – Deadly Poison (only stopped by taunt)
Warrior – Blood To Ichor
I’ve had lots of luck with those
Priest with Imp Master is fun
Animated Armor destroys Upgrade decks. In turn, it gets destroyed by early minion swarms like Murloc Tidecallers and Mechwarpers.
Shielded minibot works very well against the minion based rush decks.
Priest with Lightwarden is quite solid.
Came here to say this.
100% winrate with mindblast
I play Healing Touch Druid just to face priest and make them concede. Rage quit indeed.
Your Healing Touch druid prolly only wins VS priest and lose to everything else haha
A bit better one (Depending on RNG, if they happen to have a silence and you went 1st) is Mage Animated Armor.
I always win with shaman and whirling zap-o-matic versus mindblast priest, i have 40 wins in this brawl and cca 1/4 is vs. this deck, sorry for english, i use translator
Lies, try facing a mage and iceblock.
Tidecaller beats mind blast? You can’t clear them.
Try playing against patches. You’ll never win
forbidden ritual had bad result, forbidden shape gave me a won on warrior upgrade.
Shaman + Maelstrom Portal
– For Upgrade decks, use hero power until you get a consistent Taunt, then Maelstrom to get beatdown to win.
– Kills weenies, including Hunter + Timber Wolf, Tide Callers, Paladin + Selfless Hero, etc. Should fare well against Rogue + Buccaneer.
– Fared well against Mage + Babbling Book, and should do similarly vs. Rogue + Swashburglar.
– Direct damage would be a real weakness for this deck. Just Maelstrom to get weenies and rush, but don’t think it could hope to keep up.
4-0 so far with Living roots. Beat mind blast priest and tidecaller. If you get savage roar also its gg.
Mhmm mindblast 2op…
But not fun
Ice block, mage.
…and you play with your hero power and your 8 cards…
When it works, which is more often than not the Hunter brave archer is loads of fun.
Priest with Twilight Whelp is surprisingly solid. Pretty solid counter to other rush decks with its higher health and decent attack.
Tried it. Seems to work ok. Though some players just concede immediately thinking I am another dirty mind blast priest.
Any counter to mindblast?
Pretty sure Shaman: Dust Devil counters it.
priest/warrior Healbot
Light of Naaru
Hunter: Timber Wolf seems to work well if you can get a bunch of wolves early on.
Light of the Naaru. The SKILLED priest’s worst nightmare.
Tidecaller beats mind blast?
Patches hunter dude. Mind blast kills turn 6 patches kills turn 4
Shadowbombers all the way
Mechwarper is easy win.
rafaams curse goodluck
Have not lost with Shaman/Evolve
But what do you evolve?
Totems, i guess?
Mage Ice Lance is the best of all.
Dark peddlers
Curse of Rafaam is fun
Mana wyrm and flame imp are sick too.
any class murloc tidecaller
Farming 100 gold with Mind Blast!
Forbidden Shaping for Priest.
Bucaneer for rouge
hunter – Timber wolf can be fun
I won with this.
Grimscale Oracle is good for any class.
Warrior- upgrade
MInd blast turn 5 win
Could you do the maths on that one for me?
Turn 1 nothing
Turn 2 5 damage
Turn 3 5 damage
Turn 4 10 Damage
Turn 5 10 damage
Going second doesn’t change the amount of turns to kill
Note u have to draw 6 of your mind blasts for it to work
That mind blast deck is just dirty. I won a whole bunch with it, only lost to other mind blast decks. I dont know what can counter it effectively. Ice Block mage maybe if it gets some extra burn in those 8 random cards? Otherwise just dies to fatigue eventually because priest hero power beats mage hero power.
Healing touch druid
Murloc Tidecaller
Hunter: Timber Wolf works really well if you can get a bunch of wolves early on
except when the warrior draws shield block and armors every turn
For some reason I thought it was 3 mana :S
Turn 1: patches x7, 7 damage
Turn 2: patches x7, 7 damage
Turn 3: patches x7, 7 damage
Turn 4: patches x7, 7 damage
Turn 5: patches x7, 7 damage
I guess it’s up to whoever goes first?
Tidecaller is pretty solid
Yeah. 100% winrate with it.
I just beat tidecaller with iceblock+hero power+1 random fire ball. Lolz
There is a loot if it, that’s why i made a hunter – hungry crab. A lot of fun
Mind blast deck only lost to murlocs, timber wolf or each type lose to itself by the flip of the coin.
Mind blast < murlocs – timber wolf
murlocs < hungry crab
hungry crab patience