Just a quick reminder – patch 18.0.2 was released on August 18, 2 weeks ago. It nerfed two cards – Kael'thas Sunstrider and Mindrender Illucia. However, since Kael’thas was given out for free, you can’t disenchant it, so Illucia is the only card relevant here.
After a card gets nerfed, you can disenchant it for its full crafting cost (1600 in case of Legendaries). The period ends 2 weeks after the patch – in this case on September 1st (most likely around the same time the patch went live – so ~10 AM PT / 19:00 CET).
The card is still good at 3 mana, but if you aren’t playing Priest right now, you should consider getting rid of it – you can craft any other Legendary for it (or even two if you have it in Golden), and if you aren’t a Priest player, there are many more useful Legendaries to get.
Oh no… I should have dusted her but i forgot… This card is usually so bad. She is useful against combo decks but those are really rare and you still need to identify your opponent and draw her in time. It’s so luck based… And against anything else she is just garbage. Don’t play her against anyone thinking that you might gain an advantage by wasting a few of their cards. She eats 3 mana and you are left without much to work with. Your opponent, however, has access to all their mana and they get to see your next draw. If it’s one of your key cards then you just lose the game. She has not been useful to me in any way and i ended up stuck with her now…
I think it’s worth dust her… I barely won any game thanks to, in fact you lose 3 mana vs your oponent and I found It very situacional. The PRO players use It y tournament and high Legend to counter specific MUs but for the rest of mortals it’s game over most of the time.
Exactly I found the card a waste of time in highlander unless you know what cards are in the opponent’s deck you’re mostly giving away mana for a crappy token
@Stonekeep or other Hearthstonetop deck authors, is it an idea to dedicate an article to when Mindrender Illucia is best to be played or at least which explains why she is so good. When her cost was two mana I can see why she was good, but now you barely get anything good without sacrificing also a good card from your hand. If you play it early game, you don’t get more than a token (and that is already if you are lucky) and if you mulliganed right against an aggro deck they can use your AoE against you. You can’t disrupt the Druid turn 4 like before. I’m far from a pro player, but the card only won me two games where I managed to take the spell damage minion from Mage and a Sorcerer Apprentice and cleared there whole hand and I could OTK them with their own hand. The other time was against a Malygos Druid when I took both moonfires and he already burned the rest. I now cut it from my highlander deck and it seems to work just fine. My deck cannot compete with the aggro rogues. For our mere mortals an article of why this card is good and should (still) be included in a Priest deck would be educational.
That’s a good idea for an article, I’ll write that down, thanks!