Grunty is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion Murloc card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon four random Murlocs, then shoot them at enemy minions. (You pick the targets!)
Grunty is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion Murloc card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!
Battlecry: Summon four random Murlocs, then shoot them at enemy minions. (You pick the targets!)
Consume is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Warlock Spell card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!
Remove 1 Durability from a friendly location to restore 8 Health to your hero.
Ultralisk Cavern is a 3 Mana Cost Common Warlock Location card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!
Deal 1 damage to all enemies. Deathrattle: Summon an 8/8 Ultralisk with Rush.
Spine Crawler is a 2 Mana Cost Common Warlock Minion card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!
Taunt. Can't attack. Has +3 Attack if you control a location.