Cowboys367's HCT Americas Winter Playoffs 2018 Deck Lists
- 1Omega Assembly2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 2Shield Block2
- 3Gluttonous Ooze1
- 3Ironbeak Owl2
- 3Reckless Flurry2
- 3Stonehill Defender2
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 4Big Game Hunter1
- 5Brawl2
- 5Direhorn Hatchling2
- 5Dyn-o-matic2
- 5Elise the Trailblazer1
- 5Faceless Manipulator2
- 5Mind Control Tech1
- 5Supercollider2
- 5Zilliax1
- 7Dr. Boom, Mad Genius1
- 9Baku the Mooneater1
- 1Holy Smite2
- 2Mind Blast2
- 2Radiant Elemental2
- 2Shadow Visions2
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Spirit Lash2
- 3Gilded Gargoyle2
- 4Eternal Servitude2
- 4Lyra the Sunshard1
- 5Mass Hysteria2
- 5Zilliax1
- 7Lesser Diamond Spellstone2
- 7Prophet Velen1
- 7Psychic Scream2
- 7Shadow Essence2
- 8The Lich King1
- 9Malygos1
- 9Obsidian Statue1
- 9Zerek’s Cloning Gallery1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Argent Protector2
- 2Crystalsmith Kangor1
- 2Equality2
- 2Hydrologist2
- 2Wild Pyromancer2
- 3Consecration2
- 4Blessing of Kings2
- 4Corpsetaker2
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 4The Glass Knight1
- 4Truesilver Champion2
- 6Avenging Wrath2
- 6Genn Greymane1
- 6Spikeridged Steed2
- 6Sunkeeper Tarim1
- 6Val’anyr1
- 6Windfury Harpy1
- 8The Lich King1
- 8Tirion Fordring1
- 1Candleshot1
- 1Dire Mole2
- 1Hunter’s Mark1
- 1Springpaw2
- 2Crackling Razormaw2
- 2Explosive Trap1
- 2Freezing Trap1
- 2Scavenging Hyena2
- 2Snake Trap1
- 2Venomstrike Trap1
- 2Wandering Monster1
- 3Animal Companion2
- 3Kill Command2
- 3Master’s Call2
- 4Dire Frenzy1
- 4Flanking Strike2
- 5Lesser Emerald Spellstone2
- 5Subject 91
- 5Tundra Rhino1
- 6Deathstalker Rexxar1
- 10Zul’jin1