Our Hearthstone meta tier list ranks the top decks for The Great Dark Beyond expansion (with Heroes of StarCraft mini-set). We always try to include one of the best deck lists for each archetype. However, if you’re looking for an alternative, we also link archetype pages so you can check out different versions.
If you win 5 games on the Hearthstone ladder, this is the card back you will receive this month (Season 132):

Meta Tier List Rankings
If you are curious what the absolute best decks are right now, here’s a list of them below. This list of deck rankings is based on various sources including Vicious Syndicate, HSreplay, as well as our own ladder experience. The provided decks are sample lists and aren’t always the only option when building for that particular archetype (for a full list of decks, click the link below description).
Tier 1 Decks
Tier 2 Decks
- 1Catch of the Day2
- 1Cup o’ Muscle2
- 2Birdwatching2
- 3Food Fight1
- 3Punch Card1
- 3Reserved Spot2
- 4Char2
- 5Warsong Grunt2
Tier 3 Decks
- 1Deafen2
- 1Glacial Shard2
- 2Photon Cannon2
- 2Quick Pick2
- 3Swarthy Swordshiner2
- 3Void Ray2
- 4Chrono Boost2
- 4Cover Artist1
- 7Artanis1
- 1Deafen2
- 1Miracle Salesman1
- 2Birdwatching2
- 2Gold Panner2
- 2Photon Cannon2
- 3Void Ray2
- 4Chrono Boost2
- 7Artanis1
Why isn’t Malygos Shaman listed on any tier list? I have an 80% win rate with that deck in ranked, if played correctly it’s completely insane.
Which deck list do you use?
https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/malygos-shaman-rise-of-shadows-feno/ but swap both hauting visions for lightning storm and feral spirit
WHere is the combo ?
Where’s the love for Secret Hunter?
Great update, thanks for keeping us up to date with the still-evolving meta!
Just one question: What happened to Miracle Priest? Priest has the lowest winrate on hsreplay, but having zero good meta decks is pretty sad.
Priest isn’t in a great spot right now. Miracle version shows most promise, but it’s still not a great deck. Or rather, it IS great when it works, but it’s not an incredibly consistent one – you get a lot of terrible hands that you just can’t win with. It’s also pretty difficult, so in the lower ranks it’s a low Tier 3 deck at best. It got briefly popular in high Legend, but mostly because of the novelty – players still didn’t knew exactly what it can do and how to face it. Once they’ve started teching for it, it was no longer that good.
But it’s basically the story of Priest every rotation. The class has a pretty weak Classic set, which means that it relies heavily on the expansion cards. We just had a lot of the good expansion cards rotate out, and not enough were added in their place yet. I think that it should get better going into 2nd and 3rd expansion of this year. It happened in Year of the Mammoth (Highlander Priest), Year of the Raven (Resurrect Priest) and it will probably happen again once Priest gets more good tools. Of course, the perfect solution would be to fix their Classic set by buffing it a bit, but right now buffing is against Blizzard’s policy for some reason.
Looking back at Priest’s basic and classic set, it was pretty well suited to a classic value-oriented, control playstyle. Cheap card draw, value generation that didn’t pull you closer to fatigue in Thoughtsteal, and a bunch of cards that wanted to 2-for-1 your opponent, like Shadow Madness and Mind Control (removes an enemy minion & develops one of your own). Even Priest’s Hero Power seemed designed for value, its only advantage over Armor Up being that you could heal your minions to get more and better value trades with them.
The problem is that there’s been a ton of value power creep since then. The very concept of dealing with 2 of your opponents’ cards with just one of your own becomes a little suspect when the game is full of cards like EVIL Miscreant, Omega Assembly, Book of Specters and Crystalsong Portal that refill your hand very cheaply and efficiently. For the most part, I think that this has been a good thing for Hearthstone, as completely running out of steam because you have no cards in hand isn’t a lot of fun- remember Blizzard pushing no-cards topdeck Hunter, with cards like Brave Archer, Quick Shot and Core Rager? We’re a long ways from those days.
Priest’s classic set was strong in value but weak in tempo, and as value has cheapened that tempo weakness becomes all the more painful. By contrast, Rogue’s classic set was weak in value but strong in tempo, and with the value power creep, triggering Rogue cards’ combo mechanic becomes easier than ever, Edwin Van Cleef becomes even stronger, and Rogue gets a tier 1 deck with 21/30 cards from the Basic & Classic sets.
Great analysis and you are totally right. In MTG playing the value-war and getting 2-for-1’s is so important, but in HS there is so much value generation. I recently played a Rogue who very carelessly played all his cards and I had clearly stabilized, with 4 cards in hand and on a sure path to victory. Next turn he topdecks Myra’s Unstable Element and draws enough burn to finish me off. Not saying that MUE is an overpowered card or that this is a typical case scenario (we’ve all lost to lucky topdecks). I’m just saying that it feels completely wrong to get so outvalued by individual cards. It happened with the DK hero cards that pulled value out of thin air. And we still have it today, although not so blatantly, with Discover-like mechanics. And I love Discover, BTW, but not Elysiana/Master’s Call/Omega Assembly types of Discover that packs so much value in just one card.
Hearthstone manipulates with winrates!
I’m physic – mathematic and I’m always count my winrate, how could it be few days almost 72% and on third day I get only almost 15 losses straight and after winrate reached 56-57 I start winning again! How could it be possible without manipulating?))
Have some ideas about this?
They sure do. I can be on rank 15 and go to 11 and be almost to 10 and lose back down to 15 with a 80 percent win rate deck. And every player I face has a 11k or 1100 number after there name. It’s like there own employees are playing and can see every card in our deck during a game. I wouldn’t be surprise at this at all since they lose more players than they gain because this game is going to shit
This game makes me sometimes very nervous! Few my friends stopped to play at all cause of this! Greetings from Ukraine!
Yeah, it’s called being paranoid
But seriously: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias
Hahahahahahahaha! Awesome reply!
Yeah thanks a lot I know I’m insane for real. I tell you just that I’m from Ukrainian ghetto)) it’s war here and lots of things you never heard of) take care
So Dragon Paladin hasn’t made it?
Bummer. Was really looking forward to a good built.
Dragon Paladin turned out to be much weaker than suspected, There just aren’t enough synergies, and we don’t have anything REALLY powerful that would carry the deck. E.g. if Paladin got some Dragon synergy on the level of Drakonid Operative or Duskbreaker, then it would be an incentive to run Dragons. Right now, the best one we have is a 2 mana 2/2 with DS and Taunt – it’s good, but not good enough (especially since 2 health minions aren’t particularly popular in the early game and it often dies without getting good trades).
You’re archetype winrates have Even Warlock in them. And don’t have any Warrior types.
Just saying.
I’ve already said it below:
The stats are provided by metastats.net and it might take them a while to update for the new Rise of Shadows decks. Don’t pay attention to those for now.
You should still look for one! Isn’t having fun and playing a deck you enjoy more important than an winning an extra 1/10 games?
Valid point. I probably will.
It was just a sigh of disappointment.
“Decks you’ll have a hard time assembling in Specialist format”
These decklists are good, but I hope players can also get a workaround when playing in Specialist format tournaments. I haven’t watched a game from WCG 2019 Hearthstone (one of the tournaments that uses the new format) that is why I don’t have an idea how they did it.
Standard Tier List was just updated for the early Rise of Shadows meta! Let us know what you think.
And obviously, comments below this one are outdated.
Token druid appears as the highest tier but the winrates % are calculated against decks from the last year, actually all deck are, that dont make sense or is it an error in the chart?
The stats are provided by metastats.net and it might take them a while to update for the new Rise of Shadows decks. Don’t pay attention to those for now.
Thanks for your time and content mate. Well organized and short and sweet write up is just what we need to get an overall look at the current meta. Always appreciated.
I’m a dad legend legend boi, so my expertise is lacking but this looks quite accurate.
The meta seems balanced, at least theres almost a playble from each class!
ps: cant you creat a new thread in order to get free of the previous comments?? just because it gets to messy..
I know, but it’s mostly a SEO thing. Even though we have a lot of dedicated viewers, most of our views still come from random google searches, and we already have this post quite high when you look for the HS meta tier list (and a few other things). Making a new post every time would hurt that.
Also, I think that reading old comments to see what people thought of previous metas can be quite fun if anything. I’ll ask devs if there’s some way to e.g. black out outdated comments after update so they would be easily distinguishable.
Thank you for this. I hope you’ll never get tired giving tips about newbies. Btw i’m really hype about WCG for making Hearthstone as their official game titles, i can’t wait for it to start to learn some techniques.
That’s the card decks that i want to see on upcoming Hearthstone tournament at WCG. Crazy meta played by pro players? thats all i ask for
so tired of playing against braindead uncreative unoriginal decks copied directly from this site
Then quit the game and enjoy life
Agreed, if you aren’t having fun take a break!
Im a bit sad to see Mage actually not even on Tier 2-Lists anymore. What happened to Mage? In the early days of Hearthstone it was one of the best Classes and a long time it was even on Tier 2, but now? Mage is totally out of the Meta-Decks and the Nerf to Mana-Wyrm was unnecessary. I pray for a Comeback in the new expansion.
Aggro Odd Mage listed as a Tier 1 deck.
Aggro Mage is back in full force!
Thanks for the Odd Paladin add. The Witch Cauldron and Liam make it tier 1 though. This version tier 2?
And the MechaTuna Warlock deserves a spot I think.
Eh… You seem to have forgotten Tier 1 Odd Paladin. Beats every deck on the list except Resurrect Priest and OTK Paladin.
Odd Paladin isn’t tier 1 anymore cause of the 5 cost Level Up is now 6 cost which ruins the odd Paladin deck.
But that is where the Frostwolfes come in. Liam and a Cauldron aswell but adding them depends on the amount of fun you want..
it’s still tier 1 after the nerfs.
Odd Quest Warrior is tier 1 ? You must be kidding !
No kidding. After the huge nerf patch that severely weakened huge amounts of armor (Druids), infinite lifegain (Kingsbane Rogue), and infinite swarm (Odd Paladin), odd-taunt (quest) warrior has been performing rather well.
Even Odd Dragon Warrior have similar winrates.
Yeah, from the context it seems like he meant to say a deck with no minions
What about mind blast control priest
Isn’t it great against odd pally, the no.1 deck
Control priest isn’t really a tier 1/2 deck, it doesn’t handle well early pressure, since it has little removal, so it loses to even/odd paladin, even shaman …
well, Wild Pyro and uhhhh
I guess you’re right
At least I have 2 accounts
Ha its back
Think you guys are sleeping on even pally. Its back, baby!
Hey, surprised to not see Shudderwock sham at least in T2. Same for Taunt Drood. To my mind, Even shaman/lock will the best decks in the next few months but shudderwock is still consistent.
Shudderwock probably isn’t on here because the way people use it is practically bug abuse. I’ve had games of ranked disconnect post update even after they shortened animations. Not to mention if you use it you give every one you play against cancer. Can’t wait until it’s removed from standard.
It’s not on here because it doesn’t really belong on here. It’s more of a tier 3 deck.
Well, every single shudderwock shaman that I have faced had perfect RNG
True story bro
There was just a major balance patch and this list got updated 3 weeks ago… I’m sorry but are you guys sleeping or what ? x’D
Do you think the meta resolves over night? It’s been three days since the nerfs, we have to wait until things are settled before making changes.
Ok ok makes sens, I’m sorry haha
Why is the decklists on this page different from in the guides?
The deck lists on this list are just examples, they aren’t always going to match the guides.
Pls send some guide for odd paladin. I think I don’t play IT right.
I am ať rank 15 and I can’t get to 14
It’s listed in the Odd Paladin area, but here you go: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/deck-guide/odd-paladin-deck-list-guide/
Is odd warrior better with Elise or with Darius (considering I can only afford one of them for the moment)?
Elise for longer matches and Darius against aggro.
In my opinion, Darius is not that good. I Used him since Witchwood release and i’m not that impressed. Never had a HUGE Darius because it’s so easy to kill him after your rush turn.
Ok thanks
Darius adds tempo, which the deck otherwise lacks. He’s vital in matchups against other control decks because he’s one of very few “threats” that have to be dealt with. Just something to keep in mind if you seek a replacement.
Every game is different. One game one card would help better and vice vers. But to make a choice I would go with Elise. Could get huge rng cards from her spell.
I dont use elise nor Darius. Im 71% wr (>40 games). Rank up from 14 -> 11.
Any deck love for priest?
Priest is not meta right now. But I am obsessed with Savjz’s new Big Priest. Look it up if you’re interested!
That deck is not big priest in my opinion. It’s more of a Velen-Malygos otk. It has like 6 minions that cost <5 and not that many big minions
it is actually 5/10 minion that are <5. It was originally created as a big priest by Savjz but other names have been adopted since early September including zerek priest, OTK priest etc.
Combo Priest is actually really good in this meta, although it struggles against aggro. You can look for the mech version.
Uh why is a ‘WAGGLELOCK deck not up there?!
toggwaggle with the-soularium
INSTA destroy 3 cards in your opponents deck! dropa ‘5-5’. AND AND AND force a 5 – mana depletion for your oppenent’s next turn.!!!!
AND BEST OF YET……make your opponent say to himself, “wtf just happened “as cursor-ing abck and forth between the different card infos consumes the next 10 sec of his turn@@@@GET OWNED OPPENENT!
“””BOOOOOOOM there goes their Hadronox…..OHHHH DAyum There goes Shittwok! OH MyHEAVINS there Goes his DR SHROOM”””
https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/recruit-emeriss-hunter-with-keleseth/ ı make thıs deck and ıts work!!
It hurts knowing that cubelock will only keep falling on these lists. It was such a good, fun deck, but I don’t see blizzard adding any significant cards to it before most of it’s core cards get rotated out next year.
The game is infinitely more fun since the fall of cubelock. It was broken af for a while there.
*laughs in highlander priest*
Laughs in Pirate Warrior (Though, I wasn’t here when it was dominant)
*Laughs in Jade Druid*
Why is Malygos Rogue not on the list? That is a tier 1 deck for sure… Who am I kidding, you insta lose to any aggressive deck. It’s nevertheless a very nice deck to try out.
Actually if you get lucky and curve out razorpetal weapon backstab elven into kobold and maly evasion vanish vanish kobold prep vial break weapon both razorpetals you can beat out zoo. But yeah, if a neutral heal for fairly cheap gets released that heals for 6 or 8 or something, it’s going in
I love secret hunter i reccomend this deck its soo good its not that good againts odd pali but like what can i do if i vet bad draw its hell and how can i get more draw bcs subject 9 its not enough
Take out tracking and add two secrets or spells. You lose 4 cards when using two tracking
Add Odd Warrior!
Add new
spietful drudi
Why the ones using netdecks are always the worst people? The fun aspect of this game WILL NEVER BE THE MAIN ONE.
You are free to make your own deck and try your luck. But dont cry for people who like be always 1 click after you! Meta is meta and if you dont follow dont expect your winrate to be under 50%
Did you read what the guy said? Who COPIES decks will never be a click after anyone, bro. And he doesnt expect to be ahead, just the game to be more fun. Those who copy meta decks never have fun, they are just focusing on winning more. You must be that guy that copy various decks (aggro ones I mean) and even disenchant to build such decks… just to hit legend and comment like you are a good player… hahaha. shame on you!
Or maybe, just maybe some people have fun while they are winning. Competing is in some people’s nature. We aren’t judging you for wanting to play wacky, fun decks, so please stop whining if we have fun winning. You can always just concede down to rank 20 if you want to play against bad decks.
“You can always just concede down to rank 20 if you want to play against bad decks.” …
Already done that in effect as I’ve not played enough standard ladder to keep my rank up … yes you get some bad decks at rank 20 (encountered someone who was obviously seeing how far they could get using nothing but basic cards yesterday) – but more often than not you just get net-decks piloted badly.
… and me, lulzing about with a Pogo-Rogue.
I guess you could call me a netdecker but I just want a deck that works and does something I like and not have to spend hours tuning a deck. If there was a Druid deck that was tier 0 I wouldn’t touch to save my life because I hate everything Druid stands for.
You edgelord!
So much hate. Lmao
Same, I used to play druid cos token was top tier but it got really boring so I stopped playing and I hate druid wether I’m playing with or against him it’s a really boring no skill class .
A deck to take a look at is odd warrior. Gets you a lot of really close grindy games! Absolutely stomps the aggro decks on ladder and can go toe to toe with many other control decks. It’s only glaring weakness rn is the mecha thun decks since it is super value oriented.
plz someone kill me this new expansion makes me wanna quite hs
The meta is always super aggressive at the beginning of expansions. It should settle down soon and the better decks will emerge.
I just really hate the control decks; togwaggle druid, any mech’thun, quest priest, big spell mage. I am an aggro player so I’m a bit biased but these matchups just feel unfun. It doesn’t matter if I have an amazing start there will alwayse be answers that I cannot deal with. I’m at rank 3 right now (so I shouldn’t complain that much), but all I see is control and it’s getting really boring.
Did you try bomb hunter it Aggro that has a pretty good chance to beat control
maybe you should quit hearthstone, after all you’re aggro player, right?
that’s mean
that’s funny tho
Are you aware, that not all people keep spending lots of money on this game, to make sure they can play a 10.000 dust deck?
As for me, I am playing Midrangehunter on the Ladder right now, because there is no way for me to craft a fancy Controldeck. And I am sure that most “Aggro- Players” play these kind of Decks for a similar reason.
In Addition to that, Aggrodecks are not hurting the game, nor the meta. Ot is people like you, who are to blame for a toxic community!
I’ve never put money on this game and I have three of those 10000 dust decks…
This is an ultimate bullshit. If you do your quests, taverns etc. You can save up decent dust in no time. Stop saying this game is for P2W . I have most TIER 1 decks crafted and I haven’t spend a single cent. Instead of being crybabies, put some effort into the game and stop babbling arround. Its irritating af.
control? no controll decks left in hearthstone, its all about super-ultra-mega-otk combos! (
Honestly Aggro is more boring.
You just see them go face over and over again.
Unless its Zoo, then its infuriating watching every single Zoo Warlock player you face have turn 2 Keleseth
Or Shudderwock, topdecking healing rain when I’m about to beat it
Agreed, the ladder games are cancer, full of druids, warlocks and rogues, all with just sleeper decks that will kill u at a certain stage
Why? this is one of the best expansions in my opinion and most if not all of 12!! top meta decks are relatively cheap to craft
What do you think about combo priest, especially after the new cards come out?
This might be a noob question, but what is the difference between a “ladder” deck and a “meta” deck? I’ve seen both types when searching for decks, but don’t see the difference between the two?
All meta decks are ladder decks, but not all ladder decks are meta decks.
In other words, you can use all ladder decks to climb, but the meta decks are the few at the top who can climb way easier than the other decks.
For example, Spiteful Priest is still considered a “ladder deck” based on this list (i don’t agree, I don’t think it’s a good ladder deck anymore, but that’s besides the point) while Odd Paladin is a meta deck. You can use both to climb, but since Odd Paladin is a much stronger deck based on the current meta, it’s a meta deck and Spiteful Priest isn’t.
At least that’s how I understand it.
Ohhh ok i see what you mean, yeah I was kinda thinking it was like that but wasn’t sure haha, thanks for the reply yo !
i think ladder decks means decks that is used to climb ladder fast from a low rank and meta decks are the best decks but might be slower to win with like controldecks
No difference. The meta is the ladder, the ladder is the meta. Meta is just the name given to the current ladder state since the last expansion.
is recruit hunter not a decent deck?
I mean recruit warrior :/
Feels fringe. In my opinion, the reason why a deck like Recruit Hunter is thriving better than Recruit Warrior is for two reasons:
1) it’s easier to recruit. Hunters just have better tools to recruit their big charge minions than warrior does. The most popular variation of Recruit Hunter runs the Seeping Oozeling / Silver Hand Vanguard combo which is very powerful. Not to mention using Play Dead to safely trigger deathrattles like Oozeling/Recruit/Cube/Kathrena which are a prime and easily achievable win condition.
In comparison, Warrior’s primary recruit mechanic is Woecleaver. Worst-case scenario your Woecleaver gets destroyed by Harrison/Ooze before you can use all three hits. that’s 8 mana wasted on summoning a minion that probably costs 8 mana (Lich King, Rotface, Grommash, Ysera, Geosculptor are the major cards you wanna recruit with Woecleaver). In addition, Geosculptor/Rotface are prioritized for their random minion summoning effect. While that can easily spiral out of control and win you the game, it’s possible to low-roll bad/useless legendaries and lose the tempo you were trying to gain. The most rng Hunter has to deal with is getting Silver Hand Recruit and Kathrena in hand to make Oozeling useless.
2) Like I mentioned earlier, Geosculptor/Rotface use spammable random legendaries to win you the game and that’s more rng dependent than Recruit Hunter is. Hunter has better minions to recruit, in my opinion. Devilsaurs, though neutral, aren’t run in warrior so Woecleaver pool of recruits isn’t saturated, thrive in Hunter, and King Krush is devastating to recruit. While Grommash can compare to Krush in terms of “cheating out high damage charge minion” Grommash is dependent on whether you can damage him to trigger his enrage effect. Krush has a raw 8, Grommash has a conditional 10.
Overall, Recruit Warrior depends on value generation from your recruited minions (Yip, Rotface, Ysera, Lich King are all devastating value engines if unanswered) and that greedy playstyle falls short when compared to Recruit Hunter’s less-rng dependent deck.
That’s, of course, my opinion, if anyone disagrees or wants to correct me you’re free to do so.
You should put in heal zoo ( warlock ) its very good in the current meta imo
, you can climb very easily on ladder
No you can’t. Lol. It’s a hot pile of garbage that only wins if you open perfectly. With so much taunt and better aggro on the ladder you just lose. Often. You literally can’t beat druid or shaman assuming they get any heals or board clears at all, and most of the other aggro decks are just better, unless, again, you get the perfect opener.
You’re joking right? Heal zoo is damn good rn. Easiest legend climb in a while
Even then its still not a guarantee win. Had a heal zoo pull of an ideal turn 3 with fungal into two ghouls and I still won with odd pally.
Why do the decks winrate/statistics say the winrate against secret paladin?
Whoops, that needed an update. Thanks for mentioning it!
ODD PALADIN SUCKS. very boring and predictable deck with no removal, sucks in about everything after rank 5
how is shudderwock only tier 3???
and also how is token tier one and taunt tier two, arent those backwards lol
Actually though. SHudderwock shaman in the same tier as mill druid?? Wut?? And the description says that the deck is likely not going to work??? SHudderwock shaman is at least a high tier two, if not a tier one, deck
Shudderwock shaman is a deck that requires a high level of skill to play. Players in lower ranks are less experienced and hence the lower win rate. The win rate is proportional to the rank tier.
how much better is normal quest warrior compared to odd quest warrior? I want to craft the deck but I’m on a budget and odd is cheaper for me
Sorry forget I said that, I have all the even cards
Much better.
Odd quest has significant weakness, you lack warpath & blood razor, both extremely great in clearing mass 1/1 mob.
Warpath allows you to deal 4 dmg to all minion when you’re turn 10 to use your hero power.
more importantly, you have cornered sentry for regular quest warrior. Gives you that bump in chance to defeat taunt druid. Without it, it’s very hard, especially when you only have maximum 2 AOE with odd quest – brawl & reckless.
Odd quest has a lot of AOE……. If you run brawl and reckless flurry, you have 4 are cards as well as shield slam for any large minions. Sure, you lack blood razor and warpath, but in exchange you get a hero power that gives you 4 armor rather than 2 and you have a strong anti ago deck. Not advocating for a tier 1 deck, but certainly is a solid deck even against decks that require high amounts of AOE….
This get is good, but not as good as claimed. I come only to rated rank 17 with it.
Sounds like a personal problem
Please update the Wild section as well. We’re immensely curious to see more of the most giants meta.
Update even paladin, please. It is still with “call to arms” which manacost was raised to 5.
Can you please update this site for the nerfs
Just curious why isnt Control Warlock in the list? It shud at least be tier 2 or 1.
Theres alot of good decks missing from this list.
Its a tier 1 deck
I need a hard counter deck for Even Paladin. Its winrate is ridiculous and I don’t want to play it myself. Any suggestions?
burst mind blast
taunt druid
Even Pally is being nerfed xd
It will drop to at least low tier on1
Quest Warrior is an autowin vs Paladins and agros
not many people at all play even paladin , there is one hard counter for ya
No one acknowledges the OTK Cube Hunter
35-2 I’m at
It’s unreal and no one knows about it
Dude post the deck recipe I want to see it!!
not sure how to lol, i can tho
main thing is like Spell hunter,
with Kathrena Winterwisp, Charged Devilsaur, Witchwood grizzly and Cube and King Krush as only minions
Is this with Keleseth or not?
hunter secrets are 2 mana dude
In the top right corner in the corner of this website, there is a thing that says “Deck Builder”. All you got to do to post it here is not select the private option, and you good. Please do this, as I’m interested to see the list too.
Just copy your deck then go to the deckbuilder page and paste it in then post the link on a reply?
What rank are you at? Is it the Clockwork Automaton + Cube combo? I’ve seen a list like that but it didn’t look practical at all.
nope. read above comment ^^
Going to rank 17 and playing an off meta deck doesn’t somehow make it incredible
What?OTK Hunter????
Please explain
You have to add Dinosize to the even paladin deck list, its absolutely insane as a finishet if you are playing against a slow deck as cube for example
Can someone send me a guide on how to use CubeLock cause I’m losing a ton with it and I think I’m using it wrong. thx
There’s a guide linked under the listing, but here it is: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/cube-warlock-deck-list-guide-standard/
Getting past Rank 13 is soo rough is their any advice that makes it easier?
I have CubeLock and Spiteful priest and its still insanely hard.
If you are still below a 50% we rate with those two decks, then I suggest to re-read the strategy posts for each and watch some streams featuring those decks for decision making tips.
Thanks I will.
I run a different varient of a secret aggro mage and it works extremely well against everything but odd paladin and shaman due to board flood and healing rain