LvGe's Hearthstone Wild Open Finals 2017 Deck Lists
- 0Circle of Healing2
- 1Inner Fire2
- 1Light of the Naaru1
- 1Northshire Cleric2
- 1Potion of Madness1
- 1Power Word: Shield2
- 1Zombie Chow2
- 2Divine Spirit2
- 2Radiant Elemental2
- 2Shadow Visions2
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Wild Pyromancer2
- 3Acolyte of Pain1
- 3Deathlord2
- 3Kabal Talonpriest2
- 3Velen’s Chosen2
- 4Auchenai Soulpriest1
- 4Lyra the Sunshard1
- 1Bloodsail Corsair2
- 1Dragon Egg2
- 1Enchanted Raven2
- 1Fire Fly2
- 1Living Roots2
- 1Mark of the Lotus2
- 1Patches the Pirate1
- 1Sir Finley Mrrgglton1
- 2Echoing Ooze1
- 2Golakka Crawler1
- 2Haunted Creeper2
- 2Mark of Y’Shaarj1
- 2Mark of the Wild2
- 2Nerubian Egg1
- 2Power of the Wild2
- 3Savage Roar2
- 3Soul of the Forest1
- 4Jeeves2
- 5Living Mana1
- 1Lightning Bolt1
- 1Tunnel Trogg2
- 2Bloodmage Thalnos1
- 2Devolve2
- 2Flametongue Totem2
- 2Golakka Crawler1
- 2Jade Claws2
- 2Maelstrom Portal2
- 2Totem Golem2
- 3Feral Spirit1
- 3Jade Lightning2
- 3Lightning Storm1
- 3Mana Tide Totem1
- 4Jinyu Waterspeaker1
- 4Piloted Shredder1
- 5Azure Drake2
- 5Bloodlust1
- 5Loatheb1
- 6Aya Blackpaw1
- 6Thing from Below2
- 7Dr. Boom1