If you like to leave comments on your website, you might want to customize your look with one of the avatars (in case you don’t know, you can pick them in the settings of your profile). I see that many of you already have their favorite avatars, but maybe you will like some of the new ones we’ve prepared. For now, we have 31 Saviors of Uldum avatars to pick from. But wait, why Saviors of Uldum when the expansion is nearly a year old? Yep, as you might have noticed, we’ve skipped over the last three sets worth of avatars – mostly for two reasons.
First one was the lack of time – to be perfectly honest, the last few expansions were very busy and had little breathing room. After we’ve managed to update everything, a new patch, event or expansion was always announced shortly after. Avatars aren’t really the highest priority. Even though they only take a few hours to make, when things like meta tier list or legendary crafting guide haven’t been updated yet, those are obviously more important.
The second reason was the lack of official high quality artworks. Back in the day, Blizzard used to post basically all of the full artworks for their cards, they were ready to download at any time. It hasn’t been the case for the last few sets. Now we have to find a lot of artworks around the web, straight from the artists and so on (and a lot of them are simply unavailable). Which is also the reason why we haven’t posted any wallpapers lately. That said, we’ll still try to scrape whatever we have and create wallpapers after we’re done with avatars.
We should release Descent of Dragons (+Galakrond’s Awakening) and Ashes of Outland avatars soon. Then we’ll start working on the wallpapers, since we’ve got some free time until PvE content releases mid-June (most likely alongside Midsummer Fire Festival event).
Thank You
These look superb – thank-you!
Out of interest, are there any plans to make a badge app icon for iPhones? When you save the HTD website to your home screen it would be great if there was a nice icon…
I didn’t know it’s a thing – the site already has an icon that displays on PC but I didn’t know that you need another one for mobile devices (or iOS in particular). I’ll talk to the devs and see what we can do!
Appreciate it ????
Meant to put a smiley!
add Kayn pls
We’ll add him once we get to Ashes of Outland
Trying out that sweet new look. Meow.