Another mistake has happened with the patch releases – an update scheduled for next week (balance patch) was pushed out today by mistake. It was quickly reverted, but some players have already seen the changes. The changes were confirmed by Hearthstone designer Aleco, but he also said that apparently not all of them were spotted. Here’s a list of changes we know about so far:
- Vile Library – It will no longer have a base +1/+1 buff (only +1/+1 per Imp).
- Stag Spirit Wildseed – The weapon it gives will now be a 3/2 (down from 4/2).
- Snowfall Guardian – Base stats buffed to 5/5, no longer gains bonus stats per frozen minion.
- Celestial Alignment – Will no longer affect the opponent.
- Kobold Illusionist – Will cost 5 mana (up from 4).
- Edwin, Defias Kingpin – Will be a 3 mana 3/3 (instead of 4 mana 4/4).
- Relic Vault – Will cost 2 mana (down from 3 mana).
Keep in mind that those ARE NOT all of the nerfs/buffs – those were the ones teased by Aleco. We should see more of them when the patch goes live + there are also some Battlegrounds changes planned for the update.
Due to a small oopsy-doopsy, a patch planned for next Tuesday was partially pushed early. Some clever sleuths were able to spot a handful of card changes before things were reverted, and I can confirm that the changes seen on live are accurate. But, there’s much more! 1/4
— Aleco (@AlecoGereco) August 12, 2022
It looks like patch notes will drop tomorrow, before the actual patch drops. DeckTech also teased that they’re pretty long – and that’s good, we’ll need A LOT of buffs to bring the bottom classes back to life.
No, they’re pretty long so we couldn’t get the loc back in time. Patch notes are coming tomorrow before the patch.
— Nicholas “DeckTech” Weiss (@hsdecktech) August 15, 2022
Nerfing Kobold while leaving stronger and more obnoxious decks untouched. Could only be Blizzard.
So does this mean that any card that generates the stag wild seed will be able to get full dust?
It’s the only way the nerf would make sense. All of the Wildseed cards are getting nerfed, so they should get full Dust refund.
Great changes!
I figured they’d simply revert the aggro DH and Pirate Warrior nerfs to create to decently viable decks (and the original pirate warrior might genuinely be a tier 1 deck still) for those two classes. But the leaked DH buff points to that they’re going to try and find a way to make the new pushed archetypes viable for the classes where those didn’t hit the mark.
It’s the first time that i kept all my copies of my cards waiting nerfs to optimize the dust, does anyone know if there is a limit of decraft for one card? For example i have 9 copies of vile library, can i decraft the seven copies for 100 dust each when nerfs coming?
Yes, there is no limit, feel free to dust as many copies as you want and get all that sweet, sweet dust!
You might even consider disenchanting all copies of the cards, as you can always craft them back later at no cost if you want to play the deck again.
You should always keep all copies of all the good cards that you own. There is no limit. I’ve often disenchanted over 20 copies of a single card, all at full cost.
I don’t understand the buff/nerf of rogue, one is a wild card (that i see play rarely) and Van cleef is not a bad card to buff, see a lot of play in previous expansion.
Deathrattle Rogue is actually becoming quite problematic in Wild thanks to the Masked Reveler/Stoneborn Commander. It’s one of the most popular and strongest decks in the format at higher ranks.
As for the Edwin, it was playable last expansion, but it was never a “great” card, it was often one of the first to cut. And Rogue is underperforming this expansion, so I guess that they simply picked it as a “generic” card to buff (generic as it can go into multiple builds, so a single buff benefits all of the Rogue archetypes).
I see those rogue decks, on diamond 5 and after, however for the same reason you should nerf big priest also (which are even more).
Big Priest is definitely more popular and I see why people want to get it nerfed (if they pull off an early Neptulon it’s often instant game over), but the deck is significantly weaker in terms of win rate than DR Rogue. DR Rogue is cool 4-5% WR above Big Priest. I think that’s why they focused on DR Rogue but ignored Big Priest (at least as far as we know, since not every change was revealed).
DR Rogue has been “problematic” for a week, at best, while decks like Pillager Rogue, Pirate Rogue, Quest Mage, Shudder Shaman have been more powerful, less fun and less interactive for much longer.
It makes zero sense.
I think it makes sense, because no, the decks you listed aren’t more powerful than DR Rogue. Looking at the early stats, it’s a clear #1 deck in Wild so far this expansion and a power outlier. Blizzard has much more internal stats, so they probably see that it’s e.g. 2% WR above all other decks (I’m guessing here), that’s why they’ve decided to nerf it so quickly. They normally don’t react to what’s happening in Wild format, so there must have been a good reason.
But yes, I would like to see them make a few more Wild changes to other powerful/unfun archetypes – not massive ones necessarily, but a couple of small nerfs here and there could keep the format more balanced.