Update: Added Signature versions of Hero cards at the bottom of the post.
The latest Hearthstone mini-set has been announced. It’s called Heroes of Starcraft and it will be released with Patch 31.4 on Tuesday, January 21. Once the mini-set is out, we’ll be on the lookout for any new decks to post – but first, we have a short card reveal season ahead of us!
Mini-Set Reveal Schedule
The card reveals will start today and continue throughout the week. Times listed below are in CET. If you want to find the schedule in your own time zone, visit the official Hearthstone website here.
Card List
Here are all of the cards from the mini-set revealed so far. Click on any of them to go to that card’s page to see more details and community discussion.
Death Knight
Demon Hunter
Interceptor (Carrier Token):
Transformed Hellion:
Transformed Siege Tank:
Ultralisk Token:
Transformed Thor:
The only “true” Neutral card in the mini-set will be Grunty (not revealed yet). Other Neutral cards belong to one of three factions, and only classes from that faction can play it.
Zerg Cards
Zerg faction cards can only be played by Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock.
Larva Token:
Protoss Cards
Protoss faction cards can only be played by Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue.
Zealot Token:
Terran Cards
Terran faction cards can only be played by Paladin, Shaman and Warrior.
2/1 Starship Pieces for Lift Off and Starport:
Battlecruiser (Terran Starship):
Marine Token:
Yay, finally