SamuelTsao's Rastakhan's Rumble Inn-vitational Deck Lists
- 1Daring Fire-Eater2
- 1Fire Fly1
- 1Saronite Taskmaster1
- 3Black Cat2
- 3Gluttonous Ooze1
- 3Pyromaniac2
- 3Stonehill Defender2
- 3Tar Creeper2
- 3Voodoo Doll2
- 5Arcane Tyrant2
- 5Blast Wave2
- 5Dragon’s Fury2
- 7Astromancer2
- 7Baron Geddon1
- 7Flamestrike2
- 7Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk1
- 9Alexstrasza1
- 9Baku the Mooneater1
- 9Frost Lich Jaina1
- 1Spirit of the Rhino1
- 1Town Crier1
- 2Prince Keleseth1
- 3Frothing Berserker2
- 3Rabid Worgen1
- 3Smolderthorn Lancer2
- 4Blood Razor1
- 4Kor’kron Elite2
- 4Militia Commander2
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 4War Master Voone1
- 5Cobalt Scalebane2
- 5Darius Crowley1
- 5Dragonmaw Scorcher2
- 5Emberscale Drake1
- 6Mojomaster Zihi1
- 6Sul’thraze1
- 7Crowd Roaster2
- 8Akali, the Rhino1
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
- 8Scourgelord Garrosh1
- 8The Lich King1
- 9Ysera1
- 1Bloodclaw1
- 2Crystalsmith Kangor1
- 2Equality2
- 2Flash of Light2
- 2Lesser Pearl Spellstone1
- 2Potion of Heroism2
- 2Soup Vendor1
- 2Wild Pyromancer2
- 3Consecration2
- 3High Priest Thekal1
- 3Stonehill Defender2
- 4Corpsetaker2
- 4The Glass Knight1
- 4Truesilver Champion2
- 4Zandalari Templar2
- 5Zilliax1
- 6Spikeridged Steed2
- 6Sunkeeper Tarim1
- 9Uther of the Ebon Blade1