How Much Does A Full Hearthstone Expansion Cost (In Your Time Or Money)?

Hearthstone is a great game. Unfortunately, it’s also a very expensive game. While many people don’t have an exact sense for how expensive the game is, there’s a lingering sense among many players that the game is hard to get into, return to after a break, or even keep up with while you’re still playing unless you’re investing a large amount of time or money. Usually both.

These feelings have been brought out all at once by the recent changes to the “free” reward track in Hearthstone. I use the word “free” in quotes here because the content of the game – the cards themselves – are not actually free. What they are is available for purchase with your time, in addition to your money. 

What I wanted to do today was give a concrete sense for how much Hearthstone costs, both in terms of your time and your money, if you have a simple goal: you want to unlock access to all the content in an expansion. You just want the option to put any card from an expansion into your decks whenever you see fit. 

The Packs

To complete that goal, we first need to figure out exactly how many packs are required for a full set of 135 cards from an initial expansion, and then how many more you’d need for the 35 new cards from the mini-expansion. Previous estimates have put the original 135 card expansions at around 250 packs after duplicate protection got extended to all rarities. While that number might be slightly higher or lower depending on your pack opening luck, I’d say 250 packs is a pretty close estimate, and a simple number to picture.

However, now we have an additional 35 cards coming in mini-sets between expansions, raising the total number of cards required to 170. Exact numbers here again are hard to pin down since we don’t know the rarity distribution of the cards, but it represents an additional 25% increase in the amount of content in each set. Assuming you have everything from the original set, duplication protection should allow you to acquire all the new cards in about 40 additional packs if the new sets are anything like the old adventures. 

This leaves us with a goal of approximately 300 packs (rounding up for good measure, since we want to be sure we get everything, and it’s also a nice, easy number to wrap our brains around). What we want to know is how much money it takes to buy that in cash, and how much it takes to buy that in time.

Buying Hearthstone With Money

Let’s say you want to buy the latest expansion entirely in cash, day one of an expansion. 

This calculation is easy to do. At the time of writing, when I go into the Hearthstone store, I am offered Darkmoon packs at 60 packs for $70. We will want about five of these bundles to open the whole set. That’s $350 for one expansion. 

Now buying pre-order bundles makes this a little cheaper if you get in during the right window (since they aren’t available after release), and you can sometimes find a deal on Hearthstone packs through other bundles or using other methods of payment, like Amazon coins. 

  • Taking that into account, in total, all the cards should cost you somewhere between $300-$350.

That is the actual cost of Hearthstone, in cash, per expansion. When you look at three expansions over 12 months, that’s $900-$1050 each year. (I’m assuming that you don’t need any cards from the Classic set or from previous sets). No wonder the game seems expensive.

The Time

“Now that might seem expensive,” I hear you saying, “but what about all the stuff we get for free?” Let’s see how that works out. 

Bear in mind, this section gets a little more complicated than buying in cash.

Before we begin, I’d like to again mention that this content we earn isn’t exactly “free”. Instead, we pay for it with our time. This is why we have daily quests (more like “daily tasks”) and rewards for time spent playing the game, rather than just resources that get dumped into our account. We do a service for Blizzard by engaging with their game, and that service is compensated with rewards. It’s like a little job (and hopefully one you enjoy doing) 

Let’s assume you’re going to complete every single one of your daily – and now also weekly – quests. After the most recent update, Your daily quests should award about 950 XP each day, while your weekly quests add another 6000 XP over seven days. This is 12,650 XP each week, or about 1,807 a day. Since we are seeing 3 expansions a year, that means about 122 days between expansions. So, that totals an expected 220,471 XP over four months. In terms of the reward track, that puts you at level 50 with about 65,271 XP to spare. The level 50 barrier is important to note, as once you cross it, XP converts to gold at about a 30-to-1 ratio.

  • Summary for quests: This brings us to a first total. Your quests will earn you 5,650 gold from the reward track through level 50, as well as about 2,200 from levels 51 and beyond. In total, that’s about 7,850 gold from dailies/weeklies.  

Now we have to factor in how much XP you earn from playing the game, and this is where things get really messy. You earn different amounts of XP depending on what game mode you’re playing in, whether you win or lose, how long the match goes, and how much time you spend playing games vs looking to find them in the queue, building decks, or doing anything else in the client.

To make this as simple as possible, I’ll stick to only two numbers: 300 and 400 XP per hour, on average. This roughly corresponds to the in-match time for play in Battlegrounds and Ranked ladder, respectively. 

After level 50, the reward track will offer 300 further levels that reward 50 gold each. So how long does it take to reach level 350 from play? If you have done all your quests, you should be about level 93, so you’ll have 257 more levels to earn at 1500 XP each. This means you’ll need 385,500 more XP. 

  • Summary for game play: This brings us to our second total. At our above rates, we’ll need between 964 and 1,285 hours of in-match time, or 8 to 10.5 hours of play a day to max out the pass. (This number underestimates the amount of total time investment, since finding games and making decks also takes time)

However, there’s one more thing to consider: assuming we have done all our quests and played the game like a machine, we would have earned around 22,850 gold. Rounding up, we earned 223 packs. The problem here is that a full expansion worth of cards requires 300 packs. Over four months of doing very little else than playing Hearthstone with our hypothetical lives, we’re still about 70 packs short of having an expansion. You cannot earn a full expansion before the next one has released, no matter how much you play. 

So, we’ll need to cover the rest in cash, which is close to $80.

  • Total Summary: Hearthstone expansions cost somewhere between $300-$350 in cash, or about 9.25 hours a day, every day, plus $80 more.

Your Reaction To Those Numbers

Hearthstone costs about $300-$350 an expansion in cash. You can pay for that content by playing the game, which rewards you with about $0.22 an hour, including your quests and in-match time. 

Faced with this, some players might realize the cost of the game is astronomical when compared to other video games. Whether you’re talking cash or time, Hearthstone asks a lot. This puts those feelings of slow progress that players have into real, and frankly, intimidating numbers. 

It gets worse when you realize these numbers don’t even account for how players can set themselves back by dusting cards. That’s right, it’s even possible to make the system worse than this if you get impatient and want something now. It’s no wonder that many passionate fans of the game (myself included) don’t feel they can recommend it to friends, or that many players exit the game over time. People want to play and explore the game. They don’t want to work at a video game job until they’ve saved up enough to play.  

One reaction to these numbers is to try and rationalize the cost of Hearthstone. 

Maybe there’s some massive error in the math and the real cost of the game is actually only $250 an expansion. Except even that still feels pretty expensive, doesn’t it? 

It’s cheaper than buying cards for a physical game, like Magic, but why are we comparing them? Hearthstone is cheaper than buying a car, too. It’s not like you own any Hearthstone cards, anyway. You’re merely paying to rent access to them on an account which cannot be sold and can be terminated at any time Blizzard sees fit.

“You don’t need all the cards,” is another response, and while that’s true it’s not a great response either. First, if it’s truly irrelevant whether players have all the cards or not because they’ll only use, say, 40% of them, then what’s the harm in players having access to the cards they won’t use? The answer, of course, is that there is no harm to that. 

Second, even if players won’t use all the cards, we have to purchase card packs that pull from the entire pool. You don’t get to pick which ones you want to open from packs. As such, asking that players be able to access all the cards is reasonable. Doubly so when players don’t really know which part of the content they want until they’ve tried it.  

Finally, some will simply say that Blizzard is a business, and all they care about is making as much money as possible off their products. The assumption (or fear) here is that if Hearthstone card content was too accessible for time, no one would pay for the game and it would die. Except that forgets cosmetics are a thing. Perhaps players will spend more on cosmetics when they don’t have to worry about not affording content. Perhaps players will spend more money when spending money feels good. And right now it doesn’t feel good to spend money in Hearthstone.

Another, better reaction to seeing the real time/money costs of Hearthstone is simple: demand better for yourself as a player. If Blizzard is free to demand as much as they do for the content, you’re free to demand more for your time and money. 

There should be no reason that we’re paying more than the price of a full video game for well under half an expansion. There should be no reason that a game advertises itself as “free to play” while locking players out of huge portions of the content even if they do little else with their life than play the game.

The demands Hearthstone places on a player’s time and money aren’t reasonable. To make them reasonable, you have to demand reasonableness with your actions.    


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  1. SupHypUlt
    December 12, 2020 at 5:45 PM

    Nice analysis. MDF will probably the last expansion spending real money to HS for personal financial reasons and as a lot of people already emphasize that single mega bundle pre-order of an expansion could multiple full games on Steam especially during those seasonal sale.

    As someone who transitioned to Wild for quite sometime already, I think being FTW will be manageable.

  2. MRF808
    December 11, 2020 at 3:11 PM

    I have two accounts , so I have more playable decks , I don’t craft same cards on both accounts , for example Reno decks are in account 1 and secret mage is on account 2 and …..
    You have to be smart to craft cards .
    I think it’s best way to enjoy hearthstone for free. Really it looks you have bigger collection that satisfies you . Just try

  3. Axiotes
    December 11, 2020 at 9:22 AM

    I’m a mostly FTP player (I’ve spend $20 once or twice a year, like for the Galakrond’s Awakening adventure), and I haven’t had too much trouble getting enough cards to have fun and play several high level decks in every meta. It’s true you can’t just try out anything that comes up–for example, I haven’t collected Warrior cards for the most part and can’t throw together an ETC Control Warrior–but if you make smart choices and manage your dust, you can have fun with a lot of options.

    There are two downsides to this strategy. First, it did take a while to get my collection established. The first several months were a lot of losing, and I could see how that could be frustrating. Second, I never have much to work with in the first couple of weeks of an expansion. It takes time to collect the basics of a set, and because of the need to be efficient, you have to wait before things settle down before you can commit your dust.

    So in my experience, it simply isn’t true that you can’t have a fun experience without paying a lot. You have fewer options, but that seems fair. Now, I agree that the _paid_ options should be a lot better. I’ve never considered buying the big packages because it doesn’t seem like you get enough for the price, as JAlexander said. Ironically, I might be willing to pay if the options for paying were a better deal!

  4. PitLord
    December 11, 2020 at 5:14 AM

    I like the part, when he says “assuming you play the game like a machine” indeed you need to be a bot to farm gold with all those hours lol.
    I have in mind a theme brawl, “battle of the bot” when you let the IA play for you and the best IA win (well win it’s not important anymore for gold).

  5. Nephilim99
    December 11, 2020 at 5:02 AM

    Great analysis. It should be interesting to do the same exercice on; how much pack/gold do you really need to keep updated with each expansion? For standard? For wild?

    • LackShave
      December 11, 2020 at 9:01 AM

      “Keep updated” is very subjective. In terms of keeping one meta deck up to date, pretty sure this is comfortably possible for f2p even if the deck occasionally dies off and you need to rebuild from scratch. (Getting started on a legendary-heavy paladin or warrior deck is another story…)

      You can also easily keep up with most/all of Stonekeep’s budget decks. Some of them are really quite strong.

      But if your goal is having X meta decks with perfect lists, the cost is going to go up depending what X is. The preorders should be enough to keep most players comfortably competitive but you need complete collections to play any deck you want whenever you feel like it, and as this article shows, that is quite expensive. (But as other comments note, even paying players still get gold so I think if you do all the quests it’s more like $600-700 per year)

  6. DrNoOne86
    December 11, 2020 at 3:40 AM

    I have no idea where these numbers are coming from… I’ve been playing since launch, but didn’t spend any money on the game until KnC. Here’s how my usual expansion experience goes:

    I buy both Prerelease Bundles, for 130 cards. I save 6000 gold through the expansion, an easy thing to do just by completing daily quests and playing moderately (while also wasting a fair amount of gold opening Wild packs for no particular reason). Between those two things, plus the 4-5 free packs from drops or whatnot and the dust that has accumulated through Brawl packs, I always have every card of the set on day 1 (barring maybe 1-2 of the meme epics of the set).

  7. Thmaszhnag
    December 10, 2020 at 7:10 PM

    Thank you, excellent article.

    300$ every four months is unreasonably expensive to get the full experience of each expansion. You can buy MULTIPLE triple A games with that money that you can enjoy the full experience of with that money. Yeah sure, you don’t need to play the ten classes and all 24 legendries, you could just stick to the meta and craft what you need and all, but gosh does it feel like shit when so much content is locked behind unreachable money walls.

    Look, I know it’s your money, pay for Hearthstone if you love and support it, of course it’s your decision. And yeah yeah it’s the nature of any card game. But what is even the publicity strategy here? For Hearthstone to be an exclusive rich-people card game? A game where the cool kids with either tons of money or time to burn can show off their exclusive off-meta legendries? Sure it makes me go wow when I see a token Greybough Druid on ladder, because not only are they taking a risk losing rankings, but also taking risks crafting a terrible legendary. But honestly is it really a cool flex? Personally I’d argue no.

    I think Hearthstone should be more open to people experimenting with cards and different decks and money shouldn’t be an obstacle to that.

  8. Kobayashi
    December 10, 2020 at 6:35 PM

    It’s true that getting a full expansion set, without dusting and crafting any cards, is expensive. But I don’t think that’s necessary to enjoy the game or to play competitively. Several of the legendaries each expansion never even see play. I’m perfectly fine not having cards that I know I’m not going to use. Also, if you really need to get a full set, do you really need to keep buying packs until you get all of them? Why not just craft the ones you need? Are you saving your duplicates and your dust for something else?

    As far as the gold/XP calculations here and in other places where people are complaining that Hearthstone is too expensive, a lot of things are missing. If you take everything into consideration, it’s much harder to calculate, but it seems obvious to me that they add up to a lot. I haven’t done the math, but I think the dust value equivalent of the following items (for my expected gameplay) is worth more than 50 packs. I don’t think the system is nearly as greedy as some people are making it out to be.

    Other comments have already mentioned dusting cards and arena as ways to work towards completing a set besides just buying packs. Here are some more ways to get packs and other rewards:

    The monthly ranked chest rewards, the one-time ranked chest rewards, a pack a week for the tavern brawl, heroic duels (with rewards like arena), XP for certain achievements in duels and gameplay (I estimate I’ve gotten about 45,000 XP from those, equivalent to 15 packs), in-game festivals that give you free stuff and legendary quests, and promos like Twitch drops and choose your champion that give you packs.

    Also, the rewards track for each expansion up to level 50 doesn’t just give you gold. It gives you 2 legendaries, an epic, 2 tavern tickets, and 11 (I think?) packs.

    Many of these rewards are not going to give you packs or cards for the current expansion, but they are worth dust you can use to craft missing cards, at the very least.

    I’d guess that in the current system, someone who buys the pre-order and plays for a couple hours per day could collect a full expansion set if they wanted, by dusting duplicates and crafting the missing cards. Although it may take you until closer to the end of that expansion to complete it.

    • EarlGreen
      December 10, 2020 at 11:06 PM

      Can confirm. I completed SA and am missing only a couple cards (0-2 legendaries and a couple epics pre dupe protection) from other expansions with the large preorder bundle. I sometimes spend 20 additional € on good deals mid expansion and play arena rather efficiently for a net worth of around 20-30 packs/ expansion.
      My gold income through standard pre battle pass was probably below average. I buy 60 packs with gold at the start of an expansion.
      While doing so, I don’t DE golden cards and my dust pile is growing.

      When we complain about the cost of the game, we should argue with realistic terms.
      300€/year unlocks virtually 100% of content with some smart decisions and average investment. And I definitely don’t play 8-10/day (prob. around 2)
      Thats still a lot of time and money and a compensation for mid expansion sets is definitely needed.

      I also agree that you can not justify taking breaks from the game since you’re behind immediately and have to fill the gap with money. (Or handle the gap in your collection for 2 years …)

      I would love a system that grants everyone a +- full collection towards the end of an expansion. If you want the cards early, you gotta pay – seems fair to me.

      • MysteriousRiverman
        December 11, 2020 at 12:34 AM

        Nice! :))) Lot of dedication 🙂
        And cool idea, but I think filling your collection after an expansion goes live would make bought packs during the last expansion feel worse.
        I personally think the solution would be to increase rewards by at least 4 times, to counteract the fact that dusting commons and rares reduces your average gold-to-card-value ratio to 4/1 after getting them all from the first 40 packs.

        • MysteriousRiverman
          December 11, 2020 at 12:35 AM

          Makes getting the legendaries and epics you want easier, but still difficult.

          • Kobayashi
            December 11, 2020 at 10:32 AM

            I wouldn’t complain about more rewards, but 4x seems a little excessive. I think 90% of the people who currently pay for packs would then have no reason to pay anything, because they could get a full collection going F2P. That’s cool and all, but that doesn’t leave much of a business model.

            I started paying for bundles a couple years ago when I decided I didn’t want to spend so much time choosing what old cards to dust. Before that, I was able to make plenty of competitive meta decks by crafting the cards I needed.

            My general feeling is that casual players should be able to enjoy the game F2P, but expect to have some limitations. You can always sacrifice older cards in your collection to craft missing new cards you need for a top tier deck. That’s what I did early on.

            If you’re playing semi-competitively (entering tournaments or trying to get to legend), I feel like you shouldn’t have a problem with paying a little bit of money (i.e. $80 for a bundle, 3x a year) and dusting old duplicates to get 95%+ of the cards in an expansion, and probably all the ones you’re going to play with. If you’re a completionist and need the full set on release day because you want to show off, or you want to craft the remaining bad legendaries to make silly/meme decks, then you should expect to pay more.

            I do think the dust ratio is an issue. Dusting 4 legendaries to get 1 of your choice is painful. Reducing the ratio from 4/1 to 3/1 or 2/1 would be more reasonable. I think that would be an easier sell than increasing the rewards by a significant amount. Of course, if Blizzard changes the dust ratio, people will complain if they just dusted a bunch of cards because they’ll feel like they’ve been ripped off.

    • Kobayashi
      December 13, 2020 at 7:18 AM

      Correction: I’ve gotten around 15,000 XP from achievements in duels and gameplay (at the time of my comment), equivalent to 5 packs. My calculation used the 15,000 XP number, but I mistakenly wrote 45,000 XP in my comment. So yeah, that’s a significant difference in terms of whether going after achievements is worth it.

      According to Stonekeep’s article on the progression system guide, there’s a maximum of 27,300 XP you could get from achievements in duels and Darkmoon gameplay. If you use the basic calculation of 30 XP = 1 gold, that’s 910 gold maximum you could get from all those achievements. When I think about it that way, it’s not really worth the time (for me) to go after the harder ones to try and get that last 400 or so gold.

  9. H0lysatan
    December 10, 2020 at 6:07 PM

    Excellent Analysis. Thanks for this good read.
    By the way, I’m assuming you’re saying it’s a better option to buy the whole adventure like GA for 2800 golds and get all the cards rather than spend ~4000 golds for a “chance” to get all the cards. (Even when both is bad options at all). Why not just give them free like Initial cards for DHunter? #facepalm

    Pfft. I wouldn’t be surprised if the grandmaster tournament later will be full of anti-blizzard statement once again.

  10. PPAP
    December 10, 2020 at 2:26 PM

    I’m F2P. I’ve spent somewhere around an hour a day on average playing, and started a long time ago (GvG). I was fine with the price, because just by completing quests I got ~70 packs each expansion, which was the right amount to have every common and rare, with being able to easily craft whichever epic or legendary I want (still have more than 30k dust, and duplicate cards more than double that). But THIS time, it is different.
    The rewards track just isn’t good enough now. Only when the average daily quest is the equivalent of 60 gold we would break even, but the fact is that when 1000xp is worth 30 gold (40 after the “fix”) it is just not enough for us, the casual F2P players to keep playing the game. Not only progress is really slow now, it got boosted early on with all of the advancements that were immediately completed.
    Not only that but everyone forgets the most annoying part – the middle of the year expansion extension, which will force us to buy more old packs, and even when we spend all of our gold, we would still open old cards (epics and legendaries, because duplicate protection guarantees the new commons and rares, but who cares about them anyway?)

    • Zombie69
      December 10, 2020 at 7:19 PM

      You’re forgetting weekly quests, which give about as much as daily quests. If you run the maths on everything that can be gained right now, you’ll see that you’re actually getting more gold over the span of an expansion than in the old system. That’s why the whole uproar is completely absurd.

      • Zombie69
        December 10, 2020 at 7:20 PM

        Forgot to mention achievements, which give XP as well (not all of them, but enough of them to matter.

        • PitLord
          December 11, 2020 at 5:19 AM

          Many of that need a specific legendary to be accomplish.
          Sure sometimes you can complete it without (i menage to play the rabbit at 1 mana without deck of chaos in warlock for example, or divine shield army without Lexxarion of pala), but it’s rare.

          • Zombie69
            December 14, 2020 at 1:14 PM

            It’s possible to complete them in Arena without owning the card, though that will take longer.

  11. IRthrPlayMTG
    December 10, 2020 at 1:41 PM

    *Tears up* (Starts slow clap)

    Yet people will defend this greed and Hearthstones mis-advertising as F2P.

    Blizzard turned a once fun, affordable game, into a stale grind of buying virtual pull tabs that you can’t even redeem.

    I started playing LoR and have been enjoying the experience, I suggest others do the same if they’re unhappy with what’s become of the game.

    • Dallascold9
      December 13, 2020 at 6:29 AM

      As have I. Haven’t spent any money and already have a sizeable collection within a couple days. 60-80$ for an expansion doesn’t speak as much volumes when new options are coming providing options where that same amount could get you a whole games collection with extra cosmetics

  12. Killyridols
    December 10, 2020 at 1:38 PM

    Why would you need to open 40 packs to get two copies of 35 cards? It might take you 10-15 packs to get all the commons and rares. And, then you just craft the few epics and legendaries.

    • H0lysatan
      December 10, 2020 at 5:49 PM

      I’m replying your statement out of pure assumption that you don’t know how many that “few epics and legendaries” gonna be.

      If we’re having the same rarity distribution like Galakrond’s Awakening, which is 4 epics and 4 Legends. That means we need to create 8 epic cards (two copies each) and 4 legends and it would cost to 9600 dust (assuming again that you wanna have every cards).
      Opening 10-15 packs will net you about ~400-600 dust (only counting the extra rares and commons). Is it close to the 9600 dust we need?

      Even if you already have dusts from the extra cards you have from previous Darkmoon, you may need about 200 packs to come close to have as many as 9600 dusts. So yes, as OP suggested, we might need another 40 packs to open up to 4 legends and epics, maybe even more.

    • Old Guardian
      December 11, 2020 at 6:56 AM

      Assuming the same rarity distribution as in Galakrond’s Awakening, the situation is actually a little worse: it takes around 50 packs to get the full mini-set if you start with all of the original expansion.

      Purely from opening packs, it’s 8.4 packs to get all the commons, 21.0 to get all the rares, 36.2 to get all the epics, and 72.7 to get all the Legendary cards, on average. However, you will be able to use dust to craft the final Legendary card earlier, so it works out to around 50 packs.

  13. Lanakias
    December 10, 2020 at 1:27 PM

    The best article i have read on any Hearthstone page. Only ppl can change that. Stop paying money to them. Play more casual and have 1 – 2 deck max or choose another game. But you definitely do not give 300-400 dollars to them in every expansion like every streamer did. Streamers get their money back. You not. Simple

  14. Killyridols
    December 10, 2020 at 1:21 PM

    The money cost assumes you don’t dust any extra cards, and don’t craft anything? If so, that doesn’t make sense. I have gotten a whole collection of every set since beta. I never spend more than the 80 dollars for a big preorder. The rest I get with gold/dust.

  15. Hoobles
    December 10, 2020 at 11:47 AM

    Great article. The monetary and time demands of Hearthstone are totally unreasonable now. Few players have the time to grind through 50+ levels to get some gold. The new system actually encourages people to use bots.

    • Killyridols
      December 10, 2020 at 1:39 PM

      I’m at level 43 as of today. And I maybe play 90 minutes a day, And this is before the changes. I will probably be to 50 by the end of next week.

      • Gibilan
        December 11, 2020 at 12:54 AM

        Yeah. Keep lying to yourself with that 90min/day lvl 43 :)).

        • Killyridols
          December 11, 2020 at 9:11 AM

          I did by the pass, so the XP boosts helped a lot.

          • Gibilan
            December 11, 2020 at 9:25 AM

            I`m 47 on the pass (also xp boosted) and i for sure haven`t played 90min/day. So do the math again

            • Killyridols
              December 11, 2020 at 6:41 PM

              my average is around 90 minutes a day. I have also gotten a lot of the friend quests from friends, and also twice myself.

  16. Zombie69
    December 10, 2020 at 11:18 AM

    It costs a lot less of your time if you’re efficient at collecting packs. I play Arena (about 6-win average) which gives me about one free pack every two hours and Masters Qualifiers, which are even more efficient. I’m F2P and I open about 300 packs per expansion, and I only play about 60 to 90 minutes per day. The game is very generous to F2P players, they just need to know how to get their packs and how to be efficient about it.

    • Solaris29
      December 10, 2020 at 2:16 PM

      master qualifier take a lot of time. in arena if you have an average 6 win it means somebody have loses , so i dont think everybody can have a good winrate.

      • Zombie69
        December 10, 2020 at 7:38 PM

        They don’t take that long, you play best of 3s until you lose one. That usually doesn’t take long. Like I said, I play about 60 to 90 minutes per day on average and that includes Masters Qualifiers, Arena and everything else.

    • PPAP
      December 10, 2020 at 2:33 PM

      But I want to play the game not to maximize gold gain, but to actually have fun. The game is not bad for F2P players, it is bad for F2P casual players. I can assure you that 0% of casual players are masters qualifiers, which in return gives them at most 80 packs for playing 2 hours a day.
      I like my casual home-brew weird decks that try to do something different. Arena and duels are simply not fun for me, and battlegrounds gives virtually no rewards. This leaves only constructed as the way to earn gold, and while is was fine then, the new system is just not enough

      • Zombie69
        December 10, 2020 at 7:36 PM

        I’m not a Masters Qualifier either, I just play in them and everyone can. I don’t know if I count as casual at about 60 to 90 minutes of playtime per day on average, but I’m definitely not hardcore, that’s fore sure.

    • KingArthas
      December 10, 2020 at 2:51 PM

      Let me get that right because I’m a F2P player too. Let’s say you collect 100 gold per day (60 g. from quests on average and 40 g. from 12 wins) because you play 60-90 mins per day. That means 1 pack per day or 30 packs per month or 120 packs during the four month period between expansions. How on earth did you manage to collect 30.000 g. to open 300 packs??????

      • Zombie69
        December 10, 2020 at 7:15 PM

        I get about 120 packs per expansion as rewards in free to enter Masters Qualifiers and I get some more in Arena, at about 10 gold each at my current winrate (i.e. the 150-gold ticket gives me on average a pack plus 140 gold). Most of my packs are not bought directly with gold but obtained in other ways, which are available to anyone who’s good enough and willing to play those modes. Of the 60 to 90 minutes per day that I play on average, the vast majority is played in those modes. I don’t get anywhere near 12 wins per day in normal play mode, I don’t play that much. I get to Legend in the first few days of the month and complete my quests but that’s about it.

        • Thmaszhnag
          December 10, 2020 at 7:52 PM

          If it’s about playing well, you don’t need even the tenth of each expansion. Sticking with budget aggro with high play rates can get you a lot of gold and pretty high on ladder, no doubt. But this is about having the opportunity of casually experimenting with cool combos yourself. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who want to experiment with Big Beast Leoroxx, but oh sorry you won’t get that far with that off-meta card, best go craft Dragonbane and stick to Face Hunter, at least the winrate will be above 50%. Why would any sane person pay 300$ just to lose on ladder? So I can congratulate myself for winning with my stupid combo 1/10 of the time?