Altere's HCT EU Fall Playoffs 2018 Deck Lists
- 1Argent Squire1
- 1Cold Blood2
- 1Deadly Poison2
- 1Dire Mole2
- 1Fire Fly2
- 1Mecharoo1
- 1Southsea Deckhand2
- 3Blink Fox2
- 3Blood Knight1
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3Hench-Clan Thug2
- 3SI:7 Agent2
- 3Vicious Fledgling1
- 5Captain Greenskin1
- 5Fungalmancer2
- 5Leeroy Jenkins1
- 5Myra’s Unstable Element1
- 5Vilespine Slayer2
- 6Giggling Inventor1
- 9Baku the Mooneater1
- 1Earth Shock1
- 1Glacial Shard2
- 1Unstable Evolution1
- 2Prince Keleseth1
- 3Acolyte of Pain1
- 3Electra Stormsurge1
- 3Far Sight2
- 3Gluttonous Ooze1
- 3Healing Rain2
- 3Hex2
- 3Hot Spring Guardian1
- 3Lightning Storm2
- 3Mana Tide Totem2
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 4Lifedrinker2
- 4Saronite Chain Gang2
- 5Mind Control Tech1
- 5Volcano2
- 6Grumble, Worldshaker1
- 8Hagatha the Witch1
- 9Shudderwock1
- 1Candleshot1
- 1Dire Mole2
- 1Secretkeeper1
- 1Tracking1
- 2Crackling Razormaw2
- 2Explosive Trap1
- 2Freezing Trap1
- 2Snake Trap1
- 2Venomstrike Trap2
- 2Wandering Monster1
- 3Animal Companion2
- 3Blood Knight1
- 3Eaglehorn Bow2
- 3Kill Command2
- 3Unleash the Hounds1
- 4Flanking Strike1
- 4Houndmaster2
- 4Houndmaster Shaw1
- 5Lesser Emerald Spellstone2
- 5Subject 91
- 6Deathstalker Rexxar1
- 6Mossy Horror1