To celebrate the release of Saviors of Uldum expansion, we’ll be picking ten winners to be gifted a Standard Pre-Purchase Bundle (courtesy of Blizzard)! Each of the bundles contains 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs, unique Elise Starseeker card back, as well as a random Golden Saviors of Uldum Legendary.
If you already bought the Standard Pre-Purchase Bundle, you can’t redeem it a second time, but you can still enter to give it to one of your friends (and of course, you can still get the 80 Packs Mega Bundle – more info in the expansion guide below).
Saviors of Uldum is the second expansion of Year of the Dragon and the first time when entire Standard year tells a single, long story. League of E.V.I.L. has taken over the city of Dalaran, but they have no intention of sitting idly now. Next stop – Uldum, an ancient land full of treasures and secrets. Their exact plan remains unknown, but you can bet that it’s something… evil. However, their adversaries are truly worthy. League of Explorers is back, and they won’t let villains do whatever they want. Join Reno Jackson, Elise Starseeker, Brann Bronzebeard and Sir Finley Mrrgglton to discover and stop Rafaam’s plan. All of that happening in the ancient desert called “Land of the Titans”.
Learn more about the expansion and see all of the new cards with our full Saviors of Uldum guide!
To enter, complete any one or more of the possible options listed in the Gleam widget below!
If you’re having any trouble with the above widget you can visit the page directly here to enter.
This giveaway will end on August 3, 2019 @ 11:59 PM PDT. The winners will be contacted via their email provided to Gleam within 48-72 hours. Each winner will have 24 hours to reply to that email to claim their prize or it will be forfeited. The first and last initial of the winners’ names will be listed on the giveaway Gleam page. Good luck!
Good luck to all!
Goodluck all!
is 150 a good amount
Good luck
Good luck everyone!!!!
gg wp
good luck yall this expansion looks awesome!
Good luck
Good luck everyone. Hyped for the new expansion.
Good Luck everyone
Hopefully everyone who entered has commented. That means a 10 out of 50 chance to win. Nice odds
Good Luck all!
Why does it say:
Sorry, you’re creating too many entries; try again later.
But I haven’t created any entries yet?
Good luck everyone, lets see who is the real RNG god. C;
Yogg is the real ring god
Great to see these give aways! Keep up the good job!
Is there still a chance to get the reward?
This is great, thanks HTD, you guys rock.
I hope I won’t get banned from the giveaway, something went wrong with Instagram. My account was removed but I got the points anyway.
praise you RNGesus !
May the RNG be with y’all!
best of luck
Good luck to everyone participating. I hope i win, since i am a F2P player
I hope once i will win such a giveaway
Good luck guys!
Hopefully i win….although it would be a miracle
Good luck
Rng of Hearthstone, please be with me !
And ofc GL everyone !
I hope i could win, this could save me some money for another stuff
Best of luck to everyone!
Wish me luck
Very hopeful that I can Win. Thanks guys
Hope i win never won something
So this means every single participant can win? even if they had only, let’s say 10 entries point?
not the Highest Top-10 of accumulated entry points? Or did I read that wrong?
Everyone with at least 1 entry can win, more entries just increase your chance
Gl ppl
Hope I can win. Good luck, everyone!
Just felt like I should do everything possible. Lol like leaving a comment too.
Well, peace to all
thanks and gl to all
Thanks and good luck!
Good luck!
How much bundle you are giving to us 10? or 1 I dont understand
They are giving away 10 to 10 different people. So you can receive one pack.
Hope i win this too!
Can i win ? I hope so ! PEACE
100 entres, i hope i can win.
Funny how the 25 entry ones arent working for me. Im already registered to topdeck and I subbed to fan but still cant redeem my entries. Pls help!
Me too and Ivisited hs page for like 100 times and nothing
dunno i cant join dc room announcements and when im on discord there it say that i didnt joined that channel
Me too, i actually koined the room but it wont give me the 10 entries…
You have Discord installed, right?
If you try to get the entries let it guide you to the browser version of Discord and don’t jump to the installed version. That should work.
wait, so if I’ve gotten the standard bundle already I can’t win anything for myself? Or is it still possible to get the mega bundle- I’m kinda confused
The way I understood it, is that you can only win the 50 Cards bundle here, but you can still buy the 80 Cards bundle by yourself.
Not in this giveaway, no. You can still buy the Mega (80 packs) bundle, but we aren’t giving those away. You can still participate – and in case you win, can share the 50 packs bundle with your friend, family member or whoever you want.
And just an advice for the future – there’s zero upside in pre-ordering so quickly. You can wait until the very last day before the expansion and it will still be the same (price and what you get doesn’t change). In the meantime, there are lots of giveaways going on and you can always win in one of them
Will it be possible to choose on which account and region the bundle is gifted?
Good luck everybody!
As much as I like the idea of a giveaway, I don’t like how much data gleam gets from it
Sorry about that, it’s just the most efficient way to do a giveaway that everyone can participate in.
If you’re worried about giving away your data, you can always create separate accounts on the social media just for giveaways
Does it make much of a difference in how many points you get?
I don’t believe that it makes any difference. You might just need to add some random profile info and photos so it looks “legitimate” to Gleam.
Smashed it! Good Luck all!
Yeay hoping I will win