There’s a lot of Druid floating around on the ladder, but let’s see what other interesting decks are running around this week!
If you’re looking for a full list of the best decks for the ladder check out these posts:
Standout Decks of the Week
I’m going to focus more on fun/fringe deck this week. If you are looking for top tier decks go to our Best Knights of the Frozen Throne Decks post or use the links above!
Mage has been still finding its footing in the meta. Secret Mage seems to be the most popular deck, but there are still people experimenting with Frost Lich Jaina and finding some success.
- 1Mana Wyrm2
- 2Arcanologist2
- 2Frostbolt2
- 2Primordial Glyph2
- 2Pyros1
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Counterspell1
- 3Ice Barrier1
- 3Ice Block1
- 3Volcanic Potion1
- 4Fireball2
- 4Polymorph1
- 4Steam Surger1
- 4Water Elemental2
- 6Meteor1
- 7Firelands Portal2
- 9Frost Lich Jaina1
Hunter is in a weird spot, but Deathstalker Rexxar is considered to be one of the most fun Death Knights so play this deck if you want a good time!
Control Warlock has gone through a lot of changes, it seems to be a decent deck, but doesn’t necessarily hold up against the fearsome Druid.
Rogue only really seems to have Miracle right now, but there are some aggro/tempo variants of the class running around the ladder looking to change the pace!
- 0Backstab2
- 1Cold Blood1
- 1Deadly Poison2
- 1Spore Hallucination1
- 1Swashburglar2
- 2Eviscerate2
- 2Sap1
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3Shadowblade2
- 4Obsidian Shard1
Dragon Priest seems to always cling to life in every expansion. I always expect it to drop off, but there’s always a list that inevitably sees play. Priest is actually doing quite well this expansion so far, they have Kazakus and Big Priest versions that maintain a pretty good winrate.
Jade is another option for Rogue lovers. This style of deck has always kind of been a fringe style of list ever since the jade mechanic was released.
If you like Shaman and don’t want to run the popular Token list, then going with this Elemental/Jade build is a good option!
The warlock deck is sooo bad.
You lose prestige when you show it as a good one.
A deck that got to Legend is soooo bad? Plus, these are standout lists of the week, like I said in the introduction. Meta lists are in the posts I linked, I’m not sure why this is confusing.
Evident, you do a fantastic job with this website and everyone appreciates it, pls don’t listen to alex he clearly doesnt respect or understand said effort.
I play cancer warrior and warlock control depending on what I’m seeing. 20-9 in a week barely playing. You don’t understand the deck. Also!… sup Evident
Thanks! No worries, I thought I had explained it pretty clearly in the introduction so I was surprised there were comments like these.
More mention needs to be made of Highlander priest especially the quest variations. It is much better than people give it credit.
I think the Jade Druid with the new cards should also be put in this list 🙂 in my opinion he has a good chance vs the warlock and is strong at all
I mentioned in the introduction that these are more fringe decks. You can find the Druid decks and other top meta decks in the Best of posts I linked.
As for fringe deck there mill rogue currently run by different players. I have seen at least 4 differents versions running around but no idea which one is the best. Seen taunt heavy, jumbo heavy removal heavy, even a corpsetaker version.
Link to mill rogue? Sounds fun