Shop Update: Scholar Jaina and Warsong Rexxar Alternate Portraits (1000 Gold or $6.99) and Edwin Mercenaries Bundle

In-game shop was just updated with new offers. This time we have two old Heroes making a return, as well as a Mercs bundle with one of the new heroes.

First of all – two of the old alternate Heroes are once again available. You can once again get Scholar Jaina and Warsong Rexxar skins. They were both released in the tie-in bundles to Book of Heroes single player content – Jaina in September 2020 and Rexxar in October 2020. You could previously purchase them with 5 class packs for $9.99 in total. Right now you can get them for $6.99 or – alternatively – 1000 Gold. I think that the second option will be really tempting for some people, who are waiting for all the skins to go on Gold sale before getting them. We don’t know when they will expire, but if we base it on the previous offerings, my best guess is that they will be available for 2 weeks.

The final new item is the “Edwin Extravaganza Mercenaries Bundle”. You get the Edwin, Defias Kingpin Merc with 150 Coins for him, as well as 10 Mercenaries Packs on top of that. The entire bundle costs $19.99, which is… well, it’s not horrible if you want to get the new heroes, but it doesn’t strike me as a particularly great offer. Still, if you want to get it, it should be available through November 15.

Blizzard also continues to do those “targeted” Mercenaries offers giving you specific Mercs you’re missing or Coin bundles. I can’t really cover them here since they’re dynamic, but sadly most of them aren’t great deals anyway, unless you really want to spend your money on Mercs.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. SupHypUlt
    November 3, 2021 at 5:16 PM

    Bought the Rexxar not the Jaina cause that one is ugly af.

  2. Junehearth
    November 3, 2021 at 10:17 AM

    This Rexxar is a great one. Really hoping that we soon get a checkbox-esque feature to show off multiple portraits. I do not want random, as it would mean that some unwanted ones will be selected like it happens for card backs.

  3. DemianHS
    November 3, 2021 at 4:08 AM

    Nice! I want new Portrait for gold. <3 I'm waiting for Elise. *-*