Here’s our essential full guide to the next Hearthstone expansion: Journey to Un’Goro. This guide will feature cards, gameboard art, announcement and trailer video, card back art, general artwork, and more! I’ll be updating this guide immediately following the release of any new information. Be sure to bookmark this page to keep up-to-date!
- (4-1-17 – 2:45pm PDT): Added Wonders of Un’Goro video and E. Malone’s Journal.
- (3-31-17 – 4:15pm PDT): All cards have been added!
Journey to of Un’Goro Hearthstone Expansion Quick Information
- Release Date: April 6th, 2017
- New Cards: 135 in total!
- Two Legendaries for each class (one being a Quest Legendary card), and five Neutral Legendaries.
- More card reveals will happen on March 17th.
- Pre-Purchase: 50 Journey to Un’Goro card packs for $49.99 USD and receive the Fossil card back. This is available in-game now, check out Amazon Coins to save money (Amazon is offering 500 free coins for pre-purchase Journey to Un’Goro!)!
- New Tribe: Elementals – 18 Old cards will be receiving this tag as well.
- Elemental Tag Added List: Water Elemental, Anomalus, Ragnaros, Lightlord, Lightspawn, Dust Devil, Unbound Elemental, Fireguard Destroyer, Rumbling Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Neptulon, Al'Akir the Windlord, Arcane Anomaly, Ice Rager, Magma Rager, Frost Elemental, Baron Geddon, and Ragnaros the Firelord.
- New Mechanic: Quest – Each Quest will have prerequisites listed on it—should you complete them, you’ll be granted incredible rewards! Quest cards are Legendary, so you can only have one in your deck, and they’ll always appear in your opening hand.
- New Mechanic: Adapt – The new Adapt keyword allows a minion to become infused with elemental power, granting it new properties. Similar to the discover mechanic, you will be presented with three options when you play a card with Adapt. You can choose one of these three options to immediately buff your minion.
Expansion Clarifications
I’ve moved all clarifications to this post: Journey to Un’Goro Card Clarifications, FAQs, & Interactions.
Journey to Un’Goro Cards
The list below represents how the rarities are likely to shake out, but as cards are revealed the totals may be different at the end of the day.
Journey to Un’Goro Sortable Card List
Druid Tokens
Hunter Tokens
Mage Tokens
Paladin Tokens
Stegodon is a collectible card as well as the card that spawns from Spikeridged Steed.
Priest Tokens
Rogue Tokens
Shaman Tokens
Warlock Tokens
Warrior Tokens
Neutral Tokens
Adapt Options
You will be able to choose one of three randomly chosen options below (Discover Mechanic).
Journey to Un’Goro Gameboard
Journey to Un’Goro Announcement Video/Trailer
Trailer Card Art
Keep in mind that the cards below aren’t all going to be for the Warlock class. Every trailer in the past has featured cards like this and they are always Legendary and Warlock.
Journey to Un’Goro Card Backs

Journey to Un’Goro Lore
Wonders of Un’Goro Episodes
Wonders of Un’Goro is a live action lore-esque video series that will have multiple episodes and follows Professor George H. Doyle on his expedition to the Un’Goro Crater.
E. Malone’s Expedition Journal
Before the Wonders of Un’Goro video series was revealed, E. Malone’s Expedition Journal was released. E. Malone appears to be behind the camera in the Wonders of Un’Goro videos.
Journey to Un’Goro Artwork
I’ve added all of the full card artwork to this post: Journey to Un’Goro Full Card Artwork Roundup!
Official Wallpaper
If you’re looking for more wallpaper check out this post: Journey to Un’Goro Wallpaper.
Un’Goro Crater Lore
If you have never played World of Warcraft, or it’s been a long time since you’ve visited Azeroth then let me help explain to you a bit about the zone.
Un’Goro Crater is a large lush jungle that hosts some unusual wildlife, including and most famously… DINOSAURS. This includes Devilsaurs (basically King Krush), Raptors (basically Bloodfen Raptor), Diemetradons, Stegodons (Stegosaurus) and more! Silithid, which are another group of creatures that reside in Un’Goro Crater, inhabit The Slithering Scar and have been seen in the form of the Silithid Swarmer.
Other creatures include Bloodpetals, Elementals, Gorillas, Oozes, Tar Beasts, and Golems!
So what can we expect from a Hearthstone expansion set in this crazy place? I would imagine a focus on Beasts/Dinosaurs, which should make any Hunter and maybe Druid players excited. Other than that, it would be hard to know because the Hearthstone team likes to spin their own flavor onto these expansions and take them in different directions.

Journey to Un’Goro Leaks/Teasers
Jumping into the Crater
Ben Brode tweeted another clue, showing a World of Warcraft character about to take a leap into the Un’Goro Crater!
Ben Brode Goes to the Jungle
Ben Brode tweeted about making a video on Monday, which in itself wasn’t really news, but the following day he tweeted a picture of himself in-front of a Jungle like area that all but confirmed that we’d be getting the announcement of Un’Goro soon.
Year of the Mammoth Reveal
The Year of the Mammoth was recently revealed and a slew of new information was released along with it. One of the interesting updates was the announcement that there would now be three expansions instead of two expansions and an adventure during the year. Along with this announcement came an image that pretty much confirming a jungle like expansion, and also gave slight clues to the following expansion.
Expansion Name Leaked by Voice Actor
Everyone knew an expansion was coming, but generally we don’t know what lies ahead until we start to see some teasers. This, however, was an unusual circumstance where a Redditor (content and username were deleted, but the comments remain) found a voice actor’s resume that not only contained the name “Lost Secrets of Un’Goro” but also the names of the cards that they voiced: Golakka Crawler, Pteradactyl, Anklesaur, Hydra, and Brontosaurus.
Turns out that Lost Secrets of Un’Goro wasn’t the finalized name as it eventually was changed to Journey to Un’Goro.
Why not use “Plant” as a new tribe as well?
When’s the rag/sylv thing happening? I want my dust :p
April 6th.
What is a razorpetal or whatever the rogue token is
1 mana. Deal 1 damage
Will it also be released in Europe on April 6th ?
I would doubt it.
Nice work. It’s great. But. Isn’t shadow rager also an elemental? Just asking isn’t sure. It isn’t in the elemental list, but still pretty damn nice.
He’s an Elemental, but for some reason they didn’t add the tag to him. They went with the 18 listed above.
Just a quick question for the adapt options. When is flaming claws ever going to be taken over poinsonous spit? It just seems to me that poisonous (instant kill) is far better than +3 attack.
Whenever you want to go face
Hahahahah. Didn’t think of that. So basically facehunter is coming back xD
Oh, yeah. And in spades! Look at hunter’s new quest if you have any doubts.
If u need 3dmg for kill u will take 3dmf insted of poissonous …everything depends of situation
Hey man, Terzo again
I noticed it’s missing the Glacial Shard Card a neutral Common minion, and The Raptor Token in the Hunter section
Ah, And Curious Glimmerroot into Priest!
Thanks for letting me know, they’ve been added!
Will there be a solo adventure?
From which source do you take the exact information about the Update time?
I just base it off of Blizzard’s time which is generally considered to be PDT. I might be confused by what this question is asking.
Great work Man!
To help you, I have to say that you added volcano spell into the warrior section.
Doh! Thanks, fixed now.
You forgot Lightspawn in your list of elementals.
I was only really intending to list ones that have been confirmed. I changed it a bit to clear it up hopefully.
I’ll be happy if this expansion nerfs the aggro meta to hell. I hate the aggro meta. HATE IT! There’s no skill, and counters other decks that are more late game. It has removed late game strategy. The only way late game strategy is viable is with a total control deck that is hellbent on keeping the board clear.
I’m glad someone is excited for the day when half the ladder is playing Jade Druid and the other half is playing Midrange Jade Shaman.
I wonder if Shifting Shade and Lightspawn will count as elementals. I’m not a WoW player so I don’t know the lore around elements whether they are strictly the 4 elements or include Light/Dark, etc.
ragnaros lightlord is an elemental, so lightspawn and the shades will likely be so
Evident, you forgot to mention Ice Elemental in the elemental cards list.. The 6 mana 5/5 classic card
Let’s hope for pretty cool cards, always been a fan of Beasts and the hole Dinossaurs theme
Thanks, fixed.
Is Amgam rager one of the elementals as well?
Probably, I was mostly listing ones that were officially revealed.
lol… expecting another rager to be added to the rager collection xD… could a fun deck specially for ragers appear in the meta someday?
Are the only class legendaries the ones gained from completing the quests or are there a “stand alone” legendary of each class? If not, you are kind of forced into playing quest-themed decks to use most of the new legendaries which would be a pity.
Classes will get two Legendaries: One Quest and one normal Legendary. There will only be five Neutral Legendaries.
Okay thanks, I thought the quest spell itself was considered one of the legendary class cards.
typically when can you buy the pre-purchase pack deal?
I would expect it around mid-to-late March, but nothing is official.
Magma Rager and Ice Rager are becoming elementals? What about Am’gam Rager or Shadow Rager? I, for one, look forward to the new elemental Rager meta.
Man I hope Linken’s sword of mastery becomes a card in this set. If you remember that long arduous quest chain from back in the vanilla wow days then you deserve at least 40 silver pieces!
LOL ! I definitely deserve that 40 silver ! xD
omg yes!! definitely would love to see some reference to the Linken quest line. That was always one of my favorite quest lines.
Quests? Adapt? So many keywords – I’m amped. Glad to see they are continuing to evolve the game with new ideas.
I’m really hype for this new expansion! I really like the idea of the Quest cards. Though I have a few questions about them that may not be answered right away.
1) Will each class have multiple Quest cards?
2) If so, will there be a limit of one Quest card per deck?
3) Do Quest cards count towards your 30 card total?
4) Since they will start in your starting hand, will they take the place of one of the cards in hand or does it add to it? For example, the player going first starts with 3 cards; will one of those cards always be the Quest card or do they get the Quest card in addition to the 3 cards?
5) Do Quest cards count as spells? If so, these will be the first Legendary spells!
I’m sure these will all be answered in time, but I still can’t wait to find out!
1. Yes ! 2 legendaries per class (1 quest/1minion)
2. So far we only know of each class’s quest card
3. Yes they do
4. The quest card takes up a card in your opening hand (so still only 3 cards if going first)
5. YES ! Wooo legendary spells !
Also in relation to 5 , I’m curious if Yogg can cast them since they are counted as spells
1- currently each class will have 1 quest card. in future expansions maybe this will change?
3- yes they count toward your total
4- yes they count as one of the cards in your starting hand, ie. you will draw your quest and 2 other cards, however i did read you can mulligan your quest card, not 100% sure on that.
5- yes they are! first legendary spells indeed!!
No, random effects like Babbling Book or Yogg can’t target quests
I wonder if Handlock will be a good deck now?
Too early to speak
Really hoping that Paladin gets some love. The hand buff mechanic was fun, but forced you to prioritize putting more minions in the deck over removal spells/weapons. Combined with the tempo loss from playing a Smuggler’s Run or Grimestreet Outfitter instead of developing strong minions early on, the fast aggro meta just made the mechanic worthless. It’d be nice to see a new gimmick for Paladin that keeps pace with the other classes, or at least some cards that synergize with the hand buff mechanic to make it viable.
Unlikely that the hand buff mechanic will keep up with jade. The hand buff mechanic requires too many conciliations to make a viable deck i.e. limited spells, card draw, low mana curve. The jade mechanic allows decks to utilize its strengths without making compromises like hand buff does. Its poorly designed.
I cant wait to see all the new cards i’m going to lose to Jadestone with.
“Yes, just set my health to 40”
Opponent plays a 20/20 jade
What time the announcement will be?
Most of the time they are around 10am PST, but there’s nothing official yet.
I see. thanks
So I write it here but I feel there will be a few gadgetzan related cards in this expansion. Last expansion is the zone just near I world of Warcraft geography. I am waiting for a “goon explorator” or something in this water. Would be nice to find the local geography in wow used like that.
Hunter definitely needs the love, but I’m not seeing how paladin will get help with this theme. Are we in for a continuation of the drought for paladin competitive play?
how much do you work on constantly updating this site during expansions evident?
It’s my busiest time for sure, have to keep tabs on everything constantly for new info and card reveals. Then there’s development stuff if there’s anything new added to the game (tri-class cards were a pain). We’ll see how this one goes!
thanks for all the hard work you put in on the site Evident ♥
great job man, you are my #1 source for all things hearthstone.
No problem, glad you like the site!
oooo I hope we get a card that references that awesome cave full of beautiful sparkling gemstones, or just the gems themselves.
Already have that card. Gemstone Cavern
Hydra card? a zerg monster?
Actually I am more nostalgic of the silithid zone. Really loved the challenge to clean a silithid grotto with a rogue. Spend on line time farming the reputation killing the silithid for pleasure!
really curious about priest cards .. hope it wont be all about hunters/druids and shit ..
Oh… This makes me feel nostalgic about WoW
… I loved Un’Goro