This week’s Tavern Brawl is “A Less Friendly Game of Chess”!
Official Description for A Less Friendly Game of Chess
Things have gotten a little underhanded at Medivh’s Magical Chessboard. Bring 6 unique cards and hide them under the table, they could swing the match in your favor!
A Less Friendly Game of Chess Chalkboard
General Information
- You get one Standard card pack for your first victory this week.
- It’s the sixth time we see this Brawl. Last time we’ve seen it on August 17, 2022.
- It’s a PvP Brawl.
- Brawl’s format is Wild.
- It’s a build-your-own deck Brawl, although you only pick 6 different cards that will get into your deck alongside 14 Chess pieces.
- Your Hero Power also generates more Chess pieces.
- The Brawl is a reference to Karazhan’s Chess encounter. The game is all about positioning and trying to counter the opponent’s pieces with your own.
- A lot of Chess pieces have auto-attack – they attack the opposing minions at the end of their turn. Buffing those minions does NOT increase the amount of damage they deal (health buffs are still useful).
- However, Chess pieces are affected by other keywords. The most powerful effect is Poisonous, as it makes them one-shot enemy pieces. But other keywords such as Lifesteal or Divine Shield can sometimes be useful.
The Darkness is pretty silly in this brawl.
worst fcking tavern brawl of all time
The Rogue Poison Chess piece plan is not great.
The Poison Chess pieces are fragile and everyone on Blizzard is playing it.
Frankly, Chess Pieces are limited in what they can do.
Real minions can go to face – and your opponent is at 20 life.
Play cards that turn stupid chess pieces into real minions and do so repeatedly.
For Warlock: Disciplinarian Gandling and Desecrated Graveyard are cheap, come out fast, and make 4/4s which give the chess pieces hissy fits. Sargeras, of course.
Arch Villain Rafaam gives you a whole deck of useful minions.
Symphony of Sins does so many things – and since the game is slow, you will play multiple movements.
Dar’Khan Drathir goes to face now. Goes to face forever. And he is a 6/6.
Note that Poison Pieces do not make Desecrated Graveyard go away.
Once Dar’Khan or the Portal are out they do their work forever, Poison Pieces or not.
Have fun!
Ok, Dar’Khan does not do his work forever. My bad.
But it is still one helluva swing.
The portals DO work forever.
Sure, that’s a nice change of pace. And against the right opponents, it should work great.
Big points for creativity.
But, you know what works great against that? Rogue Poison Chess.
Got it in one with Poison/Spell Rogue. Vanish was the MVP of the deck and my win condition.
1. Counterfeit Coin
2. Shadowstep
3. Ambush
4. Plague Scientist
5. Plaguebringer
6. Vanish
Nice, thank you.. First Try.
My win Condition was double Plague Scientist with Shadowstep. Those poisonous Pawns took out so many of my opponent’s Material that i could finish with still full health at around Turn 6/7.
I used priest with:
-Circle of Healing
-Power Word: Shield
-Inner Fire
-Divine Spirit
-Shadow Visions
Basically just try and get an extra copy of pws/divine spirit with shadow visions. Then turn any minion that sticks into a lethal threat my silencing then buffing it!
i tried
-focused will
and then some random survivability card
1. survive early
2. use spellweaver to draw combo
3. focused will, divine spirit, bless to kill
Lord Jaraxxus is all i need
Everyone is posting great decks with rare or better cards but I won easily with a Rogue deck that cost me 40 dust (I didn’t have Plague Doctor).
Sinister Strike
Stolen Steel
Fan of Knives
Plague Doctor
Weapons and sinister strike for face damage. Drawing cards to make sure I get my poisonous giving minions. Once I give poisonous, it’s a matter of placing my bishops and knights to keep the poisonous piece alive.
Did you mean Plague “scientist”? Could not find a plague doctor
Did it with:
-Luns’s Pocket Galaxy
-The Lich King
-Arcane Knowledge
-Giant Mastodon
*Hard Milligan for Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, save Arcane Knowledge for after using it.
Crushing with warrior these 6 extra cards:
Fiery axe
Arcanite reaper
Frothing beserker (crashes iOS though)
Leeroy Jenkins
Play straight chess early. Might need weapons to stay in the game. Then finish incredible with leeroy gorehowl and reaper. Have beat the mage and priest hands most of the time.
Worth noting that Kel Thuzad doesn’t revive the chess pieces (I guess they are not minions? Therefore maybe spellhunter key spells would work?).
Also drakkari enchanter doesn’t make the chess pieces attack twice (the auto attack happens at end of turn but is not an “end of turn effect”).
My first try I used Shudderwock/Grumble/Hemet/Saronite/Lifedrinker/murmuring and won easily. But obviously not the best deck idea, nopas removal
I did do a Demonist Quest with Deathwing & gnomeferatu & howlfiend coupled with treachery and defile. You keep the quest in hand at start destroy some key hidden card with Gnome & his hand with howlfiend & treachery then put you quest on board & play deathwing to clear boards and give you the finished quest ! But well i did win with deathwing hit face…
Mage for sure.
Mind Control Tech
Grim PAtron (Insane value)
Poly Morph
Oh grim patron is pure genius.
I hadn’t bothered to read what the brawl was so just decided to chuck as much random Mage nonsense together as I could:
Shimmering Tempest
Primordial Glyph
Unstable Portal
Arcane Keysmith
Cabalist’s Tome
Deck of Wonders
It is, of course, terrible – but my opponent conceded so whatever
Won first try with:
– Prophet Velen
– Holy Fire
– Holy Smite
– Mind Blast
– Shadow Visions
– Psychic Scream
Tactitc: You just wait until you have Velen and Holy Fire / Mind Blast in hand (preferably). If it gets out of hand and you’re about to lose, just scream if you can and play Velen right after. Once the opponent can’t clear him right away, which is very hard in this mode, you OTK (and even heal) with the combo. Especially big minions that threaten to kill your Velen can be taken out by Holy Smite after playing him, as it is not needed for the OTK combo. Shadow Visions helps to draw you the spells once Velen is in hand. Good luck!
rogues ultimate miracle
//deadly poison(1)
//pick pocket(2)
//face collector(3)
//spectral cutlass(4)
>>and last slot maybe a shiny-finder to mill your cutlass or something better
cutlass maybe trigger by using rogues echos to get advance attacks,
didnt try yet, (i do it when i go home later) but it still good to checkmate someone
Jaraxxus is just so much fun!
I’m currently 9 wins 0 losses with the following:
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Power Overwhelming
# 1x (4) Shadowflame
# 1x (9) Lord Jaraxxus
# 1x (9) Mal’Ganis
# 1x (9) Voidlord
# 1x (10) Sea Giant
Poisonous clear hunter
-Hunters mark
-Toxic Arrow
-Deadly shot
-Crushing Walls
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# 1x (2) Confuse
# 1x (2) Divine Hymn
# 1x (4) Shadow Word: Horror
# 1x (4) Spawn of Shadows
# 1x (4) Wailing Soul
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Credit to Kiwibacon. Silence and then confuse your minions for an OTK, or just murder with Spawn of Shadows. Brutal.
Warrior’s got a ton of fun ways to abuse this. I personally prefer this one:
– Animated Berserker
– Whirlwind
– Rampage or Execute (for taunts)
– Frothing Berserker
– Raging Worgen
– Death Revenant
Having a 20+ damage berserker on turn 4 or 5 is just crazy good.
Miracle Rogue is also hilarious.
– Counterfeit Coin
– Shadowstep
– Hallucination
– Journey Below / Cold Blood
– Swashburglar
– Edwin Van Cleef
Swashburglar always gives the Coin, so you can use that to power Edwin, too!
Thumbs up! cheap and works.
-Counter Spell
-Meteor (troublesome cards legendaries like Ysera)
-Flamestrike (that sweet sweet board clear)
-The Lich King
Pyroblast (should’ve been banned lol)
This is awful. Only use to give away free wins.
Throw in a Sea Giant for good measure
Also Firelands Portal, I’m using this right now:
Fireball / FP / LK / Sea Giant / Ys / Pyroblast
only time I lost is opponent played SG and I didn’t draw