Hearthstone Patch 29.6.2 Teaser – Standard, Twist & Battlegrounds Balance Update

Blizzard just posted a teaser of the upcoming balance update for both Constructed and Battlegrounds! We knew that the patch would be coming soon because it was already teased in 29.4 (mini-set) patch notes – on top of the teased balance changes, it will also contain some Weekly Quest changes.

The patch contains 3 Constructed changes and a few dozen Battlegrounds changes (mostly Hero health changes, but it also has some proper balance adjustments). Constructed changes address some of the most popular cards in the format – Reno and Zilliax (Virus module in particular, Virus + Perfect has become a go-to version in many slower decks and it’s just too hard to deal with efficiently). The last change is to Celestial Projectionist, which might not seem like a problematic card, but it leads to some outrageous blowout turns in decks like Pain Warlock or Draw (Miracle/Giant) Rogue.

Until the full patch notes are released, we only know what cards are affected and not how! We don’t have a release date yet either. However, the usual schedule is a teaser on Tuesday and a patch on Thursday, which is what I would expect this time around too. If that’s the case, the patch should drop on June 27 around 10 AM PT (19:00 CET), with full patch notes shortly before that.

For now, learn more about the patch below:


Patch 29.6.2 Standard Balance Changes Under a golden Hearthstone icon are three pieces of card art encircled in red: Reno Lone Ranger, Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Virus Module), and Celestial Projectionist

Here’s a full list of Standard cards that are getting changed in the patch:


There are no Twist changes in the teaser images, but the social media post itself confirmed that Twist will be a part of the update. We knew that the patch would have Twist changes for quite some time anyway, but it’s good to have another confirmation.


And here’s a full list of Battlegrounds changes in the usual teaser images. One image is for proper balance changes and the other is for Hero Health changes.

Patch 29.6.2 Battlegrounds Balance Changes There is a golden Battlegrounds icon at the top of the image Under a green "Up" arrow are six pieces of card art encircled in green: Electric Synthesizer, Tarecgosa, Roaring Rallier; Whelp Smuggler; Moon Bacon Jazzer; and Boon of Beetles Under a red "Down" arrow are two hero portraits and three pieces of card art encircled in red: Alexstrasza (Hero), Onyxia (Hero), Trigore the Lasher, Iridescent Skyblazer, and Ghoul-acabra At the bottom are three other pieces of card art. With a green "Plus" sign is Hunter of Gatherers and Gem Smuggler With a red "Minus" sign is Draconic Deathscale

Patch 29.6.2 Battlegrounds Balance Changes There is a Buddies icon at the top of the image. Under a green "Up" arrow are 15 hero portraits encircled in green: George the Fallen, Murloc Holmes, Edwin VanCleef, Scabbs Cutterbutter, Varden Dawngrasp, Rokara, Galewing, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Mutanus the Devourer, Xyrella, Trade Prince Gallywix, Rock Master Voone, Fungalmancer Flurgl, Thorim Stormlord, and Dancin’ Deryl Under a red "Down" arrow are 22 hero portraits encircled in red: Alexstrasza, Queen Azshara, Cap’n Hoggarr, Yogg-Saron Hope’s End, Overlord Saurfang, Lich Baz’hial, Maiev Shadowsong, Doctor Holli’dae, Death Speaker Blackthorn, Snake Eyes, Chenvaala, Rakanishu, Greybough, Elise Starseeker, Vol’jin, Reno Jackson, Sneed, Professor Putricide, Ini Stormcoil, A. F. Kay, The Curator, and Madam Goya


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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