We’ll be gathering all of the best pro & streamer decks from Rise of Shadows here!
Hide all of your valuables and then run, because a new team of super villains has risen to power!
Rise of Shadows is the first expansion for the Year of the Dragon! Our expansion guide will feature a card spoilers list, general information, explanation of new mechanics, artworks, card backs, and more! We’ll be updating this guide immediately following the release of any new information.
Rise of Shadows represents the 11th full set Hearthstone expansion and the first expansion of 2019 (Year of the Dragon). It will be followed by a Standard rotation, with all of the 2017 (Year of the Mammoth) sets rotating to Wild. It will be interesting to see how things shape up, given that rotating expansions had a very high power level and dominated the playing field for a long time.
If you want to learn more about upcoming Standard rotation (which sets rotate out, how Hall of Fame works, what key cards will be gone), check out our Ultimate Hearthstone 2019 (Year of the Dragon) Rotation Guide!
General Information
- Release Date – April 9, 2019 (Time: 10 AM PST / 19:00 CEST / 02:00 KS / 01:00 CST)
- Pre-Release Date: April 5, 2019 (More Information Here!)
- Single Player Content Release Date: May 2019
- 135 New Cards (Card Reveal Schedule)
- Reveal Season Starts on March 25 with a Live Stream
- Reveal Season Ends on April 3 with a Final Live Stream
- New Mechanics – Twinspell, Lackeys, Schemes + Callback Cards (read more below!)
- Two Pre-Purchase Tiers – 50 Rise of Shadows Card Packs + Jewel of Lazul Card Back + Random Rise of Shadows Legendary for $49.99 and 80 Rise of Shadows Card Packs + Jewel of Lazul Card Back + Madame Lazul Priest Hero + Random Golden Rise of Shadows Legendary for $79.99 (you can buy each of them once)
- Shadow Bundle – Available for the first week of expansion, includes 9 card packs + Arena Ticket for $9.99
Announcement & Cinematic Trailer
Most Recently Revealed Cards from Rise of Shadows
Druid Tokens
Vereesa Windrunner Weapon
Neutral cards for new expansions aren’t always consistent in their rarities.
Chef Nomi Tokens
New Mechanics
- New Keyword – Twinspell. When you cast a spell with Twinspell, it adds another copy of itself to your hand (but this time without Twinspell). So you can cast them twice in total. Unlike Echo, they don’t have to be played during the same turn. The Forest's Aid is an example of Twinspell card:
- New Token Cards – Lackeys. Because every evil mastermind needs a lackey! Lackey are new Token cards. You can’t put them into your decks, they are only generated by other Rise of Shadows cards. There are five lackeys in total, one related to each of the villains. They are all 1 mana 1/1 minions with helpful Battlecries. They will be generated by many different cards, and EVIL Miscreant is just one of them.
- New Mechanic – Schemes. Scheme cards are spells that start weak and grow stronger each turn they’re in your hand, increasing a number on them each turn. For example, Hagatha's Scheme starts as one point of AoE damage for 5 mana, but if it’s held for three more turns, it will be four AoE damage for 5 mana.
- Callback Cards. All of our villains were around for quite some time, so some of the new cards might be familiar. Callback will be using mechanics from the past expansions, such as the Priest’s Forbidden Words, which uses “Forbidden” mechanic from Whispers of the Old Gods, that spent all of your remaining mana (e.g. Forbidden Shaping).
Solo Adventure Content
While we can’t say much about the solo content yet, one thing is sure – it will be bigger than ever! It will release in May, roughly a month after the expansion. It will feature 5 chapters, just like some of the old adventures, but there will be much, much more to do! You will start your adventure with only a single class with a single Hero Power, but you will unlock more as the time goes by. Each class (represented by a new, unique Hero) will have 3 different Hero Powers, with different play styles. You will fight against 75 different bosses in three different modes – Normal, Heroic and Anomaly. Completionists will also be happy with the fact that progress tracking will be much better than previously, letting you know how far you’ve got with each of the Class/Hero Power combinations.
First chapter will be free, while the other four will cost 700 gold per chapter (or $19.99 for all four). All five chapters will give you 15 Rise of Shadows Card Packs, a single Golden Classic Pack and a Golden version of Zayle, Shadow Cloak (which works like Whizbang the Wonderful, but gives you one of the five new decks at random).
We’ll share more information with you as soon as possible!
There are two Pre-Purchase tiers this time around. The cheaper one costs $49.99 and gives you 50 Rise of Shadows Card Packs + Jewel of Lazul Card Back + Random Rise of Shadows Legendary.
The second, more expensive one, costs $79.99 and gives you 80 Rise of Shadows Card Packs + Jewel of Lazul Card Back + Madame Lazul Priest Hero Portrait + Random Golden Rise of Shadows Legendary.
We’ve got over 70 desktop and mobile wallpapers from the Rise of Shadows expansion. We won’t show them here to not clutter this guide, but you can find them all here!
Key Art
Cinematic Stills
Post Changelog
March 20: Added card reveal schedule.
March 25: Added more information about reveal season & live stream.
March 27: Added link to our Ultimate Standard Rotation guide.
April 3: Added link to the final live stream.
April 8: Added link to Rise of Shadows Wallpapers.
April 9: Added release time and link to post with decks.
Alrighty expansions looking alright, see you all next reveal season!
Good night Azeroth!
9 legs out of 131 packs
same here, and dont forget the other 2 you will get today
Wait, do we still get a free one after Vargoth?
No, but if you purchased both packs, 50 and 80, you will get a free legendary (50) and a golden legendary (80). They were included in pre-purchase.
Cause he wrote 131 packs = 50 + 80 + 1 (from Brawl).
Oh i see. Didn’t pre purchase so rip me T_T
does anyone know if you can dust Archmage Vargoth?
It probably won’t be dustable (just like how Marin and C’thun aren’t)
Shouldn’t there be supposedly 135 cards in total? If I counted correctly, there are 133 listed: 90 class cards + 43 neutral cards. I suppose Zayle’s cloak is another card, which makes me wonder what’s with last 1 card?
It’s our fault – Barista Lynchen and Exotic Mountseller weren’t on the list. Now that I’ve looked through it once more I’ve noticed it and added them.
I think that Zayle doesn’t count as an expansion card, but rather as an extra “adventure” card.
You are probably right. I completely forgot about Barista and mountseller. Should be obvious to me since there were only 4 neutral legendaries.
Anyone know if there’s will be free packs or legendary for this expansion like there has been in the past?
Yep! Archmage Vargoth is free (and will be released before the actual expansion). You’ll get 3 packs along with him and have the ability to get another with this week’s brawl
3 packs at the same time with Vargoth? And an extra one for Brawl? So i will have 4 Packs i cannot open till 9th April? thats really unusual.
You’ll get the three packs when the expansion releases, not at the same time as Vargoth sorry. I say “along with” as in part of the free package.
But that’ll only make a difference if you plan on opening packs early at a fireside gathering, where you won’t get the three packs, but you will have the one from the brawl. This is the same as the Rastakhan’s gatherings.
Will we get another free leggy other than Vargoth ? Like a free class leggy?
I would say that Paladin got only shit this expansion so that players who want to play Paladin will have to make up mech / spell Paladin list that come from boomsday / Rastakan. I am really disappointed that Blizzard made this decision since Paladin isn’t in the same spot as druid was in Boomsday…
But s e c r e t s
I agree that secrets in Paladin get a decent support this Expansion but secret Paladin looses divine favour so that secret paladin becomes was more of an all in decktype that will have a hard time against any control deck (like warrior) to compete
Pally will be Tier 1, trust me.
I personally don’t see Dragon and Secret Paladin in tier 1 because secret Paladin is way too all in without divine favour and Dragon Pally is too slow against Combo decks and gets outvalued by roque
Priest will be TIER 4 this season.
nope. at least tier 2.
They should have introduced a new game mode like a 8 or 16 player tournament where anyone can join for free.
The set that start a rotation should be bigger than others . This is going to be quite boring. I understand they afraid of power creep but this is just… meh…
Been like that for over a year, i’d say it’s disappointing but i think majority of hs community is now used to it, at least what’s left of it.
This meta will be vastly different due to how many powerful cards are rotating. And in general, their design philosophy has been that the first expac in a rotation is weaker then the rest of the year’s sets, since it stays in standard for longer.
Is it possible to buy packs for gold in the pre-release?
I’m afraid not. Only the pre-purchase packs will be available during pre-release.
What’s the time limit to buy the 80 dollar bundle? Want to know since there are some give aways for it on april’s 4.
I’m pretty sure that the last day before expansion’s launch is the last moment you can buy it (so in this case April 8th).
Great info and articles as always!
Are you not gonna do any card-reviews this expansion? The cards are getting revealed in a crazy fast tempo so I can understand it must be a massive task.
I was only helping during the previous reveal season (Evident was doing most of the work), so I had more time to do reviews. I did it for the first batch, but the reveal season is really fast and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with reviews.
That said, I’ll do some reviews for the most interesting cards in the period after reveal season and before the expansion’s launch (we’ll also have lots of theorycraftings, so stay tuned). I would love to do more but I just don’t have time
Aah I see. Very understandable. Looking forward to the summarized reviews of the most interesting cards. Keep up the good work!
Can the tokens that cards make be listed for all cards that make tokens? Currently, this is only done for Chef Nomi and the Treant cards.
The problem is that we don’t have images for most of the tokens. When Blizzard releases a HQ card, they do it only for the card and not the tokens it generates. We’ll try to get our hands on those too (and if not, we’ll add all of them after all the cards are revealed – they do a big dump with ALL of the cards including tokens then).
Why is Sludge slurper here, but EVIL genius and EVIL conscriptor not? I would expect it if you were doing it by day, but this looks like an accident.(I’m not angry, just thought you ought to be notified at this point.)
Because Skiffington added them to the site and not me, then I somehow assumed that he added them to this post too without checking. I’ve updated it now.
i saw a few new cards is revealed on the trailer. does every other revealed cards is on its final state? meaning they will released exactly like that?
and going to the next year, what expansions is going to be rotated out?
i got much more info from this site than the hearthstone site itself. is that weird?
Every card will be released in the state in which it is showcased – we never had any cards changed after they were revealed. Maybe, MAYBE it might happen in some extreme cases, but I doubt it – if anything, problematic card might be changed a few weeks after the expansion’s release.
You can learn more about Standard rotation with our Ultimate Guide! Check it out here: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/guides/hearthstone-standard-rotation-schedule-guide/
And thank you, I guess – it’s nice to hear that you got much more info from our site than from the official one
That’s not exactly true. War master Voone was originally revealed as a 5 mana 4/4, but they changed his stats when people realized odd warrior was going to be a problem.
War Master Voone was not changed after the reveal (which was my point), they just showcased a wrong (outdated) version. The card was changed when it was still in development. They immediately pushed out the right version on Twitter, and made an explanation post right after. My guess is that Wronchi animations (during one of which he was revealed) took quite a lot of time to create, so they were ready a long time before reveal season, and they just forgot to update that part. So I’d say that my point still stands.
Oh, Ok. Sorry for the confusion then.
I’ve read from standard rotation schedule guide link you gave me, and to be honest, i’ve read it multiple times and still don’t get it. (I’m probably that stupid), but let me recap everything.
1. KoFT, UnGoro, and Kobold is out. does that mean none of those cards playable anymore in Standard? not even Face Heroes (Lich Jaina, etc)?
2. You get more dust by crafting Golden version? what? why? Does this mean, for example, I had regular Baku (400 dust), and crafting golden Baku (3600 dust), i got 2000 dust (400 original + 1600 golden) when rotating, and still can dust 2000 more out of it? that doesn’t make any sense? If it’s true, then this is the best sites ever (aside from super fast reply from super admin).
3. This is out of the topic, but, does buying packs with real money will net you more legend cards? I never bought any with real money but gold only. and from 30 or so packs, I’ve only got 1 legend card. so sad..
It seems I was wrong.
If I craft golden baku (3200), when rotating I got full 3200 + dust it again for 1600
If I craft regular baku (1600), when rotating I got full 1600 + dust it again for 400
In total, I’ve got out 2000 more dust. Thank you so much. I wonder why this remarkable info never reach me.
Keep making great effort at it.
and I was wrong again. there must be an easy way to understand this.
Only the best value of dust will be given when rotating.
so I don’t get full from regular and golden. if I crafted golden baku while having regular one, I will get only 3200 dust + 2000 (dust both golden and regular).
But I still don’t get the 3rd rules on How to Maximize your Dust Gain.
* If you own a regular playset of Rare, Epic or Legendary cards (so two, or one in case of Legendaries), don’t do anything.
isn’t it good to craft all of it in golden? it’s still profitable right? this single rule doesn’t make sense to me.
Legend cards : Waste 3200 dust, get back those 3200, dust it again for 1600. still 1600 profit.
Epic cards : Waste 1600 dust, get back those 1600, dust it for 400, 400 profit.
Rare cards : Waste 400 dust, get back 400 dust, gain 100 dust
Common : Waste 100 dust, get 100 dust, gain 50 dust
and here I was, going back and forth to fix my own mistakes.
if you had any idea what i had to do in order to understand everything here *LOL*.
I’ve gone and do it with my own calculation. so the point you try to make is, it’s useless to create golden version of Rare, Epic and Legend if you have a regular ones. coz the payout is exactly the same. plus, the payout is for a single card only. (only Common gets 10 more dust in golden payout)
Pardon me, but perhaps, you can give out a way to delete comments made by themselves? that way, i could erase any proof of embarrasing (and possibly moronic) replies.
1. Yes, that’s exactly what it means. The cards will still be playable in Wild, but no longer in Standard.
2. Like you’ve already calculated it below… For Commons, craft a Golden version no matter if you don’t own it or own a regular one. For Rare/Epic/Legendary, if you own a regular version, don’t do anything. If you don’t own it at all, craft Golden. I think that your question was why you don’t want to do anything if you own a regular version and the answer is simple – because it won’t give you any extra Dust. You CAN do that but it just doesn’t matter (you just have to invest more Dust upfront).
3. No, it does not. Average is 1 Legendary per 20 packs no matter whether you spend Gold or real money, but you can go up to 40 packs without a single Legendary (if you don’t open one in 39 packs, 40th one has a guaranteed Legend). You just got unlucky (there’s really nothing you can do about it, sorry).
true enough, sorry about the mess. Still the best sites. I wonder if this place got any of them “upvote” like the way to praise or like something. So it goes more with approval rating. Funny thing tho, your site is placed on page 3 on google search “Hearthstone”. It need more fame.
Thanks again, meanwhile, I’ll go check newest cards out here.
they put the rogue contract on the warlock set =P
You’re right, sorry, fixed it
Yo, I’ve got to say, Stonekeep you are one of the most helpful site admins I’ve ever seen, keep up the good work man
Thank you
This is not related to the expansion, but i was wondering if i craft baku and genn in golden do I get a golden hero?
I’m not sure if I understand the question. You mean that if you play a Golden Baku/Genn in your deck, is your Hero Golden? Then the answer is no.
not even the hero power? I mean, with a golden baku would my 1/1 silver recruits be golden?
I’m not 100% sure, but I think that Golden Baku/Genn do make your Hero Power Golden too.
I got both of them golden and unfortunately the answer is no, kinda disappointing since they are golden legendaries
I have golden Baku and do not have 500 wins as Paladin, and baku makes my hero power golden. No other part of the portrait, just the HP.
When you put a golden copy of such a card in your deck, your Hero portrait won’t be golden but your Hero power is.
I’m going to make a sugestion: each time an update is made there should be some mentioned what the update is.
In long posts that get updated sometimes i can’t find the update.
This is not a critic, is a sugestion!
Tkx for the good work STONEKEEP
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll make a change log at the bottom of the post and keep track of all the things I add to it, it should make browsing it easier.
Sometimes posts are too long and we dont know what are the uptades :p
Tkx a lot!!!
One might think if Blizzard want’s you to spend 80 bucks on their imaginary digital card game, they would at least include the solo content in this package. I mean you kiddin’?
80 bucks for the packs & hero and another 20 for the solo content. I mean just the fact that they charge you 20 bucks for solo content in a card game is absurd but sum it up and you can spend at least 100€/$ to get normal (!) value out of it.
Dont be naive and think the 50 packs are enough to be competitive on the ladder. The cards you get out of it and the dust from the duplicates is statistically just not enough to compete. The 80 packs is minimum to be competitive and then you want the solo content because it is part of this expansion.
I dont know man…people are hating about EA, Bethesda ans other companies to release unfinished games with DLC content which shoulve been in the game in the first place but with Hearthstone no one seems to care even though it is actually the same. Why charge 20 bucks for the mediocre solo content? I dont understand it. And people dont let Blizzard pay for those absurd decisions. You guys pay for it.
@haters: dont be bothered to reply. I know you can buy EVERYTHING with gold as F2P player. But Hearthstone Mathematician (YouTube) made a calculation on this. You have to save gold for 1 1/2 years straight, have luck with the quests and you need to play beyond the quests to get this amount of gold to get everything you need and want “for free”. Saving gold for over 1 year means you have to skip 2 expansions. Doesnt sound like a good deal to me.
And no, I dont spend money on this game. At least not regularly. I bought expansions twice in my whole Hearthstone playtime. Old Gods and Rasta.
Not hating but… although I get mostly what you’re saying ($80 is a lot + solo not free), I disagree with the rest…
I mean, in terms of number of hours HS is by far the game I play the most… and I want them to continue developing it. So yeah, paying for a few cards every now and then seems fair enough.
Not sure I agree… I don’t spend money on card packs, I just recycle the cards that are taken out of Standard and craft a few new ones. I find that’s enough for me to make at least a few competitive decks. Of course that doesn’t give me more than a handful of the new Legendaries, but do I really need all of them to enjoy playing on the ladder? Probably not.
I pay 60 bucks for games i like a lot less and play a lot less than hearthstone. saving literally a dollar a day in between expansions is not that difficult so that i can play a game i truly enjoy. also saving coins in between expansions from daily wins and quest will net you a minimum of 8000 coins at the start of each expansion. getting good at arena gets you well more. it’s not like you’re forced to pay the 80 bucks. in fact the only thing you’re forced to pay for are the unnecessary cosmetics.
The RoS Pre-Release page says we can make private gatherings – but the private gatherings instructions page says we aren’t eligible for celebration campaigns.
Do you know if we’ll get to access the pre-release at private gatherings?
[…] episode, the Hearthstone team hit us with an announcement for their next expansion called, “Rise of Shadows!” The evil villains of the game are storming Dalaran and taking over. Can they be […]
[…] Rise of Shadows Information Guide […]
[…] Rise of Shadows Information Guide […]
Is there any hint that blizzard intends to further improve rewards improving the game f2p aspect during the year of the dragon?
Yes! They plan to give f2p money to play their game!
You know man, if you want to splurge and go for the big daddy again this time, you can since the 80 dollar bundle is back.
At least this time Stonekeep wrote it this time so we don’t have a repeat offense.
I have been informed Evident is no longer here to write those posts, sorry to hear he’s gone
It would be very nice if there was something like a change log for those kinds of articles – so that one can easily track what was changed or added.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll make a change log at the bottom of the post and keep track of all the things I add to it, it should make browsing it easier.
Very cool. Thanks!
At the beginning where it says “Rise of Shadows represents the 11th full set Hearthstone expansion and THE THE first expansion of 2019 (Year of the Dragon).” there is a typo. But more importantly, is it better to buy the solo for 2800 gold and 15 packs? Or is it better to buy 28 packs for 2800 gold?
It’s better to buy packs if you want full value. But buying solo content gives you… hours of fun with solo content if that’s your thing.
But if you’re spending real money, it’s worth it. 15 packs cost $19.99 anyway.
I’ve never bought solo content. I started to play the game when Karazhan was about to finish, so didn’t bother to buy Karazhan’s solo stuff, because I wouldn’t be able to play in standart with the cards I get from there; wish I could though, really liked the characters and the storyline.
I was thinkin about to get 28 packs for 2800G, but I feel like this expansion’s story will be really good. And the fact that it’ll take a year to finish the story, I think it’s best option to get the solo content to keep up with 2 upcoming expansions. So I’m buying it with the golds I saved. About 3000 so far, but worth it. I am no good in The Arena anyway
So to sum up, in my opinion, players who considering to buy packs with gold should reconsider buying the solo content.
“Why not both?” also an option as well, but since currency is f’d up in Turkey, it is not a good option for me now.
That’s a good point. I am definitely interested in seeing how the story would be told
is there going to be a card list sorted by class like in the old expansions card reveals ?
I was really busy over the weekend, but I finally found some time to update it. It’s now displayed just like the previous expansions were (sorted by class with latest on the top)
great work admin i always liked your work in the card reveals since the beginning of this site keep going ????
you’re the best ????????????
ps: the question marks were emotes not question marks :p
Good to know, I was wondering why did you put them
But thanks a lot!
Do we know when is the first reveal stream going to be? Usually the reveal season lasts for at least 2 weeks, followed by a week until release. Since the release is in 3 weeks, the stream should be soon-ish.
We don’t know that yet, but probably soon. My guess would be reveal stream next either upcoming Friday (22nd) or Monday (25th) and then reveal season right after until April 7th.
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Do we get a log-in rewards (free legendary & some packs) this time? They were always mentioned in the new-expansion release update but not this time
While it was not officially said anywhere, I believe that we should. It would be really weird if we didn’t.
Go to 14:50
It’s the only thing I’ve seen about free packs.
Yeah, but those aren’t the expansion card packs, those are from the “goodbye to year of the mammoth” event or something (and we’ve covered that in another post). But they are always giving out some free packs at the start of expansion, so it would be weird if they didn’t.
We 100% will get a free legendary. We will get one like Marin the Fox before. You can already use it before the expansion releases.
$50 for a bunch of Common dupes and ~3 Legendaries + 1400 Dust. Mehhhh…
$80 for a lot of bunchs of Common dupes and ~ 5 Legendaries + 1600 DUST and a Hero. Buuuuuu…..
Please where can i get the key art in full version and the image with invation to PvE mode thank
You can find most of the HQ art from announcements in Press section on the official Blizz site: https://blizzard.gamespress.com/Hearthstone
Do we know if we can purchase both the 50 and the 80 dollar one?
Yes, we can.
Right there, under bullet point “Two Pre-Purchase Tiers”, at the very end in parentheses, it reads:
(you can buy each of them them once)
Typo and all. But, hey, tl;cr
Sorry, fixed the typo!
Not a problem. Just pointed out that if he actually read it, he’d have known the answer.
You guys rock, thanks for all the info in one spot
Typo in the intro says this is the first expansion of 2019 (Year of the Raven)
It should, of course, say Year of the Dragon!
Thanks, fixed!
I like the new Priest Hero, for those who never got the chance to get Tyrande. Also really like the new mechanics! So some kind of Aggro/Value Rogue might be a thing. I mean 6 stats for 3 mana is really nice. If the Lackeys where spells they can deal like 2 damage and also put a 1/1 on the board, i.m.o. its really valuable and can snowball the early boardcontrol really well. The content of the first single player chapter is huge too! 15 packs, one golden pack, one golden hero card (3200 dust if you wanna craft it).
Iam really hyped, really excited. Looking forward to get into the new meta after i didnt played much in February cause of Baku. Blizzard made a huge decision with the Hall of Fame moves they showed. They are listening to us and i think the community is really happy right now. And maybe this will become one of the most hyped expansions so far. For me iam playing since the middle of Wichwood. I cant wait to see more cards. Actually love all of the recent revealed ones!
Thanks also for the good work on this site! Really love to klick this page and read every single article i possibly can. Keep it up!
Does the 80 dollar version come with a normal legendary and a golden or just the golden ?
Just a Golden.
Might be worth mentioning that there is a third “shadow bundle” available during the first week that gives 9 packs and an Arena ticket for $9.99.
is there any official news about this bundle? i can’t find any proofs.
I hit some sites where they said the same. I think you can be 100% sure about that. First week, 9 packs, one Arena Ticket for 9,99.
The arena ticket will give you at least one pack as well + potential other rewards at completion of the arena run. 10 packs for 10 dollars. I will buy packs any and every time they offer 1 pack per dollar. This is a good deal.
Take my money! I’m in
I just would like the new portrait was for Rogue instead of Priest
Just so you’re aware you listed that the $50 pre-purchase includes a free golden legendary, but to my knowledge it only gurantees a regular legendary. Only the $80 bundle includes a guaranteed golden.
Sorry, you’re right about that, fixed!
I hope Lazul is as snarky as Anduin
Nothing beats destroying someone as a priest and saying, “not quite what was planned” or that passive aggressive, “Thank you.”
it says on the shop pre-purchase page :
Hearthstone®: Rise of Shadows releases on or before April 30th 2019
and here it says April 9 please correct it .
April 9 is before April 30th. They have to account for potential delays when selling you something.
ok thanks for the clarification . then i guess i should preorder before april 9