LoveStorm's Masters Tour Onyxia's Lair Top 8 Deck Lists
- 0Innervate2
- 0Lightning Bloom2
- 1Nature Studies2
- 1Resizing Pouch2
- 2Capture Coldtooth Mine2
- 2Guess the Weight1
- 2Lunar Eclipse2
- 2Moonlit Guidance2
- 2Solar Eclipse2
- 2Wild Growth1
- 3Feral Rage2
- 3Fungal Fortunes1
- 3Moontouched Amulet2
- 4Overgrowth2
- 5Wildheart Guff1
- 6Best in Shell1
- 7Scale of Onyxia2
- 8Kazakusan1
- 1Animated Broomstick1
- 1Crimson Sigil Runner2
- 1Double Jump2
- 1Felosophy2
- 1Final Showdown1
- 1Illidari Studies2
- 1Sigil of Alacrity2
- 1Spirit Jailer2
- 1Tuskpiercer2
- 2Soul Shear2
- 2Spectral Sight2
- 3Acrobatics1
- 3Lion’s Frenzy1
- 3Rustrot Viper1
- 4Glide2
- 4Persistent Peddler1
- 4Razorglaive Sentinel1
- 4Royal Librarian1
- 7Irebound Brute2