Hearthstone Global Finals, the biggest event of the year, has once again moved back to BlizzCon. In just few days, eight best players from around the globe (who qualified through Grandmasters league, or Gold Series in case of China) will fight for a title of 2019 Hearthstone Champion. Most notably – one of those players is tom60229, who has already taken the title once back in 2017, meaning that he can become the first two-times Hearthstone champion!
General Information
- Where: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, US
- When: November 1-2, 2019
- Prize Pool: US $500,000
- Casters: Simon “Sottle” Welch, Dan “Frodan” Chou, David “Justsaiyan” Shan, Edward “Gallon” Goodwin.
- Format: Players will go through dual tournament groups, then face off in a single elimination bracket. Games will be played in Shield-Phase Conquest with a ban format. Group stage will be Bo3, Semi-Finals and Finals Bo5.
Blizzard has prepared some amazing artworks for Global Finals participants, so we’ll take this opportunity to share them with you:
Where to Watch
Broadcast starts at 12 PM PT (8 PM CET) on November 1 and at 10:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET) on November 2.
Here’s a full list of streams in different languages:
- English – Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone
- Mandarin – Twitch.tv/HearthstoneZHTW
- Korean – Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstoneKR
- Japanese – Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstoneJP
- Russian – Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstoneRU
- Portuguese – Twitch.tv/copaamerica_pt1
- LatAm Spanish – Twitch.tv/copaamerica_es1
Twitch Drops
Twitch drops are back once again – you can earn free packs simply for watching the upcoming Global Finals tournament on any of the official channels listed above during official transmission times.
This time around, we’ll be getting more packs than usually. Instead of regular 2, we’ve got 5 packs in total – although there’s less time to get them (total time window is 16.5 hours). Watch the stream for 3 hours to get two Saviors of Uldum card packs. Watch for 3 more hours (so 6 in total) to get 3 extra packs. Total time counts, so if you e.g. watch it for 4 hours on the first day and 2 hours on the second, you will still get both rewards.
On top of that, 1,500 Classic Packs will be dropped for random people every hour. This reward is not guaranteed and (just like lots of things in HS) is RNG-dependent. If you get lucky, you might get a few of those, if you don’t – you won’t get any. Please note that those random pack drops WON’T be available on Portugese and Latin American Spanish streams (we don’t know the reason, just reporting).
But first, before being eligible for Twitch Drops, you need to link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts. If you still haven’t done that, here’s the official instruction on how to proceed:
- Log in or create an account on Twitch.tv.
- Navigate to the Settings menu by clicking your account name in the top-right corner of the home screen.
- Navigate to the Connections tab of the Settings menu.
- Find the Battle.net section, then follow the instructions after selecting a region and clicking Connect.
- When connecting accounts, be sure that you’re currently logged into the Blizzard account on which you’d like to receive your rewards.
[…] If you want to learn more about the tournament, check out our Survival Guide! […]
more packs, but no choose champion.
go PNC!
Oh yeah, I wish they brought that back. It made me feel more connected to a player I picked and I was rooting for them even harder.
I guess that Twitch drops make people watch the stream more, thus busting the numbers… but still. Since we’re getting more packs in total this time, the rewards could be spread between those two