It’s Tuesday, so it’s time for another shop update! It’s a rather small one, with two Constructed bundles (new skins + card packs). What’s interesting is pricing – we have a Tier 1 skin (Mal’ganis) sold for the regular Tier 2 skin price. Usually those Tier 1 skins with full animations, new voicelines etc. are a bit more expensive or at least come in higher-cost bundles with more packs. Here are all of the new items that are available:
- Mal’ganis Bundle (1000 Runestones or $10) – New Warlock skin (Tier 1) + 5x Warlock card pack.
- Sally Whitemane Bundle (1000 Runestones or $10) – New Priest skin (Tier 2) + 5x Priest card pack.
Reminder: 100 Runestones = $1.
Tier 2 skins usually only include new portrait and new voices for base emotes (sometimes they also include something extra from Tier 1, like a new entrance animation). Tier 1 skins might also add things like new entrance & Hero Power animations, special visual effects, or completely new emotes. It’s not an official classification – it’s just something we use to differentiate between more basic and premium skins!