NaviOOT's HCT Asia-Pacific Last Call 2016 Deck Lists
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 1Slam2
- 2Bash2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Revenge2
- 2Shield Block2
- 3Acolyte of Pain1
- 3Ravaging Ghoul2
- 3Tinkmaster Overspark1
- 4Elise Starseeker1
- 4Infested Tauren1
- 4Ironforge Portal2
- 5Brawl2
- 5Justicar Trueheart1
- 6Cairne Bloodhoof1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 7Baron Geddon1
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1
- 0Innervate2
- 0Moonfire2
- 1Living Roots2
- 1Raven Idol2
- 2Bloodmage Thalnos1
- 2Wild Growth2
- 2Wrath2
- 3Feral Rage1
- 3Mulch1
- 3Swipe2
- 4Fandral Staghelm1
- 4Mire Keeper2
- 5Azure Drake2
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Nourish2
- 6Moonglade Portal1
- 8Ragnaros the Firelord1
- 9Malygos1
- 12Arcane Giant2