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Greetings, aspiring adept! On behalf of Headmaster Kel’Thuzad and the rest of our faculty, we’re thrilled to welcome you to Scholomance Academy, the fabled college of magic (and the title and setting for the newest Hearthstone expansion) where knowledge is power, the students are brimming with magical potential, and rumors abound of vile things lurking beneath the school grounds. Enrollment in Scholomance Academy grants you access to 135 new cards designed to supercharge your matches with arcane splendor and encourage all manner of never-before-seen sorcerous synergies.
General Information
- Release Date – August 6, 2020
- 135 New Cards!
- Dual Class Cards – 40 of the cards will be playable in two different classes. Every class is paired with two different classes, for 10 different pairings in total.
- New Mechanic – Spellburst – Spellburst is a new minion keyword – it triggers after you play the spell, but works only once.
- Study Spells – A new type of spell, letting players Discover a card, as well as reduce the mana cost of the next card of that type they play.
- Two Pre-Purchase Tiers!
Cinematic Trailer
Announcement Trailer
Once again, we’ll have two different pre-order bundles. You can get the bundles here. Here’s what they include and how much they cost:
Scholomance Academy Pre-Purchase Bundle ($49.99)
- 55 Scholomance Academy Card Packs
- Random Golden Legendary from Scholomance Academy
- Kel’Thuzad Card Back
Scholomance Academy Mega Bundle ($79.99)
- 80 Scholomance Academy Card Packs
- 5 Golden Scholomance Academy Card Packs
- Random Golden Legendary from Scholomance Academy
- Kel’Thuzad Mage Cosmetic Hero
- Kel’Thuzad Card Back
- 4x Arena Ticket
- Tavern Pass
Dual Class Cards
Multi-class cards is not exactly a new concept – they were first introduced back in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan as triple class cards. However, they were only a small part of the expansion and frankly didn’t make a big impact. Things are going to be way different now. Not only the cards are getting limited to two classes (for a better control of pairings), but we’re getting 40 of them – that’s a lot!
Dual class cards will combine the mechanics and synergies from two classes they are available to. Which means that if you play a card in a given class, you might have access to some unique mechanics that were previously only available to the second class. And so, you might be able to put a Combo card into Mage, or gain extra Mana Crystals as Shaman. In theory, this should open a lot of new ways to play for every class.
Here’s a list of all available class combinations:
- Druid/Hunter
- Hunter/Demon Hunter
- Demon Hunter/Warlock
- Warlock/Priest
- Priest/Paladin
- Paladin/Warrior
- Warrior/Rogue
- Rogue/Mage
- Mage/Shaman
- Shaman/Druid
And here’s the visual representation of class / dual class color wheel:
Spellburst is a new keyword, which appears on minions and weapons. When Spellburst minion/weapon is played, you can trigger its effect by casting any spell. However, it’s only a one-time effect, which means that after the first spell, you will no longer be able to trigger it again. It does NOT work like Wild Pyromancer, for example.
Spellburst effects are usually strong – stronger than something you would see on a Battlecry. However, they need a spell to activate them. Which means that timing is very important. Ideally, you want to activate the effect right after playing the minion/weapon, but it’s not always possible. Will you take a risk and just play the minion and risk getting it removed without the effect? Or wait until you can play both on the same turn? Sometimes you also want to pair it with the right spell, not just any spell (Diligent Notetaker).
Most Recently Revealed Cards from Scholomance Academy
If you’re looking for cards from a specific class, click on it below:
Demon Hunter – Druid – Hunter – Mage – Paladin – Priest – Rogue – Shaman – Warlock – Warrior – Neutral
Because of 40 dual class cards (4 for each class pairing), each class will have access to 14 class cards this expansion – 6 unique, 4 shared with one class and 4 shared with another class. That’s why you see more card slots than usual, but the total number of cards in the set remains the same.
I was on my way to buy the pre purchase and when I entered the shop, it wasn’t there… It would be my first pre purchase ever in HS TT
Was looking for better early game taunts for my mage deck to try and slow down all these aggro players and I’m just not seeing it
What Mage deck are you playing? Because Combustion and Firebrand seem to be solid cards to slow down Aggro by clearing their early boards.
Is there a rare paladin/warrior card?
oh nvm i just didn’t see it lol
Felosophy is missing as the Warlock/Demon Hunter epic
Thanks, added it back!
What happened to DH getting 2 extra cards each expansion? And does the number of cards add up to 135? I only count 116 total, 100 from classes (# of dual class cards (8) divided by 2 + class cards (6) = 10, then multiply by # of classes (10) = 100), and 16 from neutral.
I added extra cards to DH, in Ashes of Outland DH got 3 extra Commons and 2 extra Rares, so I assumed that the situation will be the same this time (but it might not be, of course).
And we’ll get more Neutrals. Don’t look at the “empty” cards, they are not meant to visually represent every card in the expansion, simply because we never know how the rarity spread will look like. The rarity spread might change from expansion to expansion, especially now that the 10th class was released and they’re probably still settling on a new “format”. Plus, just adding 20 empty Common cards is not that pleasing visually, instead we just add actual cards to the list after final reveal season.
Heads up: Steeldancer needs to go into the warrior section as well.
Thanks, fixed it. I had it under the early translated name (Steel Dancer with a space in between) so it didn’t display.
It’s me or mechanics of this expansion could stick up for longer?
I mean spellburst is good effect like battlecry or deathrattle, and dual class cards are nice to increase amount of cards after rotation or introducing new class, without having to get more cards in packs.
I agree, Dual Class cards are super exciting and open up a lot of possibilities, and Spellburst seems like a very balanced mechanic. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more of both in the future – but I guess it really depends on whether people will like them or not.
Multi Class cards are awesome, I really liked when they did it in MSG, but was disappointed with how it was handled back then. I really hope they continue to come up with interesting new combos like Priest/Druid or Hunter/Paladin.
Anyone know when the bundles pre-ordering end?
You should be able to purchase either pre-order bundle up till the release of the expansion on August 6th at 10 am EST
You can always buy pre-order even a few hours before the expansion’s launch, so 6th would be the last day.
But if you want to get it, I would do it a day before just to be safe.
Thank you guys
Be careful if you’re using Amazon coins in the in-game shop, I couldn’t use them a few hours before Ashes of Outland. I had to pre-order directly on
I think the card distribution can now be updated, because it has been revealed that each class will have access to 14 cards this expansion. (6 Regularly and 8 (from the two pairings). It has also been revealed, that every class will have three legendaries. One regular one and two from the pairings.
welp so much for this being the cheapest expansion…
It will still be cheaper. Those split legendaries are still playable by two classes. Just not AS cheap.
hey you forgot about this×279.png
Sorry, added it
druid’s new dual class legendary is not shown after deck building
Thanks for the report, dual class are currently not showing correctly after decks are built, we’re already working on the fix, though! Will 100% get it done before the end of reveal season.
Does anyone remember if golden card packs count as there own pack type. Or with other words if they get there own guarantee legendary within 10 packs or if they share that guaranteed legendary with the normal ungold packs?
yes its their own pack type.. good chance to get legendary 50% chance.
They are their own type of packs, but I’m not sure if they have guaranteed Legendary in the first 10 packs. I remember reading different people saying different things, and it’s a bit hard to say, because we didn’t have many Golden packs so far.
My question is, is there actually 135 cards or does 1 dual class card account for 2/135 of the new cards
On there are 136 total cards, so I’m guessing it’s the correct number since it’s the official website
Wait, 136? It’s 135 in the official announcement:
Maybe we’ll get an extra card like Zayle, Shadow Cloak from Rise of Shadows or something
Ah they changed it now used to show 14 revealed cards and 122 cards backs but now it’s 135 total.
So I guess I shouldn’t have trusted the official website ????
The Board doesn’t look Like it contain some secret interactions… I’m sad
Maybe the steps? Like click them in the right order for something to happen? We’ll see
So as I understand it, the Dual Class feature will make this the cheapest expansion yet? ;D
Unless we won’t get more Legendary cards to compensate for that, because the exact rarity distribution is still unknown.
But yeah, it’s really cool that it will be easier to get all the cards.
Right, well I am up for extra legendaries or cheaper expansion, both are good in it’s own way.
Total amount of legendaries should stay the same, but dual class mechanic means that is cheaper to create decks for classes that overlap, also in theory each class gets access to 4 aditional cards.
Dual Class card is good, but rather confusing, they’re not neutrals, and what class really owns them?
Both of them at the same time
E.g. Lightning Bloom counts as a Druid AND a Shaman card.
so, you’re saying, i can craft one class card, and I can use it for 2 classes? weird. I’m in.
Yep, that’s right. You won’t have to craft them separately for different classes.