Blizzard has just posted a short teaser for the new expansion on social media. It features two sides – Horde (represented by Rokara) and Alliance (represented by Tavish) seemingly preparing to fight in the snowy environment. It all but confirms the previous Alterac Valley rumors, although we still don’t know the exact expansion’s name (Blizzard rarely goes for straightforward ones, that’s why the last two expansions weren’t simply called “The Barrens” and “Stormwind”).
What’s maybe even more important is that our predictions that the expansion will be announced tomorrow (November 16) also seem to be correct. According to the teaser, that’s when the card reveals will start. Normally there’s a longer gap between announcement and an actual reveal season, but I expect that we won’t have to wait long this time around, since the expansion’s announcement was delayed because of the recent mini-set release (which in turn was delayed because of Mercenaries game mode release).
Check out the teaser here:
Which side will you be on?
Card reveals begin Nov 16!
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) November 15, 2021
Alterac Valley War? Showdown in Alterac Valley? Buried in Alterac Valley?
What’s the end for Forged -> United -> ?
Shattered in Alterac Valley – that’s my prediction! It would fit both the war and frost theme. Would also fit nicely with the three Year of the Gryphon names. First it’s forged, then it’s united and finally, it’s shattered!
Okay, it made more sense in my head, but still
Not quite, but I was pretty close!
Came here to write that, not bad at all!
I thought that was it until I checked it again. Almost nailed it.
Wow, really nice prediction m8, shattered and fractured aren’t acutally that far away from eachother in terms of use and context. To be honest, i actually think “Shattered” in Alteric Valley (the rest was 100% correct btw) fits better than “fractured” where the context is a two side rivarly/hatred taking place in the frezzing cold. Sure, shit will go down and charechters will be injuried, but i still don’t think blizzard aims to hospitalize the mercinaries. Idk about you, but i wanna see the main characters at full force when there used, having not to suffer from the price of war. Can just imagine how poor Guff starts suffering from PTSD for example.
Okay. First of all. Awesome music theme.
Second, nice to see the short time between announcement of announcement to card reveal season.
It’s better than have to wait a week or so in the past.
Come now. Hero Power is coming.
But then, the Stormwind brought us so many broken card, Solitaire, Hyper Aggro.
I’m having PTSD all over again.
True, hated the long wait time for the Stormwind expansion(if i remember correctly…). To be faire i think this expansion has to be a bit more minion and control oriented overall, while also being a little bit worse for aggro and combo decks, otherwise cards like these (sorry for the link) won’t matter.
The ambition for Stormwind was the best i’ve ever seen the dev team come up with, containing so many cool deck ideas. However, many of the ideas we’re WAY to synergistic with what was around, resulting in flashbacks instead of kick ass moments.
Basically, this expansion has got to produce some reliable midrange and control tools, while being a lesser TGT for aggro and control.
Seeing the new cards, I love the idea of GIVING MAGE MORE SPELL DISCOUNT. Geez.
If only they give Mage more draw, then surely, the hatred to Mage gonna be massive.
Speaking of which, I’m gonna side with the Alliance. Vanndar
Discounting 3 mana from 5+ minion in deck gonna be straight up crazy. (But must wait until turn 4 while drawing said Legendary).
I think Control Deck may return somehow.