Perils in Paradise Rewards Track Refresh Details

Perils in Paradise expansion is releasing next week, and just like every set, it will come with a rewards track refresh. On July 23, all players will be reset to Level 1 and start earning new rewards as they climb back up. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Overall, the base (free) rewards track seems to be the same as in the previous few expansions. Rewards match up level to level, no surprises here. Just updated for the new expansion.
  • The paid rewards track is also comparable to the previous few expansions – of course, we have new cosmetics, but the overall amount of them stays the same. It looks like they’re sticking to the tried rewards scheme.
  • This expansion’s free Legendary every player gets at Level 1 is Gorgonzormu.
  • We have a single new Diamond card – A. F. Kay at Tavern Pass Level 2. Instead of the Diamond card previously given for collecting all expansion Legendaries, we have two Signature cards – Power Spike and Adaptive Amalgam (sadly it was expected as it already happened in Whizbang’s Workshop). We also have two new cosmetic coins in the expansion – Sand Coin (Tavern Pass Level 90) and Seafarer’s Coin (Owning 145 expansion cards). Keep in mind that progressing those achievements will be easier when mini-set releases because the requirements for cosmetics don’t upgrade (but the pool of cards grows so it’s easier to get them).
  • As for the other cosmetics in Tavern Pass, there are six Signature Cards (2x Tidepool Pupil, 2x Hydration Station, 2x Mixologist), four Golden Cards (Marin the Manager, Gorgonzormu, 2x Seaside Giant), 11 Constructed skins (one for each class), and a card back (Poxi).

Learn more with the official blog post below:


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

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