Glory's Masters Tour Castle Nathria Top 8 Deck Lists
- 1Priestess Valishj1
- 1Serpent Wig2
- 1Shadow Word: Devour2
- 1Shard of the Naaru1
- 1Vicious Slitherspear2
- 2Amalgam of the Deep2
- 2Bless2
- 2Murkwater Scribe2
- 2Radiant Elemental2
- 2Thrive in the Shadows2
- 3Cathedral of Atonement2
- 3Handmaiden2
- 3Pelagos1
- 3Treasure Guard2
- 4Blademaster Samuro1
- 4Boon of the Ascended2
- 4School Teacher2
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Blackwater Cutlass2
- 1Door of Shadows2
- 1Filletfighter1
- 1Gone Fishin’2
- 1SI:7 Extortion2
- 2Maestra of the Masquerade1
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 2Tooth of Nefarian2
- 2Wicked Stab (Rank 1)2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 5Necrolord Draka1
- 6Crabatoa1
- 6Wildpaw Gnoll2
- 8Shadowcrafter Scabbs1
- 1Muck Pools2
- 1Schooling2
- 2Amalgam of the Deep2
- 2Bolner Hammerbeak1
- 2Sleetbreaker2
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Brilliant Macaw2
- 3Clownfish2
- 3Cookie the Cook1
- 3Primal Dungeoneer2
- 3Primordial Wave2
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 4Firemancer Flurgl1
- 4Wildpaw Cavern1
- 5Command of Neptulon2
- 5Famished Fool2
- 5Gorloc Ravager2
- 6Snowfall Guardian2
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Glugg the Gulper1
- 7Mutanus the Devourer1
- 8Bru’kan of the Elements1
- 8Kael’thas Sinstrider1
- 9Insatiable Devourer2
- 10Goldshire Gnoll2
- 10Sire Denathrius1