holywater's Masters Tour Maw and Disorder Top 8 Deck Lists
- 1Flame Imp2
- 1Flustered Librarian2
- 1Grimoire of Sacrifice2
- 1Touch of the Nathrezim2
- 1Wicked Shipment2
- 2Impending Catastrophe2
- 2Vile Library2
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Dragged Below2
- 3Fiendish Circle2
- 3Sira’kess Cultist2
- 3Tamsin Roame1
- 4Mischievous Imp2
- 5Lady Darkvein1
- 5Za’qul1
- 6Abyssal Wave2
- 6Dreadlich Tamsin1
- 6Imp King Rafaam1
- 1Knight of Anointment2
- 1Righteous Protector2
- 1Sinful Sous Chef2
- 2Battle Vicar2
- 2City Tax2
- 2Equality2
- 2Order in the Court2
- 2Seafloor Savior2
- 3Alliance Bannerman2
- 3Azsharan Mooncatcher2
- 3Muckborn Servant2
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Righteous Defense2
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4Blademaster Samuro1
- 4Cariel Roame1
- 4School Teacher2
- 5Famished Fool1
- 6Sylvanas, the Accused1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Mr. Smite1
- 7The Leviathan1
- 8Lightforged Cariel1
- 8Varian, King of Stormwind1
- 9Lightray2
- 10Sire Denathrius1
- 0Illuminate2
- 1Focused Will1
- 1Gift of the Naaru2
- 1Priestess Valishj1
- 1Serpent Wig2
- 1Shadow Word: Devour2
- 1Shard of the Naaru2
- 1The Light! It Burns!1
- 1Whispers of the Deep1
- 2Bless2
- 2Radiant Elemental2
- 2Thrive in the Shadows2
- 3Handmaiden2
- 3Identity Theft2
- 4Boon of the Ascended2
- 5Switcheroo2
- 8Power Word: Fortitude2
- 1Batty Guest2
- 1Irondeep Trogg1
- 1Peasant2
- 1Tracking2
- 2Castle Kennels1
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Ramming Mount1
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Barak Kodobane1
- 5Imported Tarantula2
- 5Pet Collector2
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 6Sylvanas, the Accused1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Huntsman Altimor1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 8Collateral Damage1
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1