I posted a ton of decks from the first day of the Knights of the Frozen Throne launch, so I wanted to call out a few of the decks that stood out from the rest. These might not all be the best decks, but they either saw a lot of play or brought something unique to the table.
Remember to use Amazon Coins for your Knights of the Frozen Throne Packs!
Standout Decks of Knights of the Frozen Throne
Probably the most obvious addition to the list. J4CKIE went 23 and 0 with this deck. Warlock seems to be back with a vengeance, or at the very least everyone wants to see it succeed. Out of all the classes I saw played throughout the day it was Warlock that was most well represented.
Defile appears to be one of the keys to Warlock’s early success, while Bloodreaver Gul'dan allows you to swing the game and protect you from lethal.
A lot of people were having success with Jade Druid, but Zalae used it to win 18 in a row on his way to Legend. Ultimate Infestation was one of the most highly touted cards coming into the release, and early on it seems to be the powerhouse we were promised. A card that was maybe a bit less on the radar was Spreading Plague which seems to fit nicely into the Jade package.
Mage seemed to be mostly avoided for the most part, but weghuz ran this Jaina Control Mage that did rather well early in the day. I’m guessing people might have had their fill of Mage recently due to all the Freeze/Burn Mage that was being played.
Warrior got a lot of attention in the first day, and one of the main lists I saw running around was various form of Tempo Warrior. Fibonacci put together a version that runs both the Warrior Death Knight and N’Zoth!
A very unique blend of big late game minions and combo pieces. This deck looks kind of crazy at first, but Iksar (Game Designer at Blizzard) mentioned that he had played with and against this deck the most in playtesting. That might not mean the deck is good, but it sure makes it interesting!
- 5Barnes1
- 8The Lich King1
- 9Malygos1
- 10Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound1
Dog seemed hellbent on getting this deck to work. It’s an awesome concept, you can fill the board with Arcane Giant and/or you can go to fatigue with repeating Dead Man’s Hand over and over. One of the problems for this deck for the average player is that it seems to be pretty difficult to play.
One of the decks a lot of people were kind of hoping would make a run is Highlander Priest. I saw many different versions, and they all seemed to have a decent amount of success. TicTac’s version got him to rank 5.
- 1Crystalline Oracle1
- 1Northshire Cleric1
- 1Potion of Madness1
- 1Power Word: Shield1
- 2Radiant Elemental1
- 2Shadow Visions1
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Spirit Lash1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 3Tortollan Shellraiser1
- 4Eternal Servitude1
- 4Greater Healing Potion1
- 4Priest of the Feast1
- 5Dragonfire Potion1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 6Cabal Shadow Priest1
- 6Embrace Darkness1
- 8Shadowreaper Anduin1
- 9Obsidian Statue1
A bit of a familiar build, but Paladin was pretty strong throughout the Journey to Un’Goro meta, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that it continues to impress.
Sorry to say it guys, but exodia mage beats just about all of these?
I played a similar list to Kolento’s druid to climb to legend and have ~75% winrate against quest mages. It’s REALLY easy to run them the hell over unless they get really lucky and get to jerk themselves off to 4-5 iceblocks (this is mage we’re talking about) they really should not ever win realistically unless you manage to REALLY screw up and somehow brick yourself.
Oh I completely missed the point and forgot to mention that you could very well be right about the other decks, I have little experience with most of them aside from messing around. The point was it’ll be interesting to see if decks like that stick around to ward off quest mage from ever actually being competitive.
In the grand tradition of Blizzard overreacting to EVERYTHING, we have a meta in which aggro can do nothing whatsoever, and each game will take 30 turns. I hate aggro as much as the next guy, but this is too far a shift – climbing the ladder for that golden epic won’t be worth the 1000hrs it takes to get there…
Then play casual… aggro has been running the show for quite sometime now, lets let control have its share of the pie.
The fact aggro has ruled over the meta for such a long time is bad but, aggro decks are typically cheaper and more cost efficient in terms of actual money. Also having the meta be so control oriented leaves too much power to RNG. 90% of the games this expansion I feel have been decided on whoever gets the best Death Knight from Arfus or The Lich King. I hate to say it but I don’t mind aggro being a staple of the game if this clusterfuck is the alternative to the “Meta”.
Welcome to the 15 minimum turn expansion.
I hate control decks more than anything.
How about a quick game of hearthstone that goes to fatigue . No thanks.
Really hoping that it turns back to an 10 ,11 turn game.
The new cards are cool but so slooow. It seems like any Ag deck has til turn five then welcome to board clear and taunt city.
Im sure all the pros and streamers love it but us guys that want to smash out 5 games at lunchtime at work can now play 1 and if your me you lose on turn 29. lol.
Not complaining just what I have seen so far. Im sure Paper Scissors Rock will be back in force the next few weeks.
Until then Il see you at turn 29 , Warlock vs Preist ……………………………
I have no problem with going turn 30 or more, the problem is that people takes forever to play their turns, going rope every single turn and stuff, that is boring as fook.
Aggro is the most toxic thing in the game, thank God above it and players of it are gone. Bye boi
Im sure that you follow a popular opinion and you cant even justify why aggro is bad and toxic for the game
Druid, lock, shammy meta. theres no other on the ladder except at ranks where you dont loose stars.
that’s till people realize that pirate warrior is still completely viable 😉
Still can’t find good Shaman lists with KotFT. Been a lot of guess work, having troubles breaking past 14, went down back to 15. Any decklists anywhere?
I use this Shaman deck… http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/891013-kotft-token-shaman I highly reccomend as it can win you the game quite quickly against slow starters, but also is very capable of going late game…
Started out like 15-0 with the Warlock Control deck, but have since leveled out as meta is changing rapidly. There is ZERO aggressive decks the higher up rankings you go, and the deck as it stands listed ends up with many dead cards in its hands. The format will obviously change, but interesting to see how quickly the deck has become less relevant as the format has moved away from basically anything resembling small creatures. Fast decks like token Paladin are DOA.
The first day of new set is always very fun, but this time around it seems more troubling than usual. I don’t see ANY aggro deck having much if any chance of success in current format. Defile and warlock in general is a worse matchup than Jade Druid had vs. Quest Rogue a few months ago.
What do you mean with “troubling”? Aggro decks ruin the game, not seeing them it’s a pure blessing.
Yeah, I believe I read that Blizz prefers a slower meta (could be wrong on that). I personally like to play aggro a lot better, and prefer a meta where aggro and control are both playable. But aggro can lead to 4-5-6 turn kills, which maybe causes more rage-quit-I-HATE-Hearthstone issues than getting strangled to death over 25 turns and thinking you had a chance to win? I dunno.
But when I saw all the OP board-clear control cards added to the meta I saw the Warlock deck coming a mile away (no credit to me – it was a no-brainer). Tho it is hilarious to see that there is so much board clear in the Warlock deck list in the article and that even left out Felfire Potion / Wild Pyromancer / Doomsayer.
Bottom line – unless a Hearthstone genius figures out how to recover from a board clear every turn there will be NO aggro on the ranked ladder for the foreseeable future.
Normal meta rotations. Many Control decks and no aggro -> People will setup vs control removing early threats and removals -> People will figure this out and welcome back aggro. Just wait and suffer a bit ^^
Glad to see I over-reacted, at least for ranks 20 to 15.
Aggro Pirate Warrior (no changes from Un’goro) and Midrange Paladin (several card swaps for Frozen Throne) did just fine.
On the other hand, I did not see much Control, so your mileage may vary.
In this jade druid i think that would bem better to use the lich king replacing one of the primordial drake and an auctioneree replacing one of the spreading pague, ill test
To craft or not to craft The Lich King? That is the question. Leaning towards not considering the expansion hasn’t even been live 24 hours.
Craft it. It’s too good
Craft it its the most iconic card in hearthstone
Crafted! Thanks for the confirmation.
But he’s the Lich King! ? ?
Huh? Where is Shaman?
It’s not standing out 🙂
I play shaman just for fun, otherwise I dont see play so far.
The only real Shaman I saw was Evolve/Token and it was only like a couple card difference. I’m sure we’ll see some other stuff, haven’t seen a lot of experimentation with Freeze Shaman yet.
That’s because the archetype is atrocious and the cards they printed for it are all pack filler.
I’ve been playing this Jade Evolve Shaman with some luck around Rank 8: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ants-frozen-throne-deathseer-evolve-shaman/
Google Farseer Jade evolution deck. It stands out just fine.