Just a quick reminder – patch 20.0.2 was released on April 13, nearly 2 weeks ago. The update nerfed six different cards, but one of card was indirectly affected (Kargal Battlescar), so Blizzard also offered a full Dust refund for it – which makes it 7 in total.
After a card gets nerfed, you can disenchant it for its full crafting cost. The period ends 2 weeks after the patch – in this case on April 27th (most likely around the same time the patch went live – so ~10 AM PT / 19:00 CET).
Some of those cards are still very much playable after the nerfs, but if you aren’t using them right now, you should consider getting rid of them. After all, you can craft them back again for the same amount of Dust you got in the future – or you can get some other cards that are more useful right now instead.
Here’s a full list of cards you can Dust with the amount of Dust you’ll get for them:
- Far Watch Post – 40 Regular / 400 Golden
- Pen Flinger – 40 Regular / 400 Golden
- Mor'shan Watch Post – 100 Regular / 800 Golden
- Sword of the Fallen – 100 Regular / 800 Golden
- Deck of Lunacy – 1600 Regular / 3200 Golden
- Jandice Barov – 1600 Regular / 3200 Golden
- Kargal Battlescar – 1600 Regular / 3200 Golden
Thanks for the reminder. I saw that I forgot to dust my regular Mor’shan Watch Posts before. Even if you want to keep a full playset, there’s no reason to keep them. In the rewards track, we get the golden versions that are uncraftable.
That makes me wonder, has anyone picked up any golden copies of the golden uncraftable cards in the rewards track? Is it impossible to get golden Mor’shans in packs? In which case you technically couldn’t get 800 dust for one.
It’s impossible to open them in packs – for now they’re exclusive to the rewards track. They will become available in packs next expansion after rewards track changes
Good to know, thanks!
Sword of the Fallen is part of the Secret (Budget) Paladin Deck and seems would be worth keeping, unless there is something better…not sure as only started playing that deck today.
Yes, Sword of the Fallen is still a good card. But if for example you aren’t playing Paladin at all, then that’s free extra Dust to craft something for the classes you play
If I want to sell them I don’t get the full dust. For example I only get 5 for a far watch post instead of 40. What can I do?
That’s really weird, I still see full dust value on PC. Maybe try there and if you’re already trying on PC, you could try restarting the client?
Should be full Dust value until tomorrow.
Update: I see some other people reporting similar issues, I don’t know what happens.
No issues here. Was able to get quite bit of dust back these couple days from DE these cards. This works nice as I am trying out different hero/deck combos.
for me it worked restarting it