This post will no longer be updated. You can see the list of all the latest Scholomance Academy decks here!
Our Scholomance Academy decks roundup features a long list of decks that have been played by Legendary players, pros, and streamers. You will be able to find decks for all 10 classes. We will be keeping this post updated throughout the beginnings of the new expansion (roughly the first 4-5 days).
Scholomance Academy is the second expansion of the Year of the Phoenix. While it doesn’t come with a rotation, it should shake up the meta considerably. We’ve got tons of new mechanics, 40 dual class cards (which means that each class has access to 14 cards instead of the regular 10), and the overall power level of the set seems to be quite high. Between all of that, we expect many new decks to rise up, but some of the already existing ones also got a lot of support. Things will look interesting over the next few days!
Scholomance Academy Theorycrafts
Don’t know what decks to try out when the expansion launches? Feel free to try one of our Scholomance Academy theorycrafts:
- Quest Druid, Quest Hunter, Quest Priest, Quest Rogue, Quest Warlock & Quest Warlock Theorycrafts by Old Guardian
- Spellburst Tempo Mage, Highlander Shaman & Malygos Druid Theorycrafts by Tharid
- Aggro Demon Hunter, Soul Fragment Demon Hunter, Aggro Weapon Rogue, Burgle Galakrond Rogue, Aggro Quest Rogue & Aggro Stealth Rogue Theorycrafts by J_Alexander
- Highlander Warrior, Thief Priest, Control Warlock & Control Demon Hunter Theorycrafts by Old Guardian
- Tempo Paladin, Control Paladin, Divine Shield Paladin, Pure Paladin & Murloc Paladin Theorycrafts by Yellorambo
Scholomance Academy Deck Lists
This post will no longer be updated. You can see the list of all the latest Scholomance Academy decks here!
Once the expansion launches, we will be feverishly posting new decks for the first few days. After that it usually tapers off as decks become more refined. If this isn’t your first expansion then this is obvious, but be very wary of decks early in the expansion. A deck can be popular one day and then never heard from again. This has happened multiple times in the past, and usually happens at least once every expansion. If you are a budget player, we recommend holding off for at least a week before committing to crafting anything. Spending Dust on hyped Legendaries on Day 1 is a very common mistake, and can leave you without means to craft the actual meta Legendaries when everything slows down.
Reached legend with aggro demon hunter. Best answer to all those druids and paladins. Not that I have an alternative, it just costs too much dust to craft the legendaries needed to play another deck. Crafting Ace Hunter Kreen was a mistake.
So when they going to announce the paladin nerfs? They’re rocking a +60% winrate right now on RSreplay…
hope soon, last 20games opponents: 15pala / 3mage / 1dh / 1warrior
just ennoying
Yeah it is becoming quite repetitive and thus unfun. At least I am farming them with Galakrond warlock.
No joke, if you look at top cards played in last 5 minutes, it’s ALL Paladin and Druid.
Like the new illusion mages and malygos druids
I don’t want Druid to be nerfed, I just want from team5 media dpt. to explain the thought process behind overgrowth, lightning bloom, guardian animals and survival of the fittest and their coexistence in a single deck. A few devs’ names made public would be a good idea, too.
The thought process is to make a ramp druid that loses to aggro and that prey on slows deck (unless they have infinite removal, like warrior, or stall into OTK, like Hunterace Freezemage).
In legend it’s no longer druid everywhere already. There’s more mage and warrior than druid.
big warrior or enrage warrior?
a lot more big than enrage
Dog warrior is insane
Love the site, but the ad bar across the page that follows as you scroll is one of the most annoying ad styles I’ve encountered.
You mean on mobile? Sorry about that. We’re currently testing it and will try to make it as least invasive as possible 🙁
It’s a bit hard to find the right balance when it comes to ads. If you don’t make them “annoying” enough then they don’t pay almost anything, and if you do make them too annoying then people get sick of them and start using another site. That’s why our devs have been experimenting with different ad styles over the last year or so.
Actually this ad style imo is good because I can take a look at it and if I am not interested then it’s easy to ignore. Just my opinion tho
You gotta do what you gotta do! I hope you can keep the site up for ever, and if that means I am gonna see some annoying ads, that‘s the price I am willing to pay… gladly! 😉
I think paladin was swapped with warrior