Into the Emerald Dream Rewards Track Refresh Details

Into the Emerald Dream expansion is releasing next week, and just like every set, it will come with a rewards track refresh. On March 25, all players will be reset to Level 1 and start earning new rewards as they climb back up. Here’s a quick summary:

  • After having some changes in The Great Dark Beyond (to compensate for Blizzard reverting back to the old, worse version of Weekly Quests), the free rewards track remains pretty much the same in Into the Emerald Dream. The total number of reward is the same – we’re just getting packs/cards from the new expansion instead. Also we have a bit of a weird swap – instead of getting a specific Legendary on Level 1, we’re getting a random Legendary Wild God. Instead, Naralex, Herald of the Flights (this expansion’s uncraftable Legendary) is at level 20. I’m not sure what was the reason for this change, maybe they wanted players to play with Wild Gods first.
  • The paid rewards track is also largely the same as last expansion, but it had a small downgrade. Last time we had 4x Signature Epics and 2x Signature Rares. This time we have 2x Signature Epics, 2x Signature Rares and 2x Signature Commons. Which means that two Epics were swapped for Commons. However, it’s important to say that those have been changing over expansions – sometimes we had 4x Epic and sometimes we had 2x, so there’s not necessarily a consistent pattern here. Still, I thought it was worth calling out.
  • This expansion’s free Legendary every player gets at Level 1 is (as I’ve already mentioned)… a random Legendary Wild God. Instead, the usual free uncraftable Legendary – Naralex, Herald of the Flights – is at level 20.
  • Tavern Pass has a single new Diamond card – Ysera, Emerald Aspect at Tavern Pass Level 2. It’s a card every player already got for free, which is bad, because previously the free Diamond gave players +1 Legendary card early. For collecting all Legendary cards from the expansion, players are getting two Signature cards – Critter Caretaker and Creature of Madness (which is, again, another downgrade – we’re getting two Commons, last time we had an Epic and a Common, and before that we had even higher rarities). We also have two new cosmetic coins in the expansion – Overgrown Coin (Tavern Pass Level 90) and The Nightmare Coin (Owning 145 expansion cards). Keep in mind that progressing those achievements will be easier when mini-set releases because the requirements for cosmetics don’t upgrade (but the pool of cards grows so it’s easier to get them).
  • As for the other cosmetics in Tavern Pass, there are six Signature Cards (2x Ancient of Yore, 2x Hopeful Dryad, 2x Tranquil Treant), four Golden Cards (Nightmare Lord Xavius, Naralex, Herald of the Flights, 2x Treacherous Tormentor), 11 Constructed skins (one for each class), and a card back (Xavius).

Learn more with the official blog post below:

We’re about to drift off Into the Emerald Dream, where a new Rewards Track awaits! When the Rewards Track refreshes with the launch of Into the Emerald Dream, all players will automatically be granted any unclaimed rewards on the current free Rewards Track and the Tavern Pass track (if acquired), before a completely new Into the Emerald Dream Rewards Track takes its place.


Into the Emerald Dream Rewards Track

The free Rewards Track for Into the Emerald Dream will include a random Epic card, two random Legendary cards, Tavern Tickets, and lots of Gold and Packs! There are also 14 Golden cards and the Naralex, Herald of the Flights Legendary card from the set!*


* These 14 Golden cards (two copies of each of 7 cards from the set) and the Naralex, Herald of the Flights Legendary card earned on the Rewards Track can’t be crafted or disenchanted.

LevelXP to levelCumulative XPFree TrackTavern Pass
100Random Wild God Legendary Card10% XP Boost
2100100Into the Emerald Dream PackYsera, Emerald Aspect Diamond Card
3100200Into the Emerald Dream PackTranquil Treant (Signature Common)
41503502 x Fae Trickster (Golden Uncraftable Common)Card Back – Xavius
5150500Into the Emerald Dream PackRanked Skin – Whisperer Azshara (Mage)
62257252 x Dreambound Raptor (Golden Uncraftable Common)Into the Emerald Dream Pack
7225950Into the Emerald Dream PackInto the Emerald Dream Pack
830012502 x Tormented Dreadwing (Golden Uncraftable Common)Into the Emerald Dream Pack
93001550Into the Emerald Dream PackInto the Emerald Dream Pack
103251875Random Epic CardTreacherous Tormentor (Golden Uncraftable Epic)
113252200Into the Emerald Dream Pack
12350255050 Gold
133502900Sporegnasher (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
143753275Into the Emerald Dream Pack
153753650Card Back – DreamscapeRanked Skin – Drakerider Liadrin (Paladin)
16400405050 Gold
174004450Into the Emerald Dream Pack
184254875Standard Pack
19425530050 Gold
204505750Naralex, Herald of the Flights
(Uncraftable Legendary Card)
15% XP Boost
21450620050 Gold
22550675050 Gold
236007350Sporegnasher (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
24650800050 Gold
256758675Standard PackTreacherous Tormentor (Golden Uncraftable Epic)
26675935050 Gold
278751022550 Gold
2887511100Illusory Greenwing (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
2910001210050 Gold
30110013200Tavern Ticket2x Hopeful Dryad (Signature Rare)
3112001440050 Gold
3212001560050 Gold
33125016850Illusory Greenwing (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
3412501810050 Gold
35130019400Standard PackRanked Skin – Dreamer Finley (Shaman)
3613002070050 Gold
3713502205050 Gold
38135023400Envoy of the Glade (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
3914002480050 Gold
40140026200Standard PackNightmare Lord Xavius (Golden Uncraftable Legendary)
4114502765050 Gold
4214502910050 Gold
43150030600Envoy of the Glade (Golden Uncraftable Rare)
4415003210050 Gold
45155033650Tavern TicketRanked Skin – Defiler Nathanos (Hunter)
4615503520050 Gold
4716003680050 Gold
48160038400Standard Pack
49165040050Tavern Ticket
50165041700Random Legendary CardRanked Skin – Xavius (Warlock)
51170043,40075 Gold
52170045,10075 Gold
53175046,85075 Gold
54175048,60075 Gold
55180050,400Standard PackNaralex, Herald of the Flights (Golden Uncraftable Legendary)
56180052,20075 Gold
57185054,05075 Gold
58185055,90075 Gold
59190057,80075 Gold
60190059,700Standard PackRanked Skin – Murgulis the Wild (Demon Hunter)
61195061,65075 Gold
62195063,60075 Gold
63200065,60075 Gold
64200067,60075 Gold
65205069,650Slumbering Sprite (Golden Uncraftable Epic)Ranked Skin – Moonblessed Velen (Priest)
66205071,70075 Gold
67212573,82575 Gold
68212575,95075 Gold
69225078,20075 Gold
70225080,450Standard Pack20% XP Boost
71237582,82575 Gold
72237585,20075 Gold
73250087,70075 Gold
74250090,20075 Gold
75250092,700Slumbering Sprite (Golden Uncraftable Epic)2x Ancient of Yore (Signature Epic)
76250095,200100 Gold
77250097,700100 Gold
782500100,200100 Gold
792500102,700100 Gold
802500105,200100 GoldGolden Standard Pack
812500107,700100 Gold
822500110,200100 Gold
832500112,700100 Gold
842500115,200100 Gold
852500117,700100 GoldRanked Skin – Webweaver Patches (Rogue)
862500120,200100 Gold
872500122,700100 Gold
882500125,200100 Gold
892500127,700100 Gold
902500130,200150 GoldCosmetic Coin – Overgrown Coin
912500132,700150 Gold
922500135,200150 Gold
932500137,700150 Gold
942500140,200150 Gold
952500142,700150 GoldGolden Standard Pack
962500145,200150 Gold
972500147,700150 Gold
982500150,200150 Gold
992500152,700150 Gold
1002500155,200Hero Skin Choice3x Ranked Skins – Emerald Leyara (Druid), Shadow Draka (Warrior), and Poison Scarlet (Death Knight)
101-1301325-1475[…]50 Gold
131-4001500602,20050 Gold

Into the Emerald Dream Tavern Pass

With the launch of Into the Emerald Dream, a new Tavern Pass will be available, featuring dreamy new cosmetic rewards, XP Boosts, and expansion packs!


Getting the Tavern Pass at any time will immediately get you a 10% Boost that lasts the rest of the duration of the expansion, plus all items up to your current level on the paid track. As your progress along the Tavern Pass during the Into the Emerald Dream expansion, you can earn: additional XP Boosts; the Ysera, Emerald Aspect Diamond Legendary card; the Xavius and Naralex Herald of the Flights Golden Legendary cards; 2 Treacherous Tormentor Golden Epic cards; 2 Ancient of Yore Signature Epic cards; 2 Hopeful Dryad Signature Rare cards; 2 Tranquil Treant Signature Common cards; a new cosmetic coin and card back; 11 new Hero Skins; 2 Golden Standard Packs; and 4 Into the Emerald Dream Packs!*

* All Tavern Pass card grants are unable to be crafted or disenchanted.

Signature Card Achievement Awards

Progress along the Legendary Collector Achievement to get two copies of each of these Signature cards of your dreams—or nightmares!


New Cosmetic Coins

Two new cosmetic coins will be added with Into the Emerald Dream: the Overgrown Coin and the Nightmare Coin. The Overgrown Coin is earned by reaching level 90 on the Rewards Track with the Tavern Pass. The Nightmare Coin is earned by completing the Achievement for having 145 Into the Emerald Dream cards.


Into the Emerald Dream will have a Mini-Set, coming in Patch 32.2, that will make it easier to complete the collection-based Achievements. We’ll share more information about that Mini-Set before it goes live. In the meantime, check out the 32.0 Patch Notes for more information about everything else coming soon!

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A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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