The pre-purchase of Whispers of the Old Gods has just gone live! The pre-purchase is $49.99, and includes 50 packs (10 packs more than you get for the same price usually), and a special Eyes of C’Thun card back. If you have an Android Device (or an emulator) and want to save money on the purchase you should use Amazon Coins! You can learn more on our “How-to Get Cheaper Hearthstone Packs” page, but you can purchase 5,000 Amazon coins for $41.00 which saves you $8.99!
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Learn more about Whispers of the Old Gods
- Check out all the official information on Whispers of the Old Gods
- Whispers of the Old Gods Card List
- Theorycraft decks from Whispers of the Old Gods with our Hearthstone Deck Builder
Question, when I purchased 5000 coins, The Amazon store indicated it needed 5317 coins to complete the pre purchase. What’s up with that? Am I doing something wrong?
I don’t know why that would be the case unless you are in a region that has an increased price. I saw people on Reddit confirming that they purchased the pre-order with 5,000 coins. I believe you can get a refund from Amazon if necessary.
Amazon charged me a coin tax. That’s where the extra coins were needed.
Amazon coins only work for US customers. Fuckers 🙁
They work in some European countries as well!
Only UK and germany? :/
Please don’t pay for 50 packs…it’s absurd!
Hearthstone is interesting while playing, and you’ll get cards while playing..that’s the game philosophy.
If you’ll get all cards by paying, why you had to play? 😉