Fr0zen's HCT Americas Last Call 2016 Deck Lists
- 0Circle of Healing2
- 1Flash Heal2
- 1Power Word: Shield2
- 2Shadow Word: Death2
- 2Shadow Word: Pain2
- 2Wild Pyromancer1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 4Auchenai Soulpriest2
- 4Elise Starseeker1
- 4Onyx Bishop2
- 4Priest of the Feast2
- 5Excavated Evil2
- 5Harrison Jones1
- 5Justicar Trueheart1
- 6Entomb2
- 6Sideshow Spelleater1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 7Bog Creeper1
- 9Mind Control2
- 1Fiery Bat1
- 1Injured Kvaldir2
- 1Tracking2
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Kindly Grandmother2
- 2King’s Elekk2
- 2Quick Shot2
- 3Animal Companion2
- 3Deadly Shot1
- 3Desert Camel2
- 3Eaglehorn Bow1
- 4Houndmaster1
- 4Infested Wolf2
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 5Barnes1
- 5Stranglethorn Tiger1
- 6Savannah Highmane2
- 8Call of the Wild2
- 8Ragnaros the Firelord1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Shield Block2
- 3Acolyte of Pain1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Disciple of C’Thun2
- 3Ravaging Ghoul2
- 3Tinkmaster Overspark1
- 4C’Thun’s Chosen2
- 5Brawl2
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Harrison Jones1
- 5Justicar Trueheart1
- 6Ancient Shieldbearer2
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 7Gorehowl1
- 7Twin Emperor Vek’lor1
- 8C’Thun1
- 8Doomcaller2
- 1Mortal Coil1
- 1Possessed Villager1
- 1Power Overwhelming1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Dark Peddler1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 2Sunfury Protector1
- 2Youthful Brewmaster1
- 3Demonwrath1
- 3Earthen Ring Farseer1
- 3Hellfire1
- 3Imp Gang Boss1
- 4Big Game Hunter1
- 4Defender of Argus1
- 4Infested Tauren1
- 4Refreshment Vendor1
- 4Shadowflame1
- 4Siphon Soul1
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 4Twilight Drake1
- 5Barnes1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 6Cairne Bloodhoof1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 8Lord Jaraxxus1
- 8Ragnaros the Firelord1
- 8Twisting Nether1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1
- 12Mountain Giant1
- 0Forbidden Healing1
- 2Doomsayer2
- 2Equality2
- 2Wild Pyromancer2
- 2Youthful Brewmaster1
- 3Acolyte of Pain2
- 3Aldor Peacekeeper2
- 3Consecration2
- 3Tinkmaster Overspark1
- 4Infested Tauren1
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 4Truesilver Champion2
- 5Barnes1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Harrison Jones1
- 5Justicar Trueheart1
- 5Solemn Vigil2
- 6Cairne Bloodhoof1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 8Ragnaros, Lightlord1
- 8Tirion Fordring1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1