Tianming's Masters Tour Undercity Top 8 Deck Lists
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Animated Broomstick1
- 1Blackwater Cutlass1
- 1Brain Freeze1
- 1Ethereal Augmerchant2
- 1Guardian Augmerchant2
- 1Pen Flinger1
- 1Prize Plunderer2
- 1Wand Thief2
- 2Cult Neophyte1
- 2Garrote2
- 2Secret Passage2
- 2Swindle2
- 3Efficient Octo-bot2
- 3Field Contact2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 4Guild Trader1
- 0Raise Dead2
- 1Armor Vendor2
- 1Grimoire of Sacrifice2
- 1Mortal Coil2
- 1The Demon Seed1
- 1Touch of the Nathrezim2
- 1Tour Guide2
- 2Bloodmage Thalnos1
- 2Drain Soul2
- 2Manafeeder Panthara2
- 2Mo’arg Artificer2
- 2Unstable Shadow Blast1
- 3Backfire2
- 3Blood Shard Bristleback2
- 3Rustrot Viper1
- 3Tamsin Roame1
- 5Runed Mithril Rod2
- 6Hand of Gul’dan1