There’s been a crazy amount of new decks coming out from the Grand Tournament. Priest is a popular choice, with the Dragon variant seeming very strong which is a bit of a surprise based on the lukewarm reception to all of their cards. Shaman is not as much of a surprise due to receiving a strong cards like Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic, and Thunder Bluff Valiant. Warrior which didn’t need much of a buff got a potentially new deck archetype with Bolster Warrior. Paladin has also seen a lot of play and is looked at as one of the future top competitive classes. Hunter’s new Lock and Load may very well spawn a new deck style, but the strength of the deck has yet to be fully harnessed.
- Here is the full list of Grand Tournament cards: The Grand Tournament Card List
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Stand Out Cards from The Grand Tournament (So far)
We’ve got all the lists below, so enjoy! Decks in Bold have been performing particularly well.
- Firebat’s Savage Midrange Druid
- Gnimsh’s Buff Druid
- Amnesiac’s Midrange (Fast) Druid
- Eloise’s Dragon Druid
- Reynad’s Midrange Druid
- Kolento’s Beast Druid
- Varannis’ Token Druid
- Kripp’s Midrange Hunter
- Orange’s Midrange Hunter
- Kolento’s Lock and Load Hunter
- Reynad’s Lock and Load Hunter
- MrYagut’s Aggro Freeze Mage
- Amaz’s Tempo Mage
- Brian Kibler’s Dragon Mage
- Kolento’s Inspire Mage
- Savjz’s Dragon Mage
- StrifeCro’s Dragon Mage
- Rdu’s Secrets Paladin
- Reckful’s Secrets Paladin
- Reynad’s Midrange Paladin
- Trump’s Midrange Paladin
- StrifeCro’s Midrange Paladin
- TidesofTime’s Malygos Shaman
- StrifeCro’s Midrange Totem Shaman
- Trump’s Midrange Shaman
- Jab’s Midrange Shaman
- Savjz’s Malygos Shaman